
Scope: Namespaced

After the DexAuthenticator object appears in the namespace, the following objects will be created:

  • Deployment containing oauth2-proxy and redis containers
  • Service, pointing to a Deployment with an oauth2-proxy
  • Ingress, configured to receive requests on https://<applicationDomain>/dex-authenticator and send it to a service side
  • Secrets, needed to access Dex

NOTE! After restarting a pod with an oauth2-proxy, the current access token and id token will be queried (using the refresh token) and stored in a redis memory.


kind: DexAuthenticator
  name: app-name
  namespace: app-namespace
  sendAuthorizationHeader: false
  applicationIngressCertificateSecretName: ingress-tls
  applicationIngressClassName: nginx
  keepUsersLoggedInFor: 720h
  - everyone
  - admins
  • specobject

    Required value

    • spec.allowedGroupsarray of strings

      Groups that the user should be in to authenticate successfully.

      Additionally, this parameter limits the list of groups that will be put into OIDC token (there will be an intersection of the specified groups and the actual groups of the user).

      Default: All groups are allowed.

    • spec.applicationDomainstring

      Required value

      Public domain that points to your application. Must be specified without HTTP scheme.

      Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$


    • spec.applicationIngressCertificateSecretNamestring

      Name of TLS-certificate secret specified in your application Ingress object to add to Dex authenticator Ingress object for HTTPS access. Secret must be located in the same namespace with DexAuthenticator object.

      Pattern: ^(|[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*)$


      applicationIngressCertificateSecretName: ingress-tls
    • spec.applicationIngressClassNamestring

      Required value

      Ingress class that serves your application ingress resource.

      Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$


      applicationIngressClassName: nginx
    • spec.keepUsersLoggedInForstring

      User session will be kept for specified amount of time even if user will not log in.

      Specified with s, m or h suffix.

      Default: "168h"


      keepUsersLoggedInFor: 24h
    • spec.nodeSelectorobject

      If specified, the dex-authenticator pods nodeSelector.

      If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

      Pattern: the same as in the pods’ spec.nodeSelector parameter in Kubernetes;

    • spec.sendAuthorizationHeaderboolean

      Request to application will be sent with “Authorization: Bearer” header when the option is switched to true.

    • spec.signOutURLstring

      Provide the URL from which requests will be proxied to the Dex authenticator sign out URL.

    • spec.tolerationsarray of objects

      If specified, the dex-authenticator pods tolerations.

      The dex-authenticator pod this Toleration is attached to tolerates any taint that matches the triple <key,value,effect> using the matching operator .

      If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

      Pattern: Standard toleration object. Pods inherit this object AS IS.

      • spec.tolerations.effectstring

        Effect indicates the taint effect to match. Empty means match all taint effects.

        Allowed values: NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule, NoExecute

      • spec.tolerations.keystring

        Key is the taint key that the toleration applies to. Empty means match all taint keys.

        If the key is empty, operator must be Exists; this combination means to match all values and all keys.

      • spec.tolerations.operatorstring

        Operator represents a key’s relationship to the value.

        Exists is equivalent to wildcard for value, so that a pod can tolerate all taints of a particular category.

        Default: "Equal"

        Allowed values: Exists, Equal

      • spec.tolerations.tolerationSecondsinteger

        TolerationSeconds represents the period of time the toleration (which must be of effect NoExecute, otherwise this field is ignored) tolerates the taint.

        By default, it is not set, which means tolerate the taint forever (do not evict). Zero and negative values will be treated as 0 (evict immediately) by the system.

      • spec.tolerations.valuestring

        Value is the taint value the toleration matches to.

        If the operator is Exists, the value should be empty, otherwise just a regular string.

    • spec.whitelistSourceRangesarray of strings

      CIDRs that are allowed to authenticate. Authentication is allowed without IP address restrictions, If not specified.


      • Element of the arraystring

        Pattern: ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/[0-9]{1,2}$

After the DexAuthenticator object appears in the namespace, the following objects will be created:

  • Deployment containing oauth2-proxy and redis containers
  • Service, pointing to a Deployment with an oauth2-proxy
  • Ingress, configured to receive requests on https://<applicationDomain>/dex-authenticator and send it to a service side
  • Secrets, needed to access Dex

NOTE! After restarting a pod with an oauth2-proxy, the current access token and id token will be queried (using the refresh token) and stored in a redis memory.


kind: DexAuthenticator
  name: app-name
  namespace: app-namespace
  sendAuthorizationHeader: false
  applicationIngressCertificateSecretName: ingress-tls
  applicationIngressClassName: nginx
  keepUsersLoggedInFor: 720h
  - everyone
  - admins
  • specobject

    Required value

    • spec.allowedGroupsarray of strings

      Groups that the user should be in to authenticate successfully.

