This version of the module is deprecated and is no longer supported. Use the sds-drbd module instead.

The module is guaranteed to work only in the following cases:

In all other cases, the module may work, but its full functionality is not guaranteed.

After enabling the module, the cluster is automatically configured to use LINSTOR, and all that remains is to configure the storage.

Some module functions may require a master passphrase (For example, remote S3 storage for backup purposes usage).
To set a master passphrase, create a Secret in the d8-system namespace:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: linstor-passphrase
  namespace: d8-system
immutable: true
  MASTER_PASSPHRASE: *!passphrase* # Master passphrase for LINSTOR

Choose a strong passphrase and store it securely. If it get lost, the encrypted data will be inaccessible.

LINSTOR storage configuration

LINSTOR in Deckhouse can be configured by assigning special tag linstor-<pool_name> to an LVM volume group or LVMThin pool.

  1. Choose the tag name.

    The tag name must be unique within the same node. Therefore, before assigning a new tag, make sure that other volume groups and thin pools do not have this tag already.

    Execute the following commands to get list volume groups and pools:

    # LVM pools
    vgs -o+tags | awk 'NR==1;$NF~/linstor-/'
    # LVMThin pools
    lvs -o+tags | awk 'NR==1;$NF~/linstor-/'
  2. Add pools.

    Add pools on all nodes where you plan to store your data. Use the same names for the storage pools on the different nodes if you want to achieve a general StorageClasses created for all of them.

    • To add an LVM pool, create a volume group with the linstor-<pool_name> tag, or the linstor-<pool_name> tag to an existing volume group.

      Example of command to create a volume group vg0 with the linstor-data tag :

      vgcreate vg0 /dev/nvme0n1 /dev/nvme1n1 --add-tag linstor-data

      Example of command to add the linstor-data tag to an existing volume group vg0:

      vgchange vg0 --add-tag linstor-data
    • To add an LVMThin pool, create a LVM thin pool with the linstor-<pool_name> tag.

      Example of command to create the LVMThin pool vg0/thindata with the linstor-data tag:

      vgcreate vg0 /dev/nvme0n1 /dev/nvme1n1
      lvcreate -l 100%FREE -T vg0/thindata --add-tag linstor-thindata

      Note! The group itself should not have this tag configured.

  3. Check the creation of StorageClass.

    Three new StorageClasses will appear when all the storage pools have been created. Check that they were created by running the following command in the Kubernetes cluster:

    kubectl get storageclass

    Example of the output:

    $ kubectl get storageclass
    NAME                   PROVISIONER                  AGE
    linstor-data-r1       143s
    linstor-data-r2       142s
    linstor-data-r3       142s

    Each StorageClass can be used to create volumes with one, two, or three replicas in your storage pools, respectively.

You can always refer to Advanced LINSTOR Configuration if needed, but we strongly recommend sticking to this simplified guide.

Additional features for your applications using LINSTOR storage

Placing the application “closer” to the data (data locality)

In a hyperconverged infrastructure you may want your Pods to run on the same nodes as their data volumes, as it can help get the best performance from the storage.

The linstor module provides a custom kube-scheduler linstor for such tasks, that takes into account the placement of data in storage and tries to place Pod first on those nodes where data is available locally.

Any Pod using linstor volumes will be automatically configured to use the linstor scheduler.

Application reschedule in case of node problem (storage-based fencing)

In case your application does not support high availability and runs in a single instance, you may want to force a migration from a node where problems occurred may arise. For example, if there are network issues, disk subsystem issues, etc.

The linstor module automatically removes the Pods from the node where the problem occurred (network or storage issues, etc.) and adds specfic taint on it that guarantees restarting pods on other healthy nodes in a cluster.