The control-plane-manager (CPM) module is responsible for managing the cluster’s control plane components. It runs on all master nodes of the cluster (nodes that have the "" label).

The control-plane-manager:

  • Manages certificates required for the operation of the control plane (renews certificates and re-issues them in response to configuration changes, among other things). This feature allows the CPM to automatically maintain a secure control plane configuration and quickly add additional SANs for organizing secure access to the Kubernetes API.
  • Configures components. The CPM module automatically creates the required configs and manifests of the control plane components.
  • Upgrades/downgrades components. Makes sure that the versions of the components in the cluster are the same.
  • Manages the configuration of the etcd cluster and its members. The CPM module scales master nodes and migrates the cluster from single-master to multi-master (and vice versa).
  • Configures kubeconfig. The CPM module maintains an up-to-date configuration for smooth kubectl operation. It generates, renews, updates kubeconfig with the cluster-admin rights, and creates a symlink for the root user so that kubeconfig can be used by default.

Managing certificates

The CPM module manages certificates of the control-plane components, such as:

  • Server certificates for kube-apiserver & etcd. These are stored in the secret d8-pki of the namespace kube-system:
    • the root CA kubernetes certificate (ca.crt & ca.key),
    • the root CA etcd certificate (etcd/ca.crt & etcd/ca.key),
    • the RSA certificate and the key for signing Service Accounts ( & sa.key),
    • the root CA certificate for the extension API servers (front-proxy-ca.key & front-proxy-ca.crt).
  • Client certificates for connecting control-plane components to each other. The CPM module issues, renews, and re-issues if something has changed (e.g., the SAN list). These certificates are stored on the nodes only:
    • The server-side API server certificate (apiserver.crt & apiserver.key).
    • The client-side certificate for connecting kube-apiserver to kubelet (apiserver-kubelet-client.crt & apiserver-kubelet-client.key).
    • The client-side certificate for connecting kube-apiserver to etcd (apiserver-etcd-client.crt & apiserver-etcd-client.key).
    • The client-side certificate for connecting kube-apiserver to the extension API servers (front-proxy-client.crt & front-proxy-client.key).
    • The server-side etcd certificate (etcd/server.crt & etcd/server.key).
    • The client-side certificate for connecting etcd to other cluster members (etcd/peer.crt & etcd/peer.key).
    • The client-side certificate for connecting kubelet to etcd for performing health-checks (etcd/healthcheck-client.crt & etcd/healthcheck-client.key).

Also, the CPM module lets you add the additional SANs to certificates (this way, you can quickly and effortlessly add more “entry points” to the Kubernetes API).

The CPM module automatically updates the kubeconfig configuration when certificates are changed.


The CPM module supports control plane running in a single-master or multi-master mode.

In the single-master mode:

  • kube-apiserver only uses the etcd instance that is hosted on the same node;
  • A proxy server is configured on the node that responds to localhost, kube-apiserver responds to the IP address of the master node.

In the multi-master mode, control plane components are automatically deployed in a fault-tolerant manner:

  • kube-apiserver is configured to work with all etcd instances;
  • The additional proxy server that processes localhost requests is set up on each master node. By default, the proxy server sends requests to the local kube-apiserver instance. If it is unavailable, the proxy tries to connect to other kube-apiserver instances.

Scaling master nodes

The control-plane nodes are scaled automatically using the”” label:

  • Attaching the”” label to a node results in deploying control plane components on this node, connecting the new etcd node to the etcd cluster, and regenerating all the necessary certificates and config files.
  • Removing the”” label results in deleting all control plane components on a node, gracefully removing it from the etcd cluster, and regenerating all the necessary config files and certificates.

Note! Manual etcd actions are required when decreasing the number of nodes from two to one. In all other cases, all the necessary actions are performed automatically.

Version control

Patch versions of control plane components (i.e. within the minor version, for example, from 1.27.3 to 1.27.5) are upgraded automatically together with the Deckhouse version updates. You can’t manage patch version upgrades.

Upgrading minor versions of control plane components (e.g. from 1.26.* to 1.28.*) can be managed using the kubernetesVersion parameter. It specifies the automatic update mode (if set to Automatic) or the desired minor version of the control plane. The default control plane version (to use with kubernetesVersion: Automatic) as well as a list of supported Kubernetes versions can be found in the documentation.

The control plane upgrade is performed in a safe way for both single-master and multi-master clusters. The API server may be temporarily unavailable during the upgrade. At the same time, it does not affect the operation of applications in the cluster and can be performed without scheduling a maintenance window.

If the target version (set in the kubernetesVersion parameter) does not match the current control plane version in the cluster, a smart strategy for changing component versions is applied:

  • General remarks
    • Updating in different NodeGroups is performed in parallel. Within each NodeGroup, nodes are updated sequentially, one at a time.
  • When upgrading:
    • Upgrades are carried out sequentially, one minor version at a time: 1.26 -> 1.27, 1.27 -> 1.28, 1.28 -> 1.29.
    • At each step, the control plane version is upgraded first, followed by kubelet upgrades on the cluster nodes.
  • When downgrading:
    • Successful downgrading is only guaranteed for a single version down from the maximum minor version of the control plane ever used in the cluster.
    • kubelets on the cluster nodes are downgraded first, followed by the control plane components.


Kubernetes Auditing can help you if you need to keep track of operations in your Namespaces or troubleshoot the cluster. You can configure it by setting the appropriate Audit Policy. As the result you will have the log file /var/log/kube-audit/audit.log containing audit events according to the configured Policy.

By default, in a cluster with Deckhouse, a basic policy is created for logging events:

  • related to the creation, deletion, and changing of resources;
  • committed from the names of ServiceAccounts from the “system” Namespace kube-system, d8-*;
  • committed with resources in the “system” Namespace kube-system, d8-*.

A basic policy can be disabled by setting the basicAuditPolicyEnabled flag to false.

You can find how to set up policies in a special FAQ section.