      Additionally, this parameter limits the list of groups that will be put into OIDC token (there will be an intersection of the specified groups and the actual groups of the user).

      Default: All groups are allowed.

    • spec.applicationDomainstring

      Required value

      Public domain that points to your application. Must be specified without HTTP scheme.

      Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$


    • spec.applicationIngressCertificateSecretNamestring

      Name of TLS-certificate secret specified in your application Ingress object to add to Dex authenticator Ingress object for HTTPS access. Secret must be located in the same namespace with DexAuthenticator object.

      Pattern: ^(|[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*)$


      applicationIngressCertificateSecretName: ingress-tls
    • spec.applicationIngressClassNamestring

      Required value

      Ingress class that serves your application ingress resource.

      Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$


      applicationIngressClassName: nginx
    • spec.keepUsersLoggedInForstring

      User session will be kept for specified amount of time even if user will not log in.

      Specified with s, m or h suffix.

      Default: "168h"


      keepUsersLoggedInFor: 24h
    • spec.nodeSelectorobject

      If specified, the dex-authenticator pods nodeSelector.

      If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

      Pattern: the same as in the pods’ spec.nodeSelector parameter in Kubernetes;

    • spec.sendAuthorizationHeaderboolean

      Request to application will be sent with “Authorization: Bearer” header when the option is switched to true.

    • spec.signOutURLstring

      Provide the URL from which requests will be proxied to the Dex authenticator sign out URL.

    • spec.tolerationsarray of objects

      If specified, the dex-authenticator pods tolerations.

      The dex-authenticator pod this Toleration is attached to tolerates any taint that matches the triple <key,value,effect> using the matching operator .

      If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

      Pattern: Standard toleration object. Pods inherit this object AS IS.

      • spec.tolerations.effectstring

        Effect indicates the taint effect to match. Empty means match all taint effects.

        Allowed values: NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule, NoExecute

      • spec.tolerations.keystring

        Key is the taint key that the toleration applies to. Empty means match all taint keys.

        If the key is empty, operator must be Exists; this combination means to match all values and all keys.

      • spec.tolerations.operatorstring

        Operator represents a key’s relationship to the value.

        Exists is equivalent to wildcard for value, so that a pod can tolerate all taints of a particular category.

        Default: "Equal"

        Allowed values: Exists, Equal

      • spec.tolerations.tolerationSecondsinteger

        TolerationSeconds represents the period of time the toleration (which must be of effect NoExecute, otherwise this field is ignored) tolerates the taint.

        By default, it is not set, which means tolerate the taint forever (do not evict). Zero and negative values will be treated as 0 (evict immediately) by the system.

      • spec.tolerations.valuestring

        Value is the taint value the toleration matches to.

        If the operator is Exists, the value should be empty, otherwise just a regular string.

    • spec.whitelistSourceRangesarray of strings

      CIDRs that are allowed to authenticate. Authentication is allowed without IP address restrictions, If not specified.


      • Element of the arraystring

        Pattern: ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/[0-9]{1,2}$


Scope: Namespaced

Allows applications that support DC authentication to interact with Dex.

After the DexClient object appears in the cluster:

  • Dex will register a client with a dex-client-<NAME>@<NAMESPACE> clientID, where <NAME> and <NAMESPACE> are and metadata.namespace of the DexClient object, respectively.
  • A dex-client-<NAME> Secret containing the client access password (clientSecret) will be created in the corresponding namespace (where <NAME> is of the DexClient object).

Usage example…

  • specobject

    Required value

    • spec.allowedGroupsarray of strings

      A list of groups whose members are allowed to connect to the client; By default, all groups can connect.

    • spec.redirectURIsarray of strings

      Array or urls that Dex can redirect to after successful authentication.

    • spec.trustedPeersarray of strings

      OAuth2 client IDs that allowed cross authentication with the current client.


Allows applications that support DC authentication to interact with Dex.

After the DexClient object appears in the cluster:

  • Dex will register a client with a dex-client-<NAME>@<NAMESPACE> clientID, where <NAME> and <NAMESPACE> are and metadata.namespace of the DexClient object, respectively.
  • A dex-client-<NAME> Secret containing the client access password (clientSecret) will be created in the corresponding namespace (where <NAME> is of the DexClient object).

