How do I find out all Deckhouse parameters?

Deckhouse is configured using global settings, module settings, and various custom resources. Read more in the documentation.

To view global Deckhouse settings:

kubectl get mc global -o yaml

To list the status of all modules (available for Deckhouse version 1.47+):

kubectl get modules

To get the user-authn module configuration:

kubectl get moduleconfigs user-authn -o yaml

How do I find the documentation for the version installed?

The documentation for the Deckhouse version running in the cluster is available at documentation.<cluster_domain>, where <cluster_domain> is the DNS name that matches the template defined in the modules.publicDomainTemplate parameter.

Documentation is available when the documentation module is enabled. It is enabled by default except the Minimal bundle.

Deckhouse update

How to find out in which mode the cluster is being updated?

You can view the cluster update mode in the configuration of the deckhouse module. To do this, run the following command:

kubectl get mc deckhouse -oyaml

Example of the output:

kind: ModuleConfig
  creationTimestamp: "2022-12-14T11:13:03Z"
  generation: 1
  name: deckhouse
  resourceVersion: "3258626079"
  uid: c64a2532-af0d-496b-b4b7-eafb5d9a56ee
    releaseChannel: Stable
      - days:
        - Mon
        from: "19:00"
        to: "20:00"
  version: 1
  state: Enabled
  status: ""
  type: Embedded
  version: "1"

There are three possible update modes:

  • Automatic + update windows are not set. The cluster will be updated after the new version appears on the corresponding release channel.
  • Automatic + update windows are set. The cluster will be updated in the nearest available window after the new version appears on the release channel.
  • Manual. Manual action is required to apply the update.

How do I set the desired release channel?

Change (set) the releaseChannel parameter in the deckhouse module configuration to automatically switch to another release channel.

It will activate the mechanism of automatic stabilization of the release channel.

Here is an example of the deckhouse module configuration with the Stable release channel:

kind: ModuleConfig
  name: deckhouse
  version: 1
    releaseChannel: Stable

How do I disable automatic updates?

To completely disable the Deckhouse update mechanism, remove the releaseChannel parameter in the deckhouse module configuration.

In this case, Deckhouse does not check for updates and even doesn’t apply patch releases.

It is highly not recommended to disable automatic updates! It will block updates to patch releases that may contain critical vulnerabilities and bugs fixes.

How do I apply an update without having to wait for the update window, canary-release and manual update mode?

To apply an update immediately, set the : "true" annotation on the DeckhouseRelease resource.

Caution! In this case, the update windows, settings canary-release and manual cluster update mode will be ignored. The update will be applied immediately after the annotation is installed.

An example of a command to set the annotation to skip the update windows for version v1.56.2:

kubectl annotate deckhousereleases v1.56.2"true"

An example of a resource with the update window skipping annotation in place:

kind: DeckhouseRelease
  annotations: "true"

How to understand what changes the update contains and how it will affect the cluster?

You can find all the information about Deckhouse versions in the list of Deckhouse releases.

Summary information about important changes, component version updates, and which components in the cluster will be restarted during the update process can be found in the description of the zero patch version of the release. For example, v1.46.0 for the v1.46 Deckhouse release.

A detailed list of changes can be found in the Changelog, which is referenced in each release.

How do I understand that the cluster is being updated?

During the update:

  • The DeckhouseUpdating alert is firing.
  • The deckhouse Pod is not the Ready status. If the Pod does not go to the Ready status for a long time, then this may indicate that there are problems in the work of Deckhouse. Diagnosis is necessary.

How do I know that the update was successful?

If the DeckhouseUpdating alert is resolved, then the update is complete.

You can also check the status of Deckhouse releases.

An example:

$ kubectl get deckhouserelease
v1.46.8    Superseded   13d
v1.46.9    Superseded   11d
v1.47.0    Superseded   4h12m
v1.47.1    Deployed     4h12m

The Deployed status of the corresponding version indicates that the switch to the corresponding version was performed (but this does not mean that it ended successfully).

Check the status of the Deckhouse Pod:

$ kubectl -n d8-system get pods -l app=deckhouse
NAME                   READY  STATUS   RESTARTS  AGE
deckhouse-7844b47bcd-qtbx9  1/1   Running  0       1d
  • If the status of the Pod is Running, and 1/1 indicated in the READY column, the update was completed successfully.
  • If the status of the Pod is Running, and 0/1 indicated in the READY column, the update is not over yet. If this goes on for more than 20-30 minutes, then this may indicate that there are problems in the work of Deckhouse. Diagnosis is necessary.
  • If the status of the Pod is not Running, then this may indicate that there are problems in the work of Deckhouse. Diagnosis is necessary.

Possible options for action if something went wrong:

  • Check Deckhouse logs using the following command:

    kubectl -n d8-system logs -f -l app=deckhouse | jq -Rr 'fromjson? | .msg'
  • Collect debugging information and contact technical support.
  • Ask for help from the community.

How do I know that a new version is available for the cluster?

As soon as a new version of Deckhouse appears on the release channel installed in the cluster:

  • The alert DeckhouseReleaseIsWaitingManualApproval fires, if the cluster uses manual update mode (the update.mode parameter is set to Manual).
  • There is a new custom resource DeckhouseRelease. Use the kubectl get deckhousereleases command, to view the list of releases. If the DeckhouseRelease is in the Pending state, the specified version has not yet been installed. Possible reasons why DeckhouseRelease may be in Pending:
    • Manual update mode is set (the update.mode parameter is set to Manual).
    • The automatic update mode is set, and the update windows are configured, the interval of which has not yet come.
    • The automatic update mode is set, update windows are not configured, but the installation of the version has been postponed for a random time due to the mechanism of reducing the load on the repository of container images. There will be a corresponding message in the status.message field of the DeckhouseRelease resource.
    • The update.notification.minimalNotificationTime parameter is set, and the specified time has not passed yet.

