An example of the AWSInstanceClass custom resource

Below is a simple example of custom resource AWSInstanceClass configuration:

kind: AWSInstanceClass
  name: worker
  instanceType: t3.large
  ami: ami-040a1551f9c9d11ad
  diskSizeGb: 15
  diskType:  gp2


Service object Annotations

The following parameters are supported in addition to the existing upstream ones:

  1. — if it has the none value, then the Target Group will only be created (without any LoadBalancer).
  2. — this parameter is used together with none:
    • Possible values:
      • tcp (default);
      • tls;
      • http;
      • https.
    • Caution! The cloud-controller-manager (CCM) will try to recreate the Target Group in response to changes in this field. If the Target Group has NLB or ALB attached to it, the CCM will fail to delete it and get stuck in this state forever. You have to manually disconnect NLB or ALB from the Target Group.

Configuring security policies on nodes

There may be many reasons why you may need to restrict or expand incoming/outgoing traffic on cluster VMs in AWS:

  • Allow VMs on a different subnet to connect to cluster nodes.
  • Allow connecting to the ports of the static node so that the application can work.
  • Restrict access to external resources or other VMs in the cloud for security reasons.

For all this, additional security groups should be used. You can only use security groups that are created in the cloud tentatively.

Enabling additional security groups on static and master nodes

This parameter can be set either in an existing cluster or when creating one. In both cases, additional security groups are declared in the AWSClusterConfiguration:

  • for master nodes, in the additionalSecurityGroups field of the masterNodeGroup section;
  • for static nodes, in the additionalSecurityGroups field of the nodeGroups subsection that corresponds to the target nodeGroup.

The additionalSecurityGroups field contains an array of strings with security group names.

Enabling additional security groups on ephemeral nodes

You have to set the additionalSecurityGroups parameter for all AWSInstanceClass that require additional security groups.

Configuring the load balancer if Ingress nodes are not available in all zones

Set the following annotation for the Service object: subnet-foo, subnet-bar.

You can get current subnets for a particular installation as follows:

kubectl -n d8-system exec deploy/deckhouse -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller module values cloud-provider-aws -o json \
| jq -r '.cloudProviderAws.internal.zoneToSubnetIdMap'