Пример для AWS (Network Load Balancer) | An example for AWS (Network Load Balancer) |
При создании балансировщика будут использованы все доступные в кластере зоны. | When creating a balancer, all zones available in the cluster will be used. |
В каждой зоне балансировщик получает публичный IP. Если в зоне есть инстанс с Ingress-контроллером, A-запись с IP-адресом балансировщика из этой зоны автоматически добавляется к доменному имени балансировщика. | In each zone, the balancer receives a public IP. If there is an instance with an Ingress controller in the zone, an A-record with the balancer’s IP address from this zone is automatically added to the balancer’s domain name. |
Если в зоне не остается инстансов с Ingress-контроллером, тогда IP автоматически убирается из DNS. | When there are no instances with an Ingress controller in the zone, then the IP is automatically removed from the DNS. |
В том случае, если в зоне всего один инстанс с Ingress-контроллером, при перезапуске пода IP-адрес балансировщика этой зоны будет временно исключен из DNS. | If there is only one instance with an Ingress controller in a zone, when the pod is restarted, the IP address of the balancer of this zone will be temporarily excluded from DNS. |
yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main spec: ingressClass: nginx inlet: LoadBalancer loadBalancer: annotations: service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type: “nlb” | yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main spec: ingressClass: “nginx” inlet: “LoadBalancer” loadBalancer: annotations: service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type: “nlb” |
Пример для GCP / Yandex Cloud / Azure | An example for GCP / Yandex Cloud / Azure |
yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main spec: ingressClass: nginx inlet: LoadBalancer | yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main spec: ingressClass: “nginx” inlet: “LoadBalancer” |
В GCP на узлах должна присутствовать аннотация, разрешающая принимать подключения на внешние адреса для сервисов с типом NodePort. | In GCP, nodes must have an annotation enabling them to accept connections to external addresses for the NodePort type services. |
Пример для OpenStack | An example for OpenStack |
yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main-lbwpp spec: inlet: LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol ingressClass: nginx loadBalancerWithProxyProtocol: annotations: loadbalancer.openstack.org/proxy-protocol: “true” loadbalancer.openstack.org/timeout-member-connect: “2000” | yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main-lbwpp spec: inlet: LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol ingressClass: nginx loadBalancerWithProxyProtocol: annotations: loadbalancer.openstack.org/proxy-protocol: “true” loadbalancer.openstack.org/timeout-member-connect: “2000” |
Пример для bare metal | An example for Bare metal |
yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main spec: ingressClass: nginx inlet: HostWithFailover nodeSelector: node-role.deckhouse.io/frontend: “” tolerations:
| yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main spec: ingressClass: nginx inlet: HostWithFailover nodeSelector: node-role.deckhouse.io/frontend: “” tolerations:
Пример для bare metal (при использовании внешнего балансировщика, например Cloudflare, Qrator, Nginx+, Citrix ADC, Kemp и др.) | An example for Bare metal (Behind external load balancer, e.g. Cloudflare, Qrator, Nginx+, Citrix ADC, Kemp, etc.) |
yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main spec: ingressClass: nginx inlet: HostPort hostPort: httpPort: 80 httpsPort: 443 behindL7Proxy: true | yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main spec: ingressClass: nginx inlet: HostPort hostPort: httpPort: 80 httpsPort: 443 behindL7Proxy: true |
Пример для bare metal (балансировщик MetalLB в режиме BGP) | An example for Bare metal (MetalLB Load Balancer) |
Доступно только в Enterprise Edition. | This feature is available in Enterprise Edition only. |
yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main spec: ingressClass: nginx inlet: LoadBalancer nodeSelector: node-role.deckhouse.io/frontend: “” tolerations:
| yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main spec: ingressClass: nginx inlet: LoadBalancer nodeSelector: node-role.deckhouse.io/frontend: “” tolerations:
В случае использования MetalLB его speaker-поды должны быть запущены на тех же узлах, что и поды Ingress–контроллера. | In the case of using MetalLB, its speaker Pods must be run on the same Nodes as the Ingress controller Pods. |
Контроллер должен получать реальные IP-адреса клиентов — поэтому его Service создается с параметром | The controller must receive real IP addresses of clients — therefore its Service is created with the parameter |
Таким образом, для данного примера конфигурация модуля | So for the current example metallb module configuration should be like this: |
yaml metallb: speaker: nodeSelector: node-role.deckhouse.io/frontend: “” tolerations:
| yaml metallb: speaker: nodeSelector: node-role.deckhouse.io/frontend: “” tolerations:
Пример для bare metal (балансировщик L2LoadBalancer) | An example for Bare metal (with L2LoadBalancer) |
Доступно только в Enterprise Edition. | This feature is available in Enterprise Edition only. |
yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1 kind: ModuleConfig metadata: name: l2-load-balancer spec: enabled: true version: 1 | yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1 kind: ModuleConfig metadata: name: l2-load-balancer spec: enabled: true version: 1 |
yaml apiVersion: network.deckhouse.io/v1alpha1 kind: L2LoadBalancer metadata: name: ingress spec: addressPool:
| yaml apiVersion: network.deckhouse.io/v1alpha1 kind: L2LoadBalancer metadata: name: ingress spec: addressPool:
yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main spec: ingressClass: nginx inlet: LoadBalancer loadBalancer: annotations: Имя L2LoadBalancer. network.deckhouse.io/l2-load-balancer-name: ingress Количество адресов, которые будут выделены из пула, описанного в L2LoadBalancer. network.deckhouse.io/l2-load-balancer-external-ips-count: “3” | yaml apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1 kind: IngressNginxController metadata: name: main spec: ingressClass: nginx inlet: LoadBalancer loadBalancer: annotations: The name of L2LoadBalancer resource. network.deckhouse.io/l2-load-balancer-name: ingress The number of addresses that will be allocated from the pool described in L2LoadBalancer. network.deckhouse.io/l2-load-balancer-external-ips-count: “3” |
shell $ kubectl -n d8-ingress-nginx get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE main-load-balancer LoadBalancer,, 80:30689/TCP,443:30668/TCP 11s | shell $ kubectl -n d8-ingress-nginx get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE main-load-balancer LoadBalancer,, 80:30689/TCP,443:30668/TCP 11s |