How do I get information about the upcoming update in advance?

You can get information in advance about updating minor versions of Deckhouse on the release channel in the following ways:

  • Configure manual update mode. In this case, when a new version appears on the release channel, the alert DeckhouseReleaseIsWaitingManualApproval will fire and a new custom resource DeckhouseRelease will appear in the cluster.
  • Configure automatic update mode and specify the minimum time in the minimalNotificationTime parameter for which the update will be postponed. In this case, when a new version appears on the release channel, a new custom resource DeckhouseRelease will appear in the cluster. And if you specify a URL in the update.notification.webhook parameter, then the webhook will be called additionally.

How do I find out which version of Deckhouse is on which release channel?

Information about which version of Deckhouse is on which release channel can be obtained at

How does automatic Deckhouse update work?

Every minute Deckhouse checks a new release appeared in the release channel specified by the releaseChannel parameter.

When a new release appears on the release channel, Deckhouse downloads it and creates CustomResource DeckhouseRelease.

After creating a DeckhouseRelease custom resource in a cluster, Deckhouse updates the deckhouse Deployment and sets the image tag to a specified release tag according to selected update mode and update windows (automatic at any time by default).

To get list and status of all releases use the following command:

kubectl get deckhousereleases

Patch releases (e.g., an update from version 1.30.1 to version 1.30.2) ignore update windows settings and apply as soon as they are available.

What happens when the release channel changes?

  • When switching to a more stable release channel (e.g., from Alpha to EarlyAccess), Deckhouse downloads release data from the release channel (the EarlyAccess release channel in the example) and compares it with the existing DeckhouseReleases:
    • Deckhouse deletes later releases (by semver) that have not yet been applied (with the Pending status).
    • if the latest releases have been already Deployed, then Deckhouse will hold the current release until a later release appears on the release channel (on the EarlyAccess release channel in the example).
  • When switching to a less stable release channel (e.g., from EarlyAcess to Alpha), the following actions take place:
    • Deckhouse downloads release data from the release channel (the Alpha release channel in the example) and compares it with the existing DeckhouseReleases.
    • Then Deckhouse performs the update according to the update parameters.

How to check the job queue in Deckhouse?

To view the status of all Deckhouse job queues, run the following command:

kubectl -n d8-system exec -it svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller queue list

Example of output (queues are empty):

$ kubectl -n d8-system exec -it svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller queue list
- 'main' queue: empty.
- 88 other queues (0 active, 88 empty): 0 tasks.
- no tasks to handle.

To view the status of the main Deckhouse task queue, run the following command:

kubectl -n d8-system exec -it svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller queue main

Example of output (38 tasks in the main queue):

$ kubectl -n d8-system exec -it svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller queue main
Queue 'main': length 38, status: 'run first task'

Example of output (the main queue is empty):

$ kubectl -n d8-system exec -it svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller queue main
Queue 'main': length 0, status: 'waiting for task 0s'

What do I do if Deckhouse fails to retrieve updates from the release channel?

  • Make sure that the desired release channel is configured.
  • Make sure that the DNS name of the Deckhouse container registry is resolved correctly.

    Retrieve and compare the IP addresses of the Deckhouse container registry ( on one of the nodes and in the Deckhouse pod. They should match.

    Here is how you can retrieve the IP address of the Deckhouse container registry on a node:

    $ getent ahosts    STREAM    DGRAM    RAW

    Here is how you can retrieve the IP address of the Deckhouse container registry in a pod:

    $ kubectl -n d8-system exec -ti svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- getent ahosts    STREAM    DGRAM

    If the retrieved IP addresses do not match, inspect the DNS settings on the host. Specifically, check the list of domains in the search parameter of the /etc/resolv.conf file (it affects name resolution in the Deckhouse pod). If the search parameter of the /etc/resolv.conf file includes a domain where wildcard record resolution is configured, it may result in incorrect resolution of the IP address of the Deckhouse container registry (see example).

Example of DNS settings that may cause errors in resolving the IP address of the Deckhouse container registry…

In the example below, DNS settings produce different results when resolving names on the host and in the Kubernetes pod:

  • The /etc/resolv.conf file on the node:


    Note that the ndot parameter defaults to 1 (options ndots:1) on the node. But in Kubernetes pods, the ndot parameter is set to 5. Therefore, the logic for resolving DNS names with 5 dots or less in the name is different on the host and in the pod.

  • The DNS zone is configured to resolve wildcard records * to That is, any DNS name in the zone for which there is no specific DNS entry is resolved to

In this case, subject to the search parameter specified in the /etc/resolv.conf file, when accessing the address on the node, the system will try to obtain the IP address for the name (it treats it as a fully qualified name given the default setting of options ndots:1).

On the other hand, when accessing from a Kubernetes pod, given the options ndots:5 parameter (the default one in Kubernetes) and the search parameter, the system will initially try to resolve the IP address for the name. The name will be resolved to because the DNS zone is configured to resolve wildcard records * to As a result, the host and information about the available Deckhouse updates will be unreachable.

Air-gapped environment; working via proxy and third-party registry

How do I configure Deckhouse to use a third-party registry?

This feature is available in Enterprise Edition only.

Deckhouse only supports Bearer authentication for container registries.

Tested and guaranteed to work with the following container registries: Nexus, Harbor, Artifactory, Docker Registry, Quay.

Deckhouse can be configured to work with a third-party registry (e.g., a proxy registry inside private environments).

Define the following parameters in the InitConfiguration resource:

  • imagesRepo: <PROXY_REGISTRY>/<DECKHOUSE_REPO_PATH>/ee. The path to the Deckhouse EE image in the third-party registry, for example imagesRepo:;
  • registryDockerCfg: <BASE64>. Base64-encoded auth credentials of the third-party registry.