Usage example…

  • specobject

    Required value

    • spec.allowedGroupsarray of strings

      A list of groups whose members are allowed to connect to the client; By default, all groups can connect.

    • spec.redirectURIsarray of strings

      Array or urls that Dex can redirect to after successful authentication.

    • spec.trustedPeersarray of strings

      OAuth2 client IDs that allowed cross authentication with the current client.



Scope: Cluster

Defines the configuration for connecting a third-party provider.

With it, you can flexibly configure the integration of the account directory with Kubernetes.

Usage example…

  • specobject

    Required value

    • spec.bitbucketCloudobject

      Parameters of the Bitbucket Cloud (intended for the type: BitbucketCloud).

      • spec.bitbucketCloud.clientIDstring

        Required value

        Team application ID from BitbucketCloud (Key).

      • spec.bitbucketCloud.clientSecretstring

        Required value

        Team application secret key from BitbucketCloud.

      • spec.bitbucketCloud.includeTeamGroupsboolean

        Optional parameter to include team groups.

        If enabled, the groups claim of Dex id_token will looks like this:

        ["my_team", "my_team/administrators", "my_team/members"]

        Default: false

      • spec.bitbucketCloud.teamsarray of strings

        A list of allowed Bitbucket Cloud teams (filter).

        The user token will contain a set intersection of Bitbucket Cloud teams and teams from this list. If the set is empty, the authorization will be considered unsuccessful.

        The user token will contain the user teams in the groups claim (similar to other providers).

    • spec.crowdobject

      Parameters of the Crowd (intended for the type: Crowd).

      • spec.crowd.baseURLstring

        Required value

        Base part of Attlassian Crowd URL.


      • spec.crowd.clientIDstring

        Required value

        Application ID from Atlassian Crowd (Application Name).

      • spec.crowd.clientSecretstring

        Required value

        Application secret key from Atlassian Crowd (Password).

      • spec.crowd.enableBasicAuthboolean

        Enables basic authorization for the Kubernetes API server.

        The username and password of the user from the application created in Crowd are used as credentials for basic authorization (you can enable it only if there is just one provider of the OIDC/Crowd type). Works only if the publishAPI is enabled.

        Authorization and group data obtained from an IdP are stored in the cache for 10 seconds.

      • spec.crowd.groupsarray of strings

        A list of allowed Crowd groups (filter).

        The user token will contain a set intersection of Crowd groups and groups from this list. If the set is empty, the authorization will be considered unsuccessful.

        The user token will contain all Crowd groups if the parameter is not set.

      • spec.crowd.usernamePromptstring

        Prompt for username field.

        Default: "Crowd username"

    • spec.displayNamestring

      Required value

      The provider name to show on the authentication provider selection page. The selection page will not be displayed if there is only one provider configured.

    • spec.githubobject

      Parameters of the GitHub provider (intended for the type: Github case only).

      • spec.github.clientIDstring

        Required value

        Organization application ID from GitHub.

      • spec.github.clientSecretstring

        Required value

        Organization application secret key from GitHub.

      • spec.github.orgsarray of objects

        Filter for user organizations. ID token will contain only organizations from this list. If the user is not in any organization from this list, an authorization will fail.

        By default, all organizations allowed.

        • spec.github.orgs.namestring

          Required value

          Name of organization.

        • spec.github.orgs.teamsarray of strings

          A list of allowed GitHub teams (filter).

          The user token will contain a set intersection of teams from GitHub and teams from this list. If the set is empty, the authorization will be considered unsuccessful.

          The user token will contain all GitHub teams if the parameter is not set.

      • spec.github.teamNameFieldstring

        As an example, group claims for member of ‘Site Reliability Engineers’ in Acme organization would yield:

        • [‘acme:Site Reliability Engineers’] for ‘Name’
        • [‘acme:site-reliability-engineers’] for ‘Slug’
        • [‘acme:Site Reliability Engineers’, ‘acme:site-reliability-engineers’] for ‘Both’

        ‘name’ will be used by default.

        Default: "Name"

        Allowed values: Name, Slug, Both

      • spec.github.useLoginAsIDboolean

        Flag which will switch from using the internal GitHub id to the users handle (@mention) as the user id. It is possible for a user to change their own user name but it is very rare for them to do so.

        Equals to false by default.

    • spec.gitlabobject

      Parameters of the GitLab provider (intended for the type: Gitlab case only).

