Web interfaces associated with the module: openvpn-admin

The openvpn module allows peers to authenticate each other using certificates and provides a simple web interface.

Using the web interface, you can:

  • Issue certificates.
  • Revoke certificates.
  • Cancel certificate revocation.
  • Get a ready-to-use custom configuration file.

Integrating with the user-authn module lets you manage user access to the web interface.

Exposing the VPN service

  1. Select one or more external IP addresses for connection.
  2. Use one of the connection methods:
    • By external IP address (ExternalIP) - if there are nodes with public IP addresses.
    • Using LoadBalancer - for all cloud providers and their placement schemes that support LoadBalancer ordering.
    • Direct - configure the traffic path manually: from the entry point to the cluster to the pod with OpenVPN.

Available cluster resources after connecting to the VPN

The following parameters are pushed to the user’s computer after connecting to the VPN:

  • The kube-dns address is added to the client’s DNS servers to allow direct access to Kubernetes services via FQDN.
  • A route to the local network.
  • A route to the cluster service network.
  • A route to the Pod network.

User’s traffic audit

The module can log user’s activity via VPN in JSON format. Traffic is grouped by src_ip, dst_ip, src_port, dst_port, ip_proto fields. Using the log-shipper module, container logs can be collected and stored for later auditing.