Use the following registryDockerCfg if anonymous access to Deckhouse images is allowed in the third-party registry:

{"auths": { "<PROXY_REGISTRY>": {}}}

registryDockerCfg must be Base64-encoded.

Use the following registryDockerCfg if authentication is required to access Deckhouse images in the third-party registry:

{"auths": { "<PROXY_REGISTRY>": {"username":"<PROXY_USERNAME>","password":"<PROXY_PASSWORD>","auth":"<AUTH_BASE64>"}}}
  • <PROXY_USERNAME> — auth username for <PROXY_REGISTRY>.
  • <PROXY_PASSWORD> — auth password for <PROXY_REGISTRY>.
  • <PROXY_REGISTRY> — registry address: <HOSTNAME>[:PORT].
  • <AUTH_BASE64> — Base64-encoded <PROXY_USERNAME>:<PROXY_PASSWORD> auth string.

registryDockerCfg must be Base64-encoded.

You can use the following script to generate registryDockerCfg:


MYAUTH=$(echo -n "$MYUSER:$MYPASSWORD" | base64 -w0)
MYRESULTSTRING=$(echo -n "{\"auths\":{\"$MYREGISTRY\":{\"username\":\"$MYUSER\",\"password\":\"$MYPASSWORD\",\"auth\":\"$MYAUTH\"}}}" | base64 -w0)


The InitConfiguration resource provides two more parameters for non-standard third-party registry configurations:

  • registryCA - root CA certificate to validate the third-party registry’s HTTPS certificate (if self-signed certificates are used);
  • registryScheme - registry scheme (HTTP or HTTPS). The default value is HTTPS.

Tips for configuring Nexus

When interacting with a docker repository located in Nexus (e. g. executing docker pull, docker push commands), you must specify the address in the <NEXUS_URL>:<REPOSITORY_PORT>/<PATH> format.

Using the URL value from the Nexus repository options is not acceptable

The following requirements must be met if the Nexus repository manager is used:

  • Docker Bearer Token Realm must be enabled (Administration -> Security -> Realms).
  • Docker proxy repository must be pre-created (Administration -> Repository -> Repositories):
    • Allow anonymous docker pull must be enabled. This option enables Bearer token authentication to work. Note that anonymous access won’t work unless explicitly enabled in Administration -> Security -> Anonymous Access, and the anonymous user is not granted access rights to the created repository.
    • Maximum metadata age for the created repository must be set to 0.
  • Access control must be configured as follows:
    • The Nexus role must be created (Administration -> Security -> Roles) with the following permissions:
      • nx-repository-view-docker-<repo>-browse
      • nx-repository-view-docker-<repo>-read
    • The user (Administration -> Security -> Users) must be created with the above role granted.


  • Enable Docker Bearer Token Realm (Administration -> Security -> Realms): Enable `Docker Bearer Token Realm`

  • Create a docker proxy repository (Administration -> Repository -> Repositories) pointing to the Deckhouse registry: Create docker proxy repository

  • Fill in the fields on the Create page as follows:
    • Name must contain the name of the repository you created earlier, e.g., d8-proxy.
    • Repository Connectors / HTTP or Repository Connectors / HTTPS must contain a dedicated port for the created repository, e.g., 8123 or other.
    • Allow anonymous docker pull must be enabled for the Bearer token authentication to work. Note that anonymous access won’t work unless explicitly enabled in Administration -> Security -> Anonymous Access and the anonymous user is not granted access rights to the created repository.
    • Remote storage must be set to
    • You can disable Auto blocking enabled and Not found cache enabled for debugging purposes, otherwise they must be enabled.
    • Maximum Metadata Age must be set to 0.
    • Authentication must be enabled if you plan to use Deckhouse Enterprise Edition and the related fields must be set as follows:
      • Authentication Type must be set to Username.
      • Username must be set to license-token.
      • Password must contain your license key for Deckhouse Enterprise Edition.

    Repository settings example 1 Repository settings example 2 Repository settings example 3

  • Configure Nexus access control to allow Nexus access to the created repository:
    • Create a Nexus role (Administration -> Security -> Roles) with the nx-repository-view-docker-<repo>-browse and nx-repository-view-docker-<repo>-read permissions.

      Create a Nexus role

    • Create a user with the role above granted.

      Create a Nexus user

Thus, Deckhouse images will be available at https://<NEXUS_HOST>:<REPOSITORY_PORT>/deckhouse/ee:<d8s-version>.

Tips for configuring Harbor

You need to use the Proxy Cache feature of a Harbor.

  • Create a Registry:
    • Administration -> Registries -> New Endpoint.
    • Provider: Docker Registry.
    • Name — specify any of your choice.
    • Endpoint URL:
    • Specify the Access ID and Access Secret for Deckhouse Enterprise Edition.

    Create a Registry

  • Create a new Project:
    • Projects -> New Project.
    • Project Name will be used in the URL. You can choose any name, for example, d8s.
    • Access Level: Public.
    • Proxy Cache — enable and choose the Registry, created in the previous step.

    Create a new Project

Thus, Deckhouse images will be available at{d8s-version}.

Manually uploading images to an air-gapped registry

This feature is only available in Standard Edition (SE), Enterprise Edition (EE), and Certified Security Edition (CSE).

Check for the current status of the release channels.

  1. Download and install the Deckhouse CLI tool.

  2. Pull Deckhouse images using the d8 mirror pull command.

    By default, d8 mirror pulls only the latest available patch versions for every actual Deckhouse release and the current set of officially supplied modules. For example, for Deckhouse 1.59, only version 1.59.12 will be pulled, since this is sufficient for updating Deckhouse from 1.58 to 1.59.

    Run the following command (specify the edition code and the license key) to download actual images:

    d8 mirror pull \
      --source='<EDITION>' \
      --license='<LICENSE_KEY>' $(pwd)/d8.tar


    • <EDITION> — the edition code of the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform (for example, ee, se, cse);
    • <LICENSE_KEY> — Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform license key.