      • spec.gitlab.baseURLstring

        Base part of GitLab URL.


      • spec.gitlab.clientIDstring

        Required value

        Application ID from GitLab.

      • spec.gitlab.clientSecretstring

        Required value

        Application secret key from GitLab.

      • spec.gitlab.groupsarray of strings

        A list (filter) of allowed GitLab groups (group paths and not names).

        The user token will contain a set intersection of GitLab groups and groups from this list. If the set is empty, the authorization will be considered unsuccessful.

        The user token will contain all GitLab groups if the parameter is not set;

      • spec.gitlab.useLoginAsIDboolean

        Flag to switch from using the internal GitLab id to the users handle (@mention) as the user id. It is possible for a user to change their own user name but it is very rare for them to do so.

        Equals to false by default.

    • spec.ldapobject

      Parameters of the LDAP.

      • spec.ldap.bindDNstring

        The DN for an application service account. The connector uses these credentials to search for users and groups. Not required if the LDAP server provides access for anonymous auth.


        bindDN: uid=serviceaccount,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
      • spec.ldap.bindPWstring

        Password for read-only service account. Please note that if the bind password contains a $, it has to be saved in an environment variable which should be given as the value to bindPW.


        bindPW: password
      • spec.ldap.groupSearchobject

        Group search queries for groups given a user entry. Details

        • spec.ldap.groupSearch.baseDNstring

          Required value

          BaseDN to start the search from.


          baseDN: cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
        • spec.ldap.groupSearch.filterstring

          Optional filter to apply when searching the directory.


          filter: "(objectClass=person)"
        • spec.ldap.groupSearch.nameAttrstring

          Required value

          Represents group name.


          nameAttr: name
        • spec.ldap.groupSearch.userMatchersarray of objects

          Required value

          Following list contains field pairs that are used to match a user to a group. It adds a requirement to the filter that an attribute in the group must match the user’s attribute value.

          • spec.ldap.groupSearch.userMatchers.groupAttrstring

            Required value

            The name of the attribute that stores the group member names.


            groupAttr: member
          • spec.ldap.groupSearch.userMatchers.userAttrstring

            Required value

            The name of the attribute that stores the user name.


            userAttr: uid
      • spec.ldap.hoststring

        Required value

        Host and optional port of the LDAP server in the form “host:port”. If the port is not supplied, it will be guessed based on “insecureNoSSL”, and “startTLS” flags. 389 for insecure or StartTLS connections, 636 otherwise.


      • spec.ldap.insecureNoSSLboolean

        Following field is required if the LDAP host is not using TLS (port 389). This option inherently leaks passwords to anyone on the same network as Dex. Equals to false by default.

        Default: false

      • spec.ldap.insecureSkipVerifyboolean

        If a custom certificate isn’t provided, this option can be used to turn off TLS certificate checks. As noted, it is insecure and shouldn’t be used outside of explorative phases.

        Default: false

      • spec.ldap.rootCADatastring

        A CA chain to validate the provider in PEM format.


        rootCAData: |
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      • spec.ldap.startTLSboolean

        When connecting to the server, connect using the ldap:// protocol then issue a StartTLS command. If unspecified, connections will use the ldaps:// protocol

        Default: false

      • spec.ldap.userSearchobject

        Required value

        User search maps a username and password entered by a user to a LDAP entry. Details…

        • spec.ldap.userSearch.baseDNstring

          Required value

          BaseDN to start the search from.


          baseDN: cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
        • spec.ldap.userSearch.emailAttrstring

          Required value

          LDAP attribute that will be matched to Dex user email entry. When an email address is not available, use another value unique to the user, like uid.


          emailAttr: mail
        • spec.ldap.userSearch.filterstring

          Optional filter to apply when searching the directory.


          filter: "(objectClass=person)"
        • spec.ldap.userSearch.idAttrstring

          Required value

          LDAP attribute that will be matched to Dex user id entry.


          idAttr: uid
        • spec.ldap.userSearch.nameAttrstring

          LDAP attribute that will be matched to Dex user name entry. No default value provided.


          nameAttr: name
        • spec.ldap.userSearch.usernamestring

          Required value

          Username attribute used for comparing user entries. This will be translated and combined with the other filter as “(=)".


          username: uid
      • spec.ldap.usernamePromptstring

        The attribute to display in the provided password prompt. If unset, will display “LDAP Username”.

