
Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform is an Open Source project, and we welcome everyone to participate in its development on GitHub.

The platform is offered in four editions so that you can choose the right one for your objectives and tasks.

Commercial editions

Commercial editions of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform include additional features as well as vendor tech support options. Their code is open source but not free, nor is it distributed under the permissive license typical of Open Source products.

Community Edition

This is a free Open Source version that includes the core features of the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform. Its source code is available under the Apache 2.0 license.

Technical core

Deckhouse Platform follows the upstream version of Kubernetes, using that as a basis to build all of its features and configurations on.

Deckhouse Platform’s basic functions are implemented via two building blocks: shell-operator & addon-operator. Both have been available as Open Source projects since April/May 2019.

Aside from Deckhouse, various vendors (including KubeSphere, Confluent, and Adobe, just to name a few) and DevOps/Kubernetes enthusiasts have adopted these tools to implement instruments of their own.

To sum it up in a nutshell, Deckhouse Platform — as a Kubernetes distribution — is an upstream Kubernetes packed with a whole bunch of modules based on addon-operator.


A tool used to create Kubernetes operators (any logic to be executed when some event is triggered in K8s).


A system for managing Kubernetes modules based on shell-operator in a consistent, automated manner.

Online community

Use GitHub Issues & Discussions to ask your questions, report bugs, and share your experience.

Follow Deckhouse on Twitter to stay informed about everything that’s going on.

Participate in chat in the project’s Telegram channel: @deckhouse.

Read and dive into the nuts and bolts of Deckhouse in our tech blog.

How to contribute

Your contributions are always greatly appreciated! To learn how you can contribute to the Deckhouse code base please visit this page.