    If the loading of images is interrupted, rerunning the command will resume the loading if no more than a day has passed since it stopped.

    You can also use the following command options:

    • --no-pull-resume — to forcefully start the download from the beginning;
    • --no-modules — to skip downloading modules;
    • --min-version=X.Y — to download all versions of Deckhouse starting from the specified minor version. This parameter will be ignored if a version higher than the version on the Rock Solid updates channel is specified. This parameter cannot be used simultaneously with the --release parameter;
    • --release=X.Y.Z — to download only a specific version of Deckhouse (without considering update channels). This parameter cannot be used simultaneously with the --min-version parameter;
    • --gost-digest — for calculating the checksum of the Deckhouse images in the format of GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog). The checksum will be displayed and written to a file with the extension .tar.gostsum in the folder with the tar archive containing Deckhouse images;
    • --source — to specify the address of the Deckhouse source registry;
      • To authenticate in the official Deckhouse image registry, you need to use a license key and the --license parameter;
      • To authenticate in a third-party registry, you need to use the --source-login and --source-password parameters;
    • --images-bundle-chunk-size=N — to specify the maximum file size (in GB) to split the image archive into. As a result of the operation, instead of a single file archive, a set of .chunk files will be created (e.g., d8.tar.NNNN.chunk). To upload images from such a set of files, specify the file name without the .NNNN.chunk suffix in the d8 mirror push command (e.g., d8.tar for files like d8.tar.NNNN.chunk).

    Additional configuration options for the d8 mirror family of commands are available as environment variables:

    • HTTP_PROXY/HTTPS_PROXY — URL of the proxy server for HTTP(S) requests to hosts that are not listed in the variable $NO_PROXY;
    • NO_PROXY — comma-separated list of hosts to exclude from proxying. Supported value formats include IP addresses (, CIDR notations (, domains, and the asterisk character (*). The IP addresses and domain names can also include a literal port number ( The domain name matches that name and all the subdomains. The domain name with a leading . matches subdomains only. For example, matches and; matches but does not match A single asterisk * indicates that no proxying should be done;
    • SSL_CERT_FILE — path to the SSL certificate. If the variable is set, system certificates are not used;
    • SSL_CERT_DIR — list of directories to search for SSL certificate files, separated by a colon. If set, system certificates are not used. See more…;
    • TMPDIR (*nix)/TMP (Windows) — path to a temporary directory to use for image pulling and pushing. All processing is done in this directory, so make sure there is enough free disk space to accommodate the entire bundle you are downloading;
    • MIRROR_BYPASS_ACCESS_CHECKS — set to 1 to skip validation of registry credentials;

    Example of a command to download all versions of Deckhouse EE starting from version 1.59 (provide the license key):

    d8 mirror pull \
      --source='' \
      --license='<LICENSE_KEY>' --min-version=1.59 $(pwd)/d8.tar

    Example of a command for downloading Deckhouse images from a third-party registry:

    d8 mirror pull \
      --source='' \
      --source-login='<USER>' --source-password='<PASSWORD>' $(pwd)/d8.tar
  3. Upload the bundle with the pulled Deckhouse images to a host with access to the air-gapped registry and install the Deckhouse CLI tool.

  4. Push the images to the air-gapped registry using the d8 mirror push command.

    Example of a command for pushing images from the /tmp/d8-images/d8.tar tarball (specify authorization data if necessary):

    d8 mirror push /tmp/d8-images/d8.tar '' \
      --registry-login='<USER>' --registry-password='<PASSWORD>'

    Before pushing images, make sure that the path for loading into the registry exists (/sys/deckhouse in the example above), and the account being used has write permissions. Harbor users, please note that you will not be able to upload images to the project root; instead use a dedicated repository in the project to host Deckhouse images.

  5. Once pushing images to the air-gapped private registry is complete, you are ready to install Deckhouse from it. Refer to the Getting started guide.

    When launching the installer, use a repository where Deckhouse images have previously been loaded instead of official Deckhouse registry. For example, the address for launching the installer will look like instead of

    During installation, add your registry address and authorization data to the InitConfiguration resource (the imagesRepo and registryDockerCfg parameters; you might refer to step 3 of the Getting started guide as well).

    After installation, apply DeckhouseReleases manifests that were generated by the d8 mirror pull command to your cluster via Deckhouse CLI as follows:

    d8 k apply -f ./deckhousereleases.yaml

Manually uploading images of Deckhouse modules into an air-gapped registry

Follow these steps for manual loading images of modules, connected from the module source (the ModuleSource resource):

  1. Download and install the Deckhouse CLI tool.

  2. Create an authentication string for using the following command (provide the license key):

    base64 -w0 <<EOF
        "auths": {
          "": {
            "auth": "$(echo -n license-token:${LICENSE_KEY} | base64 -w0)"
  3. Pull module images from their source registry, defined as a ModuleSource resource, into a dedicated directory using the d8 mirror modules pull command.

    d8 mirror modules pull pulls only the module versions available in the module release channels at the time of copying unless the --filter flag is set.

    • Create a file with the ModuleSource resource (for example, $HOME/module_source.yml).

      Below is an example of a ModuleSource resource:

      kind: ModuleSource
        name: deckhouse
          # Specify credentials for the official Deckhouse registry obtained in step 2.
          dockerCfg: <BASE64_REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS>
          scheme: HTTPS
        # Select the appropriate release channel: Alpha, Beta, EarlyAccess, Stable, or RockSolid
        releaseChannel: "Stable"
    • Download module images from the source described in the ModuleSource resource to the specified directory, using the command d8 mirror modules pull.

      An example of a command:

      d8 mirror modules pull -d ./d8-modules -m $HOME/module_source.yml

      To download only a specific set of modules of specific versions, use the --filter flag followed by the list of required modules and their minimal required versions separated by the ; character.