        Default: "LDAP username"


        usernamePrompt: SSO Username
    • spec.oidcobject

      Parameters of the OIDC (intended for the type: OIDC).

      • spec.oidc.basicAuthUnsupportedboolean

        Use POST requests to interact with the provider instead of including the token in the Basic Authorization header. Generally, Dex automatically determines the type of request to make, while in some cases enabling this parameter can help.

        Default: false

      • spec.oidc.claimMappingobject

        Some providers return non-standard claims (eg. mail). Claim mappings are hints for Dex how to map claims to standard OIDC claims.

        Dex can only map a non-standard claim to a standard one if it’s not included in the id_token returned by OIDC provider.

        • spec.oidc.claimMapping.emailstring

          The claim to use as the user email.

          Default: "email"

        • spec.oidc.claimMapping.groupsstring

          The claim to use as the user groups.

          Default: "groups"

        • spec.oidc.claimMapping.preferred_usernamestring

          The claim to use as the user preferred username.

          Default: "preferred_username"

      • spec.oidc.clientIDstring

        Required value

        OIDC issuer application ID.

      • spec.oidc.clientSecretstring

        Required value

        OIDC issuer application secret key.

      • spec.oidc.enableBasicAuthboolean

        Enables basic authorization for the Kubernetes API server.

        The username and password of the user from the application created in OIDC are used as credentials for basic authorization (you can enable it only if there is just one provider of the OIDC/Crowd type). Works only if the publishAPI parameter is enabled.

        Authorization and group data obtained from an IdP are stored in the cache for 10 seconds.

      • spec.oidc.getUserInfoboolean

        Request additional info about the authenticated user.

        Learn more here

        Default: false

      • spec.oidc.insecureSkipEmailVerifiedboolean

        Allow authentication for clients without verified email address.

        Default: false

      • spec.oidc.insecureSkipVerifyboolean

        If a custom certificate isn’t provided, this option can be used to turn off TLS certificate checks. As noted, it is insecure and shouldn’t be used outside of explorative phases.

        Default: false

      • spec.oidc.issuerstring

        Required value

        Canonical URL of the provider, also used for configuration discovery. This value MUST match the value returned in the provider config discovery.


      • spec.oidc.promptTypestring

        Determines if the Issuer should ask for confirmation and provide hints during the authentication process.

        By default, the confirmation will be requested on the first authentication. Possible values may vary depending on the Issuer.

        Default: "consent"

      • spec.oidc.rootCADatastring

        A CA chain to validate the provider in PEM format.


        rootCAData: |
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      • spec.oidc.scopesarray of strings

        List of additional scopes to request in token response.

        Default: ["openid","profile","email","groups","offline_access"]

      • spec.oidc.userIDKeystring

        The claim to use as the user id.

        Default: "sub"

      • spec.oidc.userNameKeystring

        The claim to use as the user name.

        Default: "name"

    • spec.typestring

      Required value

      Type of authentication provider.

      Allowed values: Github, Gitlab, BitbucketCloud, Crowd, OIDC, LDAP

Defines the configuration for connecting a third-party provider.

With it, you can flexibly configure the integration of the account directory with Kubernetes.

Usage example…

  • specobject

    Required value

    • spec.bitbucketCloudobject

      Parameters of the Bitbucket Cloud (intended for the type: BitbucketCloud).

      • spec.bitbucketCloud.clientIDstring

        Required value

        Team application ID from BitbucketCloud (Key).

      • spec.bitbucketCloud.clientSecretstring

        Required value

        Team application secret key from BitbucketCloud.

      • spec.bitbucketCloud.includeTeamGroupsboolean

        Optional parameter to include team groups.

        If enabled, the groups claim of Dex id_token will looks like this:

        ["my_team", "my_team/administrators", "my_team/members"]

        Default: false

      • spec.bitbucketCloud.teamsarray of strings

        A list of allowed Bitbucket Cloud teams (filter).

        The user token will contain a set intersection of Bitbucket Cloud teams and teams from this list. If the set is empty, the authorization will be considered unsuccessful.

        The user token will contain the user teams in the groups claim (similar to other providers).

    • spec.crowdobject

      Parameters of the Crowd (intended for the type: Crowd).

      • spec.crowd.baseURLstring

        Required value

        Base part of Attlassian Crowd URL.


      • spec.crowd.clientIDstring

        Required value

        Application ID from Atlassian Crowd (Application Name).

      • spec.crowd.clientSecretstring

        Required value

        Application secret key from Atlassian Crowd (Password).

