VPA works directly with the Pod (instead of the Pod controller) by measuring and changing its containers’ parameters. Configuring is performed using the VerticalPodAutoscaler Custom Resource.

The module generally requires no configuration and only has the nodeSelector/tolerations settings.

The module is enabled by default in the following bundles: Default, Managed. The module is disabled by default in the Minimal bundle.

How to explicitly enable the module…

Set the spec.enabled module parameter to true or false in the ModuleConfig/vertical-pod-autoscaler resource (create it, if necessary) to explicitly enable or disable the module, or use the deckhouse-controller module command in the d8-system/deckhouse pod.

Example of enabling the module:

  • by using the ModuleConfig resource:

    apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ModuleConfig
      name: vertical-pod-autoscaler
      enabled: true
  • by using the deckhouse-controller command (you need a kubectl, configured to work with the cluster):

    kubectl -ti -n d8-system exec deploy/deckhouse -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller module enable vertical-pod-autoscaler

Example of disabling the module:

  • by using the ModuleConfig resource:

    apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ModuleConfig
      name: vertical-pod-autoscaler
      enabled: false
  • by using the deckhouse-controller command (you need a kubectl, configured to work with the cluster):

    kubectl -ti -n d8-system exec deploy/deckhouse -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller module disable vertical-pod-autoscaler

The module is configured using the ModuleConfig custom resource named vertical-pod-autoscaler (learn more about setting up Deckhouse…).

Example of the ModuleConfig/vertical-pod-autoscaler resource for configuring the module:

apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: vertical-pod-autoscaler
  version: 1
  enabled: true
  settings: # <-- Module parameters from the "Parameters" section below.


Schema version: 1

  • nodeSelector

    The same as in the pods’ spec.nodeSelector parameter in Kubernetes.

    If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

  • tolerations
    array of objects

    The same as in the pods’ spec.tolerations parameter in Kubernetes;

    If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

    • tolerations.effect
    • tolerations.key
    • tolerations.operator
    • tolerations.tolerationSeconds
    • tolerations.value