      For example:

      d8 mirror modules pull -d /tmp/d8-modules -m $HOME/module_source.yml \
        --filter='deckhouse-admin@1.3.3; sds-drbd@0.0.1'

      The command above will only pull the deckhouse-admin and sds-drbd modules. For deckhouse-admin, all available versions starting from 1.3.3 will be pulled; for sds-drbd — those starting from 0.0.1.

  4. Upload the directory with the pulled images of the Deckhouse modules to a host with access to the air-gapped registry and install Deckhouse CLI tool.

  5. Upload module images to the air-gapped registry using the d8 mirror modules push command.

    Below is an example of a command for pushing images from the /tmp/d8-modules directory:

    d8 mirror modules push \
      -d /tmp/d8-modules --registry='' \
      --registry-login='<USER>' --registry-password='<PASSWORD>'

    Before pushing images, make sure that the path for loading into the registry exists (/sys/deckhouse/modules in the example above), and the account being used has write permissions.

  6. After uploading the images to the air-gapped registry, edit the ModuleSource YAML manifest prepared in step 3:

    • Change the .spec.registry.repo field to the address that you specified in the --registry parameter when you uploaded the images;
    • Change the .spec.registry.dockerCfg field to a base64 string with the authorization data for your registry in dockercfg format. Refer to your registry’s documentation for information on how to obtain this token.

    An example:

    kind: ModuleSource
      name: deckhouse
        # Specify the authentication string for your registry.
        dockerCfg: <BASE64_REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS>
        repo: ''
        scheme: HTTPS
      # Select the appropriate release channel: Alpha, Beta, EarlyAccess, Stable, or RockSolid
      releaseChannel: "Stable"
  7. Apply the ModuleSource manifest you got in the previous step to the cluster.

    d8 k apply -f $HOME/module_source.yml

    Once the manifest has been applied, the modules are ready for use. For more detailed instructions on configuring and using modules, please refer to the module developer’s documentation.

How do I switch a running Deckhouse cluster to use a third-party registry?

Using a registry other than and is only available in the Enterprise Edition.

To switch the Deckhouse cluster to using a third-party registry, follow these steps:

  • Run deckhouse-controller helper change-registry inside the Deckhouse Pod with the new registry settings.
    • Example:

      kubectl -n d8-system exec -ti svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller helper change-registry --user MY-USER --password MY-PASSWORD
    • If the registry uses a self-signed certificate, put the root CA certificate that validates the registry’s HTTPS certificate to file /tmp/ca.crt in the Deckhouse Pod and add the --ca-file /tmp/ca.crt option to the script or put the content of CA into a variable as follows:

      $ CA_CONTENT=$(cat <<EOF
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      $ kubectl -n d8-system exec svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- bash -c "echo '$CA_CONTENT' > /tmp/ca.crt && deckhouse-controller helper change-registry --ca-file /tmp/ca.crt --user MY-USER --password MY-PASSWORD"
    • To view the list of available keys of the deckhouse-controller helper change-registry command, run the following command:

      kubectl -n d8-system exec -ti svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller helper change-registry --help

      Example output:

      usage: deckhouse-controller helper change-registry [<flags>] <new-registry>
      Change registry for deckhouse images.
        --help               Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
        --user=USER          User with pull access to registry.
        --password=PASSWORD  Password/token for registry user.
        --ca-file=CA-FILE    Path to registry CA.
        --scheme=SCHEME      Used scheme while connecting to registry, http or https.
        --dry-run            Don't change deckhouse resources, only print them.
                            New tag that will be used for deckhouse deployment image (by default
                            current tag from deckhouse deployment will be used).
        <new-registry>  Registry that will be used for deckhouse images (example:
               By default, https will be used, if you need
                        http - provide '--scheme' flag with http value
  • Wait for the Deckhouse Pod to become Ready. Restart Deckhouse Pod if it will be in ImagePullBackoff state.
  • Wait for bashible to apply the new settings on the master node. The bashible log on the master node (journalctl -u bashible) should contain the message Configuration is in sync, nothing to do.
  • If you want to disable Deckhouse automatic updates, remove the releaseChannel parameter from the deckhouse module configuration.
  • Check if there are Pods with original registry in cluster (if there are — restart them):

    kubectl get pods -A -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.containers[]
      | select(.image | startswith("registry.deckhouse"))) | .metadata.namespace + "\t" +' | sort | uniq

How to bootstrap a cluster and run Deckhouse without the usage of release channels?

This method should only be used if there are no release channel images in your air-gapped registry.

  • If you want to install Deckhouse with automatic updates disabled:
    • Use the tag of the installer image of the corresponding version. For example, use the image, if you want to install release v1.60.5.
    • Do not set the deckhouse.releaseChannel parameter of the InitConfiguration resource.
  • If you want to disable automatic updates for an already installed Deckhouse (including patch release updates), then delete the releaseChannel parameter from the deckhouse module configuration.

Using a proxy server

This feature is available in Enterprise Edition only.

Example of steps for configuring a Squid-based proxy server…

  • Prepare the VM for setting up the proxy. The machine must be accessible to the nodes that will use it as a proxy and be connected to the Internet.
  • Install Squid on the server (here and further examples for Ubuntu):

    apt-get install squid
  • Create a config file:

    cat <<EOF > /etc/squid/squid.conf
    auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid3/basic_ncsa_auth /etc/squid/passwords
    auth_param basic realm proxy
    acl authenticated proxy_auth REQUIRED
    http_access allow authenticated
    # Choose the port you want. Below we set it to default 3128.
    http_port 3128
  • Create a user for proxy-server authentication:

    Example for the user test with the password test (be sure to change):

    echo "test:$(openssl passwd -crypt test)" >> /etc/squid/passwords
  • Start squid and enable the system to start it up automatically:

    systemctl restart squid
    systemctl enable squid

Use the proxy parameter of the ClusterConfiguration resource to configure proxy usage.

