Compare languages | The Prometheus monitoring module: usage

An example of the module configuration

Пример конфигурации модуля

yaml apiVersion: kind: ModuleConfig metadata: name: prometheus spec: version: 2 enabled: true settings: auth: password: xxxxxx retentionDays: 7 storageClass: rbd nodeSelector: node-role/example: “” tolerations:

  • key: dedicated operator: Equal value: example

yaml apiVersion: kind: ModuleConfig metadata: name: prometheus spec: version: 2 enabled: true settings: auth: password: xxxxxx retentionDays: 7 storageClass: rbd nodeSelector: node-role/example: “” tolerations:

  • key: dedicated operator: Equal value: example

Writing Prometheus data to the longterm storage

Запись данных Prometheus в longterm storage

Prometheus supports remote_write’ing data from the local Prometheus to a separate longterm storage (e.g., VictoriaMetrics). In Deckhouse, this mechanism is implemented using the PrometheusRemoteWrite custom resource.

У Prometheus есть поддержка remote_write данных из локального Prometheus в отдельный longterm storage (например, VictoriaMetrics). В Deckhouse поддержка данного механизма реализована с помощью custom resource PrometheusRemoteWrite.

Example of the basic PrometheusRemoteWrite

Пример минимального PrometheusRemoteWrite

yaml apiVersion: kind: PrometheusRemoteWrite metadata: name: test-remote-write spec: url:

yaml apiVersion: kind: PrometheusRemoteWrite metadata: name: test-remote-write spec: url:

Example of the expanded PrometheusRemoteWrite

Пример расширенного PrometheusRemoteWrite

yaml apiVersion: kind: PrometheusRemoteWrite metadata: name: test-remote-write spec: url: basicAuth: username: username password: password writeRelabelConfigs:

  • sourceLabels: [name] action: keep regex: prometheus_build_.|my_cool_app_metrics_.
  • sourceLabels: [name] action: drop regex: my_cool_app_metrics_with_sensitive_data

yaml apiVersion: kind: PrometheusRemoteWrite metadata: name: test-remote-write spec: url: basicAuth: username: username password: password writeRelabelConfigs:

  • sourceLabels: [name] action: keep regex: prometheus_build_.|my_cool_app_metrics_.
  • sourceLabels: [name] action: drop regex: my_cool_app_metrics_with_sensitive_data

Connecting Prometheus to an external Grafana instance

Подключение Prometheus к сторонней Grafana

Each ingress-nginx-controller has certificates that can be used to connect to Prometheus. All you need is to create an additional Ingress resource.

У каждого ingress-nginx-controller есть сертификаты, при указании которых в качестве клиентских будет разрешено подключение к Prometheus. Все, что нужно, — создать дополнительный Ingress-ресурс.

For the example below, it is presumed that Secret example-com-tls already exist in namespace d8-monitoring.

Names for Ingress my-prometheus-api and Secret my-basic-auth-secret are there for example. Change them to the most suitable names for your case.

В приведенном ниже примере предполагается, что Secret example-com-tls уже существует в namespace d8-monitoring.

Имена для Ingress my-prometheus-api и Secret my-basic-auth-secret указаны для примера. Замените их на более подходящие в вашем случае.

yaml apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: my-prometheus-api namespace: d8-monitoring annotations: HTTPS basic my-basic-auth-secret /graph | proxy_ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/client.crt; proxy_ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/client.key; proxy_ssl_protocols TLSv1.2; proxy_ssl_session_reuse on; spec: ingressClassName: nginx rules:

  • host: http: paths:
  • backend: service: name: prometheus port: name: https path: / pathType: ImplementationSpecific tls:
  • hosts:
  • secretName: example-com-tls — apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: my-basic-auth-secret namespace: d8-monitoring type: Opaque data: auth: Zm9vOiRhcHIxJE9GRzNYeWJwJGNrTDBGSERBa29YWUlsSDkuY3lzVDAK # foo:bar

yaml apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: my-prometheus-api namespace: d8-monitoring annotations: HTTPS basic my-basic-auth-secret /graph | proxy_ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/client.crt; proxy_ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/client.key; proxy_ssl_protocols TLSv1.2; proxy_ssl_session_reuse on; spec: ingressClassName: nginx rules:

  • host: http: paths:
  • backend: service: name: prometheus port: name: https path: / pathType: ImplementationSpecific tls:
  • hosts:
  • secretName: example-com-tls — apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: my-basic-auth-secret namespace: d8-monitoring type: Opaque data: auth: Zm9vOiRhcHIxJE9GRzNYeWJwJGNrTDBGSERBa29YWUlsSDkuY3lzVDAK # foo:bar

Next, you only need to add the data source to Grafana:

Далее остается только добавить data source в Grafana:

Set https://prometheus-api.<cluster-domain> as the URL.