      • spec.crowd.enableBasicAuthboolean

        Enables basic authorization for the Kubernetes API server.

        The username and password of the user from the application created in Crowd are used as credentials for basic authorization (you can enable it only if there is just one provider of the OIDC/Crowd type). Works only if the publishAPI is enabled.

        Authorization and group data obtained from an IdP are stored in the cache for 10 seconds.

      • spec.crowd.groupsarray of strings

        A list of allowed Crowd groups (filter).

        The user token will contain a set intersection of Crowd groups and groups from this list. If the set is empty, the authorization will be considered unsuccessful.

        The user token will contain all Crowd groups if the parameter is not set.

      • spec.crowd.usernamePromptstring

        Prompt for username field.

        Default: "Crowd username"

    • spec.displayNamestring

      Required value

      The provider name to show on the authentication provider selection page. The selection page will not be displayed if there is only one provider configured.

    • spec.githubobject

      Parameters of the GitHub provider (intended for the type: Github case only).

      • spec.github.clientIDstring

        Required value

        Organization application ID from GitHub.

      • spec.github.clientSecretstring

        Required value

        Organization application secret key from GitHub.

      • spec.github.orgsarray of objects

        Filter for user organizations. ID token will contain only organizations from this list. If the user is not in any organization from this list, an authorization will fail.

        By default, all organizations allowed.

        • spec.github.orgs.namestring

          Required value

          Name of organization.

        • spec.github.orgs.teamsarray of strings

          A list of allowed GitHub teams (filter).

          The user token will contain a set intersection of teams from GitHub and teams from this list. If the set is empty, the authorization will be considered unsuccessful.

          The user token will contain all GitHub teams if the parameter is not set.

      • spec.github.teamNameFieldstring

        As an example, group claims for member of ‘Site Reliability Engineers’ in Acme organization would yield:

        • [‘acme:Site Reliability Engineers’] for ‘name’
        • [‘acme:site-reliability-engineers’] for ‘slug’
        • [‘acme:Site Reliability Engineers’, ‘acme:site-reliability-engineers’] for ‘both’

        ‘name’ will be used by default.

        Default: "name"

        Allowed values: name, slug, both

      • spec.github.useLoginAsIDboolean

        Flag which will switch from using the internal GitHub id to the users handle (@mention) as the user id. It is possible for a user to change their own user name but it is very rare for them to do so.

        Equals to false by default.

    • spec.gitlabobject

      Parameters of the GitLab provider (intended for the type: Gitlab case only).

      • spec.gitlab.baseURLstring

        Base part of GitLab URL.


      • spec.gitlab.clientIDstring

        Required value

        Application ID from GitLab.

      • spec.gitlab.clientSecretstring

        Required value

        Application secret key from GitLab.

      • spec.gitlab.groupsarray of strings

        A list (filter) of allowed GitLab groups (group paths and not names).

        The user token will contain a set intersection of GitLab groups and groups from this list. If the set is empty, the authorization will be considered unsuccessful.

        The user token will contain all GitLab groups if the parameter is not set;

      • spec.gitlab.useLoginAsIDboolean

        Flag to switch from using the internal GitLab id to the users handle (@mention) as the user id. It is possible for a user to change their own user name but it is very rare for them to do so.

        Equals to false by default.

    • spec.ldapobject

      Parameters of the LDAP.

      • spec.ldap.bindDNstring

        The DN for an application service account. The connector uses these credentials to search for users and groups. Not required if the LDAP server provides access for anonymous auth.


        bindDN: uid=serviceaccount,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
      • spec.ldap.bindPWstring

        Password for read-only service account. Please note that if the bind password contains a $, it has to be saved in an environment variable which should be given as the value to bindPW.


        bindPW: password
      • spec.ldap.groupSearchobject

        Group search queries for groups given a user entry. Details

        • spec.ldap.groupSearch.baseDNstring

          Required value

          BaseDN to start the search from.


          baseDN: cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
        • spec.ldap.groupSearch.filterstring

          Optional filter to apply when searching the directory.


          filter: "(objectClass=person)"
        • spec.ldap.groupSearch.nameAttrstring

          Required value

          Represents group name.


          nameAttr: name
        • spec.ldap.groupSearch.userMatchersarray of objects

          Required value

          Following list contains field pairs that are used to match a user to a group. It adds a requirement to the filter that an attribute in the group must match the user’s attribute value.

