Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform (DKP) uses container registry to pull a module and update it. The container registry stores module artifacts. Module artifacts are created when a module is built and can then be uploaded (published) to the registry.

Types of module artifacts

Module builds create three types of artifacts that are pushed to the container registry:

  • Images of application containers. The build rules and source code for these images are stored in the images subdirectory of the application name directory. The built images are then specified in the templates and run in the cluster. Images are tagged with the content-based tags. Note that the lib-helm library must be enabled to use them in the templates.
  • Module image. The module assembly rules are in the werf.yaml file in the module directory. The semantic versioning is used as image tags.
  • Release. Module version artifact. Based on the release data, DKP decides whether to update a module in the cluster. Releases have two types of tags: a semantic versioning tag (just like with the module image) and a tag that matches the release channel (e.g., alpha, beta, etc.). In the module template there is an example of workfklow for GitHub Actions, where the release is created automatically during building.

Building module artifacts and publishing them to the container registry

We suggest using the pre-compiled GitHub Actions to build module artifacts and upload them to the container registry as part of the CI/CD process.

The module template repository provides an example module. It contains a basic workflow for GitHub Actions and uses GitHub Packages ( as the container registry. The example workflow follows the logic outlined below:

  • Build module artifacts when changes are made to the PR and when changes are merged into the main branch.
  • Build module artifacts from tags using the production container registry.
  • Publish module to GitHub Packages container registry to the selected release channel from a tag.

Module artifacts will be uploaded to<OWNER>/modules/, which will serve as module source.

For the module workflow to run smoothly, adjust the properties of your project on GitHub as follows:

  • Open the Settings -> Actions -> General page.
  • Enable the Read and write permissions parameter in the Workflow permissions section.

You can also modify the workflow, use your own container registry, and design a more complex build and publish process (e.g., use separate container registries for development and production).

You can build module artifacts locally using werf (this may come in handy, for example, when debugging).

You can also set up a custom module artifact build and publish processes for your CI/CD system similar to the workflow for GitHub Actions provided in the module template. However, this may require an in-depth understanding of the module build and publish processes. Please contact the community should you have any questions or issues.

Here is a general scenario for using the workflow provided in the module template:

  1. Publish the changes to the module code in the project branch on GitHub. This will trigger the module artifacts to be built and published to the container registry.
  2. Create a new module release or add a tag in the semantic versioning format to the target commit.
  3. Go to the Actions section of the module repository on GitHub and select Deploy in the workflow list on the left.
  4. On the right side of the page, click on the Run workflow drop-down list, select the desired release channel, and enter the target tag in the tag input box. Click the Run workflow button.
  5. Once the workflow is successfully executed, a new version of the module will be added to the container registry. The published version of the module can then be used in the cluster.