
Scope: Cluster

Parameters of the Azure Instances used by machine-controller-manager (the node-manager module).

The CloudInstanceClass resource of the node-manager module refers to this resource.

  • spec

    Required value

    • spec.acceleratedNetworking

      Accelerated Networking provides up to 30Gbps in networking throughput.

      Default: true

    • spec.additionalTags

      The additional tags to attach to the instances created.

    • spec.capacity

      Deprecated: the parameter is no longer used. Deckhouse is using parameters from the cloud for passed instance type.

      Instance capacity for non-standard instance types (the machineSize parameter).

      Cluster-autoscaler uses the parameter for scheduling only when there are no nodes in NodeGroup yet (if minPerZone equal to 0). If there are already nodes in the NodeGroup, then cluster-autoscaler uses the actual node capacity (CPU, memory) when planning, and does not use the capacity parameter.

      The parameter must be specified only for non-standard instance types. Info about the capacity of standard instance types (Standard_A1_v2, Standard_B16ms, etc.) is embedded in Deckhouse.

      • spec.capacity.cpu
        integer or string

        Required value

        Node vCPU resources.

        Pattern: ^[0-9]+m?$


        cpu: 1000m
      • spec.capacity.memory
        integer or string

        Required value

        Node memory resources.

        Pattern: ^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?(E|P|T|G|M|k|Ei|Pi|Ti|Gi|Mi|Ki)?$


        memory: 1500Mi
    • spec.diskSizeGb

      Instance root disk size in gibibytes.

      Default: 50


      diskSizeGb: 40
    • spec.diskType

      The type of the volume to create.

      You can view a list of available volume types using the Azure CLI:

      az vm list-skus -l westeurope --zone`

      Default: "StandardSSD_LRS"

    • spec.machineSize

      Required value

      The type of instances to provision.

      You can view a list of available types for the specific region using the Azure CLI:

      az vm list-sizes --location westeurope -o table


      machineSize: Standard_F4
    • spec.urn

      Not required value.

      The VM image to use for an instance.

      More information about virtual machine images can be found in the official documentation.

      You can get the latest version of an image using the Azure CLI:

      • az vm image show --urn Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:latest --location westeurope;
      • az vm image show --urn Canonical:0001-com-ubuntu-server-focal:20_04-lts:latest --location westeurope.

      By default, the image specified in AzureCloudDiscoveryData is used (the master of the cluster is based on this image).

      The list of OS and their versions supported by Deckhouse can be found in the documentation (take into account the Deckhouse version used).


      urn: Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:18.04.202010140

Parameters of the Azure Instances used by machine-controller-manager (the node-manager module).

The CloudInstanceClass resource of the node-manager module refers to this resource.

  • spec

    Required value

    • spec.acceleratedNetworking

      Accelerated Networking provides up to 30Gbps in networking throughput.

      Default: true

    • spec.additionalTags

      The additional tags to attach to the instances created.

    • spec.capacity

      Deprecated: the parameter is no longer used. Deckhouse is using parameters from the cloud for passed instance type.

      Instance capacity for non-standard instance types (the machineSize parameter).

      Cluster-autoscaler uses the parameter for scheduling only when there are no nodes in NodeGroup yet (if minPerZone equal to 0). If there are already nodes in the NodeGroup, then cluster-autoscaler uses the actual node capacity (CPU, memory) when planning, and does not use the capacity parameter.

      The parameter must be specified only for non-standard instance types. Info about the capacity of standard instance types (Standard_A1_v2, Standard_B16ms, etc.) is embedded in Deckhouse.

      • spec.capacity.cpu
        integer or string

        Required value

        Node vCPU resources.

        Pattern: ^[0-9]+m?$


        cpu: 1000m
      • spec.capacity.memory
        integer or string

        Required value

        Node memory resources.

        Pattern: ^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?(E|P|T|G|M|k|Ei|Pi|Ti|Gi|Mi|Ki)?$


        memory: 1500Mi
    • spec.diskSizeGb

      Instance root disk size in gibibytes.

      Default: 50


      diskSizeGb: 40
    • spec.diskType

      The type of the volume to create.

      You can view a list of available volume types using the Azure CLI:

      az vm list-skus -l westeurope --zone`

      Default: "StandardSSD_LRS"

    • spec.machineSize

      Required value

      The type of instances to provision.

      You can view a list of available types for the specific region using the Azure CLI:

      az vm list-sizes --location westeurope -o table


      machineSize: Standard_F4
    • spec.urn

      Not required value.

      The VM image to use for an instance.

      More information about virtual machine images can be found in the official documentation.

      You can get the latest version of an image using the Azure CLI:

      • az vm image show --urn Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:latest --location westeurope;
      • az vm image show --urn Canonical:0001-com-ubuntu-server-focal:20_04-lts:latest --location westeurope.

      By default, the image specified in AzureCloudDiscoveryData is used (the master of the cluster is based on this image).

      The list of OS and their versions supported by Deckhouse can be found in the documentation (take into account the Deckhouse version used).


      urn: Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:18.04.202010140