          • spec.ldap.groupSearch.userMatchers.groupAttrstring

            Required value

            The name of the attribute that stores the group member names.


            groupAttr: member
          • spec.ldap.groupSearch.userMatchers.userAttrstring

            Required value

            The name of the attribute that stores the user name.


            userAttr: uid
      • spec.ldap.hoststring

        Required value

        Host and optional port of the LDAP server in the form “host:port”. If the port is not supplied, it will be guessed based on “insecureNoSSL”, and “startTLS” flags. 389 for insecure or StartTLS connections, 636 otherwise.


      • spec.ldap.insecureNoSSLboolean

        Following field is required if the LDAP host is not using TLS (port 389). This option inherently leaks passwords to anyone on the same network as Dex. Equals to false by default.

        Default: false

      • spec.ldap.insecureSkipVerifyboolean

        If a custom certificate isn’t provided, this option can be used to turn off TLS certificate checks. As noted, it is insecure and shouldn’t be used outside of explorative phases.

        Default: false

      • spec.ldap.rootCADatastring

        A CA chain to validate the provider in PEM format.


        rootCAData: |
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      • spec.ldap.startTLSboolean

        When connecting to the server, connect using the ldap:// protocol then issue a StartTLS command. If unspecified, connections will use the ldaps:// protocol

        Default: false

      • spec.ldap.userSearchobject

        Required value

        User search maps a username and password entered by a user to a LDAP entry. Details…

        • spec.ldap.userSearch.baseDNstring

          Required value

          BaseDN to start the search from.


          baseDN: cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
        • spec.ldap.userSearch.emailAttrstring

          Required value

          LDAP attribute that will be matched to Dex user email entry. When an email address is not available, use another value unique to the user, like uid.


          emailAttr: mail
        • spec.ldap.userSearch.filterstring

          Optional filter to apply when searching the directory.


          filter: "(objectClass=person)"
        • spec.ldap.userSearch.idAttrstring

          Required value

          LDAP attribute that will be matched to Dex user id entry.


          idAttr: uid
        • spec.ldap.userSearch.nameAttrstring

          LDAP attribute that will be matched to Dex user name entry. No default value provided.


          nameAttr: name
        • spec.ldap.userSearch.usernamestring

          Required value

          Username attribute used for comparing user entries. This will be translated and combined with the other filter as “(=)".


          username: uid
      • spec.ldap.usernamePromptstring

        The attribute to display in the provided password prompt. If unset, will display “LDAP Username”.

        Default: "LDAP username"


        usernamePrompt: SSO Username
    • spec.oidcobject

      Parameters of the OIDC (intended for the type: OIDC).

      • spec.oidc.basicAuthUnsupportedboolean

        Use POST requests to interact with the provider instead of including the token in the Basic Authorization header. Generally, Dex automatically determines the type of request to make, while in some cases enabling this parameter can help.

        Default: false

      • spec.oidc.claimMappingobject

        Some providers return non-standard claims (eg. mail). Claim mappings are hints for Dex how to map claims to standard OIDC claims.

        Dex can only map a non-standard claim to a standard one if it’s not included in the id_token returned by OIDC provider.

        • spec.oidc.claimMapping.emailstring

          The claim to use as the user email.

          Default: "email"

        • spec.oidc.claimMapping.groupsstring

          The claim to use as the user groups.

          Default: "groups"

        • spec.oidc.claimMapping.preferred_usernamestring

          The claim to use as the user preferred username.

          Default: "preferred_username"

      • spec.oidc.clientIDstring

        Required value

        OIDC issuer application ID.

      • spec.oidc.clientSecretstring

        Required value

        OIDC issuer application secret key.

      • spec.oidc.enableBasicAuthboolean

        Enables basic authorization for the Kubernetes API server.

        The username and password of the user from the application created in OIDC are used as credentials for basic authorization (you can enable it only if there is just one provider of the OIDC/Crowd type). Works only if the publishAPI parameter is enabled.

        Authorization and group data obtained from an IdP are stored in the cache for 10 seconds.

      • spec.oidc.getUserInfoboolean

        Request additional info about the authenticated user.

        Learn more here

        Default: false

      • spec.oidc.insecureSkipEmailVerifiedboolean

        Allow authentication for clients without verified email address.

        Default: false

      • spec.oidc.insecureSkipVerifyboolean

        If a custom certificate isn’t provided, this option can be used to turn off TLS certificate checks. As noted, it is insecure and shouldn’t be used outside of explorative phases.