В качестве URL необходимо указать https://prometheus-api.<домен-вашего-кластера>

  • Note that basic authorization is not sufficiently secure and safe. You are encouraged to implement additional safety measures, e.g., attach the annotation.
  • Basic-авторизация не является надежной мерой безопасности. Рекомендуется ввести дополнительные меры безопасности, например указать аннотацию
  • A considerable disadvantage of this method is the need to create an Ingress resource in the system namespace. Deckhouse does not guarantee the functionality of this connection method due to its regular updates.
  • Огромный минус подключения таким способом — необходимость создания Ingress-ресурса в системном namespace’е. Deckhouse не гарантирует сохранение работоспособности данной схемы подключения в связи с его активными постоянными обновлениями.
  • This Ingress resource can be used to access the Prometheus API not only from Grafana but for other integrations, e.g., the Prometheus federation.
  • Этот Ingress-ресурс может быть использован для доступа к Prometheus API не только для Grafana, но и для других интеграций, например для федерации Prometheus.

Connecting an external app to Prometheus

Подключение стороннего приложения к Prometheus

The connection to Prometheus is protected using kube-rbac-proxy. To connect, you need to create a ServiceAccount with the necessary permissions.

Подключение к Prometheus защищено с помощью kube-rbac-proxy. Для подключения понадобится создать ServiceAccount с необходимыми правами.


apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: app namespace: default — apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: app:prometheus-access rules:

  • apiGroups: [“”] resources: [“prometheuses/http”] resourceNames: [“main”, “longterm”] verbs: [“get”] — apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: app:prometheus-access roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: app:prometheus-access subjects:
  • kind: ServiceAccount name: app namespace: default


apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: app namespace: default — apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: app:prometheus-access rules:

  • apiGroups: [“”] resources: [“prometheuses/http”] resourceNames: [“main”, “longterm”] verbs: [“get”] — apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: app:prometheus-access roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: app:prometheus-access subjects:
  • kind: ServiceAccount name: app namespace: default

Next, define the following job containing the curl request:

Далее сделаем запрос, используя curl:

yaml apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: app-curl namespace: default spec: template: metadata: name: app-curl spec: serviceAccountName: app containers:

  • name: app-curl image: curlimages/curl:7.69.1 command: [“sh”, “-c”] args:
  • - curl -H “Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/” -k -f https://prometheus.d8-monitoring:9090/api/v1/query_range?query=up\&start=1584001500\&end=1584023100\&step=30 restartPolicy: Never backoffLimit: 4

yaml apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: app-curl namespace: default spec: template: metadata: name: app-curl spec: serviceAccountName: app containers:

  • name: app-curl image: curlimages/curl:7.69.1 command: [“sh”, “-c”] args:
  • - curl -H “Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/” -k -f https://prometheus.d8-monitoring:9090/api/v1/query_range?query=up\&start=1584001500\&end=1584023100\&step=30 restartPolicy: Never backoffLimit: 4

The job must complete successfully.

Job должен завершиться успешно.

Sending alerts to Telegram

Отправка алертов в Telegram

Alertmanager supports sending alerts to Telegram directly.

Alertmanager поддерживает прямую отправку алертов в Telegram.

Create the Secret in the d8-monitoring namespace:

Создайте Secret в пространстве имен d8-monitoring:

yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: telegram-bot-secret namespace: d8-monitoring stringData: token: “562696849:AAExcuJ8H6z4pTlPuocbrXXXXXXXXXXXx”

yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: telegram-bot-secret namespace: d8-monitoring stringData: token: “562696849:AAExcuJ8H6z4pTlPuocbrXXXXXXXXXXXx”

Deploy CustomAlertManager CR:

Задеплойте custom resource CustomAlertManager:

yaml apiVersion: kind: CustomAlertmanager metadata: name: telegram spec: type: Internal internal: receivers:

  • name: telegram telegramConfigs:
  • botToken: name: telegram-bot-secret key: token chatID: -30490XXXXX route: groupBy:
  • job groupInterval: 5m groupWait: 30s receiver: telegram repeatInterval: 12h

yaml apiVersion: kind: CustomAlertmanager metadata: name: telegram spec: type: Internal internal: receivers:

  • name: telegram telegramConfigs:
  • botToken: name: telegram-bot-secret key: token chatID: -30490XXXXX route: groupBy:
  • job groupInterval: 5m groupWait: 30s receiver: telegram repeatInterval: 12h

The fields token in the Secret and chatID in the CustomAlertmanager custom resource must be set on your own. Read more about Telegram API.

Поля token в Secret’е и chatID в ресурсе CustomAlertmanager необходимо поставить свои. Подробнее о Telegram API.

Example of sending alerts to Slack with a filter

Пример отправки алертов в Slack с фильтром

yaml apiVersion: kind: CustomAlertmanager metadata: name: slack spec: internal: receivers:

  • name: devnull
  • name: slack slackConfigs:
  • apiURL: key: apiURL name: slack-apiurl channel: {{ dig .Values.werf.env }} fields:
  • short: true title: Severity value: ‘{{{{ .CommonLabels.severity_level }}}}’
  • short: true title: Status value: ‘{{{{ .Status }}}}’
  • title: Summary value: ‘{{{{ range .Alerts }}}}{{{{ .Annotations.summary }}}} {{{{ end }}}}’
  • title: Description value: ‘{{{{ range .Alerts }}}}{{{{ .Annotations.description }}}} {{{{ end }}}}’
  • title: Labels value: ‘{{{{ range .Alerts }}}} {{{{ range .Labels.SortedPairs }}}}{{{{ printf "%s: %s\n" .Name .Value }}}}{{{{ end }}}}{{{{ end }}}}’
  • title: Links value: ‘{{{{ (index .Alerts 0).GeneratorURL }}}}’ title: ‘{{{{ .CommonLabels.alertname }}}}’ route: groupBy:
  • ‘…’
    receiver: devnull routes:
  • matchers:
  • matchType: =~ name: severity_level value: “^[4-9]$” receiver: slack repeatInterval: 12h type: Internal

yaml apiVersion: kind: CustomAlertmanager metadata: name: slack spec: internal: receivers:

  • name: devnull
  • name: slack slackConfigs:
  • apiURL: key: apiURL name: slack-apiurl channel: {{ dig .Values.werf.env }} fields:
  • short: true title: Severity value: ‘{{{{ .CommonLabels.severity_level }}}}’
  • short: true title: Status value: ‘{{{{ .Status }}}}’
  • title: Summary value: ‘{{{{ range .Alerts }}}}{{{{ .Annotations.summary }}}} {{{{ end }}}}’
  • title: Description value: ‘{{{{ range .Alerts }}}}{{{{ .Annotations.description }}}} {{{{ end }}}}’
  • title: Labels value: ‘{{{{ range .Alerts }}}} {{{{ range .Labels.SortedPairs }}}}{{{{ printf "%s: %s\n" .Name .Value }}}}{{{{ end }}}}{{{{ end }}}}’
  • title: Links value: ‘{{{{ (index .Alerts 0).GeneratorURL }}}}’ title: ‘{{{{ .CommonLabels.alertname }}}}’ route: groupBy:
  • ‘…’
    receiver: devnull routes:
  • matchers:
  • matchType: =~ name: severity_level value: “^[4-9]$” receiver: slack repeatInterval: 12h type: Internal

Example of sending alerts to Opsgenie

Пример отправки алертов в Opsgenie


  • name: opsgenie opsgenieConfigs:
  • apiKey: key: data name: opsgenie description: | {{ range .Alerts }}{{ .Annotations.summary }} {{ end }} {{ range .Alerts }}{{ .Annotations.description }} {{ end }} message: ‘{{ .CommonLabels.alertname }}’ priority: P1 responders:
  • id: team_id type: team


  • name: opsgenie opsgenieConfigs:
  • apiKey: key: data name: opsgenie description: | {{ range .Alerts }}{{ .Annotations.summary }} {{ end }} {{ range .Alerts }}{{ .Annotations.description }} {{ end }} message: ‘{{ .CommonLabels.alertname }}’ priority: P1 responders:
  • id: team_id type: team