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How to extend Pod Security Standards policies?

Как расширить политики Pod Security Standards?

Pod Security Standards respond to the restricted or baseline label.

Pod Security Standards реагируют на label restricted или baseline.

To extend the Pod Security Standards policy by adding your checks to existing checks, you need to:

  • Create a constraint template for the check (a ConstraintTemplate resource).
  • Bind it to the restricted or baseline policy.

Чтобы расширить политику Pod Security Standards, добавив к существующим проверкам политики свои собственные, необходимо:

  • создать шаблон проверки (ресурс ConstraintTemplate);
  • привязать его к политике restricted или baseline.

Example of the ConstraintTemplate for checking a repository URL of a container image:

Пример шаблона для проверки адреса репозитория образа контейнера:

yaml apiVersion: kind: ConstraintTemplate metadata: name: k8sallowedrepos spec: crd: spec: names: kind: K8sAllowedRepos validation: openAPIV3Schema: type: object properties: repos: type: array items: type: string targets:

  • target: rego: | package d8.pod_security_standards.extended

yaml apiVersion: kind: ConstraintTemplate metadata: name: k8sallowedrepos spec: crd: spec: names: kind: K8sAllowedRepos validation: openAPIV3Schema: type: object properties: repos: type: array items: type: string targets:

  • target: rego: | package d8.pod_security_standards.extended

violation[{“msg”: msg}] { container :=[] satisfied := [good | repo = input.parameters.repos[] ; good = startswith(container.image, repo)] not any(satisfied) msg := sprintf(“container <%v> has an invalid image repo <%v>, allowed repos are %v”, [, container.image, input.parameters.repos]) }

violation[{“msg”: msg}] { container :=[] satisfied := [good | repo = input.parameters.repos[] ; good = startswith(container.image, repo)] not any(satisfied) msg := sprintf(“container <%v> has an invalid image repo <%v>, allowed repos are %v”, [, container.image, input.parameters.repos]) }

violation[{“msg”: msg}] { container :=[] satisfied := [good | repo = input.parameters.repos[] ; good = startswith(container.image, repo)] not any(satisfied) msg := sprintf(“container <%v> has an invalid image repo <%v>, allowed repos are %v”, [, container.image, input.parameters.repos]) }

violation[{“msg”: msg}] { container :=[] satisfied := [good | repo = input.parameters.repos[] ; good = startswith(container.image, repo)] not any(satisfied) msg := sprintf(“container <%v> has an invalid image repo <%v>, allowed repos are %v”, [, container.image, input.parameters.repos]) }

Example of binding a check to the restricted policy:

Пример привязки проверки к политике restricted:

yaml apiVersion: kind: K8sAllowedRepos metadata: name: prod-repo spec: match: kinds:

  • apiGroups: [””] kinds: [“Pod”] namespaceSelector: matchLabels: restricted parameters: repos:
  • “”

yaml apiVersion: kind: K8sAllowedRepos metadata: name: prod-repo spec: match: kinds:

  • apiGroups: [””] kinds: [“Pod”] namespaceSelector: matchLabels: restricted parameters: repos:
  • “”

The example demonstrates the configuration of checking the repository address in the image field for all Pods created in the namespace having the : restricted label. A Pod will not be created if the address in the image field of the Pod does not start with

Пример демонстрирует настройку проверки адреса репозитория в поле image у всех подов, создающихся в пространстве имен, имеющих label restricted. Если адрес в поле image создаваемого пода начинается не с, под создан не будет.

The Gatekeeper documentation may find more info about templates and policy language.

Подробнее о шаблонах и языке политик можно узнать в документации Gatekeeper.

Find more examples of checks for policy extension in the Gatekeeper Library.

Больше примеров описания проверок для расширения политики можно найти в библиотеке Gatekeeper.

What if there are multiple policies (operational or security) that are applied to the same object?

Что, если несколько политик (операционных или безопасности) применяются на один объект?

In that case the object’s specification have to fulfil all the requirements imposed by the policies.

В таком случае необходимо, чтобы конфигурация объекта соответствовала всем политикам, которые на него распространяются.

For example, consider the following two security policies:

Например, рассмотрим две следующие политики безопасности:

yaml apiVersion: kind: SecurityPolicy metadata: name: foo spec: enforcementAction: Deny match: namespaceSelector: labelSelector: matchLabels: name: test policies: readOnlyRootFilesystem: true requiredDropCapabilities:


    apiVersion: kind: SecurityPolicy metadata: name: bar spec: enforcementAction: Deny match: namespaceSelector: labelSelector: matchLabels: name: test policies: requiredDropCapabilities:


yaml apiVersion: kind: SecurityPolicy metadata: name: foo spec: enforcementAction: Deny match: namespaceSelector: labelSelector: matchLabels: name: test policies: readOnlyRootFilesystem: true requiredDropCapabilities:


    apiVersion: kind: SecurityPolicy metadata: name: bar spec: enforcementAction: Deny match: namespaceSelector: labelSelector: matchLabels: name: test policies: requiredDropCapabilities:


Then, in order to fulfill the requirements of the above security policies, the following settings must be set in a container specification:

Тогда для выполнения требований приведенных политик безопасности в спецификации контейнера нужно указать:

yaml securityContext: capabilities: drop:

  • NET_BIND_SERVICE readOnlyRootFilesystem: true

yaml securityContext: capabilities: drop:

  • NET_BIND_SERVICE readOnlyRootFilesystem: true