An example:

kind: ClusterConfiguration
clusterType: Cloud
  provider: OpenStack
  prefix: main
kubernetesVersion: "Automatic"
cri: "Containerd"
clusterDomain: "cluster.local"
  httpProxy: ""
  httpsProxy: ""

Changing the configuration

How do I change the configuration of a cluster?

The general cluster parameters are stored in the ClusterConfiguration structure.

To change the general cluster parameters, run the command:

kubectl -n d8-system exec -ti svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller edit cluster-configuration

After saving the changes, Deckhouse will bring the cluster configuration to the state according to the changed configuration. Depending on the size of the cluster, this may take some time.

How do I change the configuration of a cloud provider in a cluster?

Cloud provider setting of a cloud of hybrid cluster are stored in the <PROVIDER_NAME>ClusterConfiguration structure, where <PROVIDER_NAME> — name/code of the cloud provider. E.g., for an OpenStack provider, the structure will be called OpenStackClusterConfiguration.

Regardless of the cloud provider used, its settings can be changed using the following command:

kubectl -n d8-system exec -ti svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller edit provider-cluster-configuration

How do I change the configuration of a static cluster?

Settings of a static cluster are stored in the StaticClusterConfiguration structure.

To change the settings of a static cluster, run the command:

kubectl -n d8-system exec -ti svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller edit static-cluster-configuration

How do I switch Deckhouse EE to CE?

The instruction implies using the public address of the container registry: Using a registry other than and is only available in the Enterprise Edition.

Deckhouse CE does not support cloud clusters on OpenStack and VMware vSphere.

Perform the following steps to switch a Deckhouse Enterprise Edition cluster to Community Edition (all commands must be run on the master node of the active cluster):

  1. Run a temporary Deckhouse CE pod to retrieve up-to-date digests and module lists:

    kubectl run ce-image --command sleep -- infinity

    Run an image of the latest installed Deckhouse version in the cluster. To find out which version is currently installed, use the following command:

    kubectl get deckhousereleases
  2. Wait for the pod to become `Running’ and then run the following commands:

    • Retrieve the value of CE_SANDBOX_IMAGE:

      CE_SANDBOX_IMAGE=$(kubectl exec ce-image -- cat deckhouse/candi/images_digests.json | grep  pause | grep -oE 'sha256:\w*')

      Check the result of the command to make sure it was successful:

      $ echo $CE_SANDBOX_IMAGE
    • Retrieve the value of CE_K8S_API_PROXY:

      CE_K8S_API_PROXY=$(kubectl exec ce-image -- cat deckhouse/candi/images_digests.json | grep kubernetesApiProxy | grep -oE 'sha256:\w*')

      Check the result of the command to make sure it was successful:

      $ echo $CE_K8S_API_PROXY
    • Retrieve the value of CE_MODULES:

      CE_MODULES=$(kubectl exec ce-image -- ls -l deckhouse/modules/ | grep -oE "\d.*-\w*"  | awk {'print $9'} | cut -c5-)

      Check the result of the command to make sure it was successful:

      $echo $CE_MODULES
      common priority-class deckhouse external-module-manager registrypackages ...
    • Retrieve the value of USED_MODULES:

      USED_MODULES=$(kubectl get modules | grep -v 'snapshot-controller-crd' | grep Enabled |awk {'print $1'})

      Check the result of the command to make sure it was successful:

      $ echo $USED_MODULES
      admission-policy-engine cert-manager chrony cloud-data-crd ...
    • Retrieve the value of MODULES_WILL_DISABLE:

      MODULES_WILL_DISABLE=$(echo $USED_MODULES | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -Fxv -f <(echo $CE_MODULES | tr ' ' '\n'))

      Check the result of the command to make sure it was successful:

      metallb-crd node-local-dns registry-packages-proxy

      Note that if registry-packages-proxy is listed in $MODULES_WILL_DISABLE, you will need to enable it back, otherwise the cluster will not be able to migrate to Deckhouse CE images. See paragraph 8 on how to enable it.

  3. Ensure that the modules used in the cluster are supported in Deckhouse CE.

    For this, print a list of modules that are not supported in Deckhouse CE and will be disabled:


    Inspect the list and make sure that the listed modules are not in use in the cluster and that it is safe to disable them.

    Disable the modules that are not supported in Deckhouse CE:

      tr ' ' '\n' | awk {'print "kubectl -n d8-system exec  deploy/deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller module disable",$1'} | bash

    An example of the output you might get as a result of running the previous command:

    Defaulted container "deckhouse" out of: deckhouse, kube-rbac-proxy, init-external-modules (init)
    Module metallb-crd disabled
    Defaulted container "deckhouse" out of: deckhouse, kube-rbac-proxy, init-external-modules (init)
    Module node-local-dns disabled
    Defaulted container "deckhouse" out of: deckhouse, kube-rbac-proxy, init-external-modules (init)
    Module registry-packages-proxy disabled
  4. Create a NodeGroupConfiguration resource:

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: NodeGroupConfiguration
      - '*'
      - '*'
      weight: 30
      content: |
        _on_containerd_config_changed() {
          bb-flag-set containerd-need-restart
        bb-event-on 'containerd-config-file-changed' '_on_containerd_config_changed'
        mkdir -p /etc/containerd/conf.d
        bb-sync-file /etc/containerd/conf.d/ce-registry.toml - containerd-config-file-changed << "EOF_TOML"
            sandbox_image = "$CE_SANDBOX_IMAGE"
                auth = ""
        sed -i 's|image: .*|image:$CE_K8S_API_PROXY|' /var/lib/bashible/bundle_steps/
        sed -i 's|crictl pull .*|crictl pull$CE_K8S_API_PROXY|' /var/lib/bashible/bundle_steps/

    Wait for the /etc/containerd/conf.d/ce-registry.toml file to propagate to the nodes and for bashible synchronization to complete.