        Default: false

      • spec.oidc.issuerstring

        Required value

        Canonical URL of the provider, also used for configuration discovery. This value MUST match the value returned in the provider config discovery.


      • spec.oidc.promptTypestring

        Determines if the Issuer should ask for confirmation and provide hints during the authentication process.

        By default, the confirmation will be requested on the first authentication. Possible values may vary depending on the Issuer.

        Default: "consent"

      • spec.oidc.rootCADatastring

        A CA chain to validate the provider in PEM format.


        rootCAData: |
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      • spec.oidc.scopesarray of strings

        List of additional scopes to request in token response.

        Default: ["openid","profile","email","groups","offline_access"]

      • spec.oidc.userIDKeystring

        The claim to use as the user id.

        Default: "sub"

      • spec.oidc.userNameKeystring

        The claim to use as the user name.

        Default: "name"

    • spec.typestring

      Required value

      Type of authentication provider.

      Allowed values: Github, Gitlab, BitbucketCloud, Crowd, OIDC, LDAP


Scope: Cluster
Version: v1alpha1

Contains information about a user group.

  • specobject

    Required value

    • spec.membersarray of objects

      Required value

      List of group members.

      • spec.members.kindstring

        Required value

        Type of a group member.

        Allowed values: User, Group

      • spec.members.namestring

        Required value

        User or group name.

    • spec.namestring

      Required value

      Unique group name.

    • spec.statusobject
      • spec.status.errorsarray of objects
        • spec.status.errors.messagestring
        • spec.status.errors.objectRefobject
          • spec.status.errors.objectRef.kindstring

            Allowed values: User, Group

          • spec.status.errors.objectRef.namestring


Scope: Cluster

Contains information about the static user.

Usage example…

  • specobject

    Required value

    • spec.emailstring

      Required value

      User email.

      Caution! Note that if used together with the user-authz module, you must specify an email to grant rights to the specific user as the user name in the ClusterAuthorizationRule CR.


    • spec.groupsDeprecatedarray of strings

      Static user groups.

      Since the parameter has been deprecated, use the Group resource to add users to groups.

    • spec.passwordstring

      Required value

      User password hash in plaintext or Base64 encoded.

      Use the following command to encode the password hash in Base64: echo "<PASSWORD>" | htpasswd -BinC 10 "" | cut -d: -f2 | base64 -w0. Alternatively, you can use an online service (such as


      password: JDJ5JDEwJE9HN1lOOUhnOXU5NmY2cGp4R3NIcS56NWQuOVQxQ0VrdWIud3BRdVJ5Sy5QQU5INlpKNDguCgo=
    • spec.ttlstring

      Static user TTL.

      It is specified as a string containing the time unit in hours and minutes: 30m, 1h, 2h30m, 24h.

      You can only set the TTL once. The expireAt date will not be updated if you change it again.

      Pattern: ^([0-9]+h([0-9]+m)?|[0-9]+m)$


      ttl: 24h
    • spec.userIDDeprecatedstring

      Unique issuer user ID. It equals to

      Deprecated and shouldn’t be set manually.

Contains information about the static user.

Usage example…

  • specobject

    Required value

    • spec.emailstring

      Required value

      User email.

      Caution! Note that if used together with the user-authz module, you must specify an email to grant rights to the specific user as the user name in the ClusterAuthorizationRule CR.


    • spec.groupsDeprecatedarray of strings

      Static user groups.

      Since the parameter has been deprecated, use the Group resource to add users to groups.

    • spec.passwordstring

      Required value

      User password hash in plaintext or Base64 encoded.

      Use the following command to encode the password hash in Base64: echo "<PASSWORD>" | htpasswd -BinC 10 "" | cut -d: -f2 | base64 -w0. Alternatively, you can use an online service (such as


      password: JDJ5JDEwJE9HN1lOOUhnOXU5NmY2cGp4R3NIcS56NWQuOVQxQ0VrdWIud3BRdVJ5Sy5QQU5INlpKNDguCgo=
    • spec.ttlstring

      Static user TTL.

      It is specified as a string containing the time unit in hours and minutes: 30m, 1h, 2h30m, 24h.

      You can only set the TTL once. The expireAt date will not be updated if you change it again.

      Pattern: ^([0-9]+h([0-9]+m)?|[0-9]+m)$


      ttl: 24h
    • spec.userIDstring

      Unique issuer user ID. It equals to by default.


      userID: '08a8684b-db88-4b73-90a9-3cd1661f5466'