    The synchronization status can be tracked by the UPTODATE value (the displayed number of nodes in this status must match the total number of nodes (NODES) in the group):

    kubectl get ng -o,NODES:.status.nodes,READY:.status.ready,UPTODATE:.status.upToDate -w

    For example:

    $ kubectl  get ng  -o,NODES:.status.nodes,READY:.status.ready,UPTODATE:.status.upToDate -w
    master   1       1       1
    worker   2       2       2

    Also, the Configuration is in sync, nothing to do message must show up in the bashible systemd service log, e.g.:

    $ journalctl -u bashible -n 5
    Aug 21 11:04:28 master-ee-to-ce-0[53407]: Configuration is in sync, nothing to do.
    Aug 21 11:04:28 master-ee-to-ce-0[53407]: Annotate node master-ee-to-ce-0 with annotation  configuration-checksum=9cbe6db6c91574b8b732108a654c99423733b20f04848d0b4e1e2dadb231206a
    Aug 21 11:04:29 master-ee-to-ce-0[53407]: Succesful annotate node master-ee-to-ce-0 with annotation configuration-checksum=9cbe6db6c91574b8b732108a654c99423733b20f04848d0b4e1e2dadb231206a
    Aug 21 11:04:29 master-ee-to-ce-0 systemd[1]: bashible.service: Deactivated successfully.
  5. Update the secret to access the Deckhouse registry by running the following command:

    kubectl -n d8-system create secret generic deckhouse-registry \
      --from-literal=".dockerconfigjson"="{\"auths\": { \"\": {}}}" \
      --from-literal="address" \
      --from-literal="path"=/deckhouse/ce \
      --from-literal="scheme"=https \ \
      --dry-run='client' \
      -o yaml | kubectl replace -f -
  6. Apply the Deckhouse CE image:

    kubectl -n d8-system set image deployment/deckhouse
  7. Wait for the Deckhouse pod to become Ready and for all the queued jobs to complete. If an ImagePullBackOff error is generated in the process, wait for the pod to be restarted automatically.

    Use the following command to check the Deckhouse pod’s status:

    kubectl -n d8-system get po -l app=deckhouse

    Use the following command to check the Deckhouse queue:

    kubectl -n d8-system exec deploy/deckhouse -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller queue list
  8. Check if there are any pods with the Deckhouse EE registry address left in the cluster:

    kubectl get pods -A -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.containers[]
       | select(.image | contains(""))) | .metadata.namespace + "\t" +' | sort | uniq

    If the module was disabled in the process, enable it again:

    kubectl -n d8-system exec deploy/deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller module enable registry-packages-proxy
  9. Purge temporary files, NodeGroupConfiguration resource, and variables:

    kubectl delete ngc
    kubectl delete pod ce-image
    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: NodeGroupConfiguration
      - '*'
      - '*'
      weight: 90
      content: |
        if [ -f /etc/containerd/conf.d/ce-registry.toml ]; then
          rm -f /etc/containerd/conf.d/ce-registry.toml

    Once bashible synchronization is complete (you can track the synchronization status on nodes via the UPTODATE value of the NodeGroup), delete the NodeGroupConfiguration resource you created earlier:

    kubectl  delete ngc

How to switch Deckhouse CE to EE?

You will need a valid license key (you can request a trial license key if necessary).

The instruction implies using the public address of the container registry: If you use a different container registry address, change the commands or use the instruction for switching Deckhouse to using a third-party registry.

To switch Deckhouse Community Edition to Enterprise Edition, follow these steps:

  1. Create the variables containing the license token:

    AUTH_STRING="$(echo -n license-token:${LICENSE_TOKEN} | base64 )"
  2. Create a NodeGroupConfiguration resource for authorization in during the migration:

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: NodeGroupConfiguration
      - '*'
      - '*'
      weight: 30
      content: |
        _on_containerd_config_changed() {
          bb-flag-set containerd-need-restart
        bb-event-on 'containerd-config-file-changed' '_on_containerd_config_changed'
        mkdir -p /etc/containerd/conf.d
        bb-sync-file /etc/containerd/conf.d/ee-registry.toml - containerd-config-file-changed << "EOF_TOML"
                auth = "$AUTH_STRING"

    Wait for the /etc/containerd/conf.d/ee-registry.toml file to propagate to the nodes and for bashible synchronization to complete.

    You can track the synchronization status via the UPTODATE value (the displayed number of nodes having this status must match the total number of nodes (NODES) in the group):

    $ kubectl  get ng  -o,NODES:.status.nodes,READY:.status.ready,UPTODATE:.status.upToDate -w
    master   1       1       1
    worker   2       2       2

    Also, the Configuration is in sync, nothing to do message must show up in the bashible systemd service log, e.g.:

    $ journalctl -u bashible -n 5
    Aug 21 11:04:28 master-ce-to-ee-0[53407]: , nothing to do.
    Aug 21 11:04:28 master-ce-to-ee-0[53407]: Annotate node master-ce-to-ee-0 with annotation   configuration-checksum=9cbe6db6c91574b8b732108a654c99423733b20f04848d0b4e1e2dadb231206a
    Aug 21 11:04:29 master ce-to-ee-0[53407]: Succesful annotate node master-ce-to-ee-0 with annotation   configuration-checksum=9cbe6db6c91574b8b732108a654c99423733b20f04848d0b4e1e2dadb231206a
    Aug 21 11:04:29 master-ce-to-ee-0 systemd[1]: bashible.service: Deactivated successfully.

    Run a temporary Deckhouse EE pod to retrieve up-to-date digests and module lists:

    kubectl run ee-image --command sleep -- infinity

    Run an image of the latest installed Deckhouse version in the cluster. To find out which version is currently installed, use the following command:

     kubectl get deckhousereleases
  3. Wait for the pod to become `Running’ and then run the following commands:

    • Retrieve the value of EE_SANDBOX_IMAGE:

      EE_SANDBOX_IMAGE=$(kubectl exec ee-image -- cat deckhouse/candi/images_digests.json | grep  pause | grep -oE 'sha256:\w*')

      Check the result of the command to make sure it was successful:

      $ echo $EE_SANDBOX_IMAGE
    • Retrieve the value of E_K8S_API_PROXY:

      EE_K8S_API_PROXY=$(kubectl exec ee-image -- cat deckhouse/candi/images_digests.json | grep kubernetesApiProxy | grep -oE 'sha256:\w*')

      Check the result of the command to make sure it was successful:

      $ echo $EE_K8S_API_PROXY
    • Retrieve the value of EE_MODULES:

      EE_MODULES=$(kubectl exec ee-image -- ls -l deckhouse/modules/ | grep -oE "\d.*-\w*"  | awk {'print $9'} | cut -c5-)

      Check the result of the command to make sure it was successful:

      $ echo $EE_MODULES
      common priority-class deckhouse external-module-manager ...
    • Retrieve the value of USED_MODULES:

      USED_MODULES=$(kubectl get modules | grep -v 'snapshot-controller-crd' | grep Enabled |awk {'print $1'})

      Check the result of the command to make sure it was successful::

      $ echo $USED_MODULES
      admission-policy-engine cert-manager chrony cloud-data-crd ...
  4. Create a NodeGroupConfiguration resource:

    $ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: NodeGroupConfiguration
      - '*'
      - '*'
      weight: 30
      content: |
        _on_containerd_config_changed() {
          bb-flag-set containerd-need-restart
        bb-event-on 'containerd-config-file-changed' '_on_containerd_config_changed'
        bb-sync-file /etc/containerd/conf.d/ee-sandbox.toml - containerd-config-file-changed << "EOF_TOML"
            sandbox_image = "$EE_SANDBOX_IMAGE"
        sed -i 's|image: .*|image:$EE_K8S_API_PROXY|' /var/lib/bashible/bundle_steps/
        sed -i 's|crictl pull .*|crictl pull$EE_K8S_API_PROXY|' /var/lib/bashible/bundle_steps/

    Wait for the /etc/containerd/conf.d/ee-sandbox.toml file to propagate to the nodes and for bashible synchronization to complete.

    You can track the synchronization status via the UPTODATE value (the displayed number of nodes having this status must match the total number of nodes (NODES) in the group):

    $ kubectl  get ng  -o,NODES:.status.nodes,READY:.status.ready,UPTODATE:.status.upToDate -w
    master   1       1       1
    worker   2       2       2

    Also, the Configuration is in sync, nothing to do message must show up in the bashible systemd service log, e.g.:

    $ journalctl -u bashible -n 5
    Aug 21 11:04:28 master-ce-to-ee-0[53407]: Configuration is in sync, nothing to do.
    Aug 21 11:04:28 master-ce-to-ee-0[53407]: Annotate node master-ce-to-ee-0 with annotation configuration-checksum=9cbe6db6c91574b8b732108a654c99423733b20f04848d0b4e1e2dadb231206a
    Aug 21 11:04:29 master-ce-to-ee-0[53407]: Succesful annotate node master-ce-to-ee-0 with annotation configuration-checksum=9cbe6db6c91574b8b732108a654c99423733b20f04848d0b4e1e2dadb231206a
    Aug 21 11:04:29 master-ce-to-ee-0 systemd[1]: bashible.service: Deactivated successfully.
  5. Update the secret to access the Deckhouse registry by running the following command:

    kubectl -n d8-system create secret generic deckhouse-registry \
      --from-literal=".dockerconfigjson"="{\"auths\": { \"\": { \"username\": \"license-token\", \"password\": \"$LICENSE_TOKEN\", \"auth\":    \"$AUTH_STRING\" }}}" \
      --from-literal="address" \
      --from-literal="path"=/deckhouse/ee \
      --from-literal="scheme"=https \ \
      --dry-run='client' \
      -o yaml | kubectl replace -f -
  6. Apply the Deckhouse EE image:

    kubectl -n d8-system set image deployment/deckhouse
  7. Wait for the Deckhouse pod to become Ready and for all the queued jobs to complete. If an ImagePullBackOff error is generated in the process, wait for the pod to be restarted automatically.

    Use the following command to check the Deckhouse pod’s status:

    kubectl -n d8-system get po -l app=deckhouse

    Use the following command to check the Deckhouse queue:

    kubectl -n d8-system exec deploy/deckhouse -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller queue list
  8. Check if there are any pods with the Deckhouse CE registry address left in the cluster:

    kubectl get pods -A -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.containers[]
       | select(.image | contains(""))) | .metadata.namespace + "\t" +' | sort | uniq
  9. Purge temporary files, NodeGroupConfiguration resource, and variables:

    kubectl delete ngc
    kubectl delete pod ee-image
    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
        kind: NodeGroupConfiguration
          - '*'
          - '*'
          weight: 90
          content: |
            if [ -f /etc/containerd/conf.d/ee-registry.toml ]; then
              rm -f /etc/containerd/conf.d/ee-registry.toml
            if [ -f /etc/containerd/conf.d/ee-sandbox.toml ]; then
              rm -f /etc/containerd/conf.d/ee-sandbox.toml

    Once bashible synchronization is complete (you can track the synchronization status on nodes via the UPTODATE value of the NodeGroup), delete the NodeGroupConfiguration resource you created earlier:

    kubectl  delete ngc

How do I get access to Deckhouse controller in multimaster cluster?

In clusters with multiple master nodes Deckhouse runs in high availability mode (in several instances). To access the active Deckhouse controller, you can use the following command (as an example of the command deckhouse-controller queue list):

kubectl -n d8-system exec -it svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller queue list

How do I upgrade the Kubernetes version in a cluster?

To upgrade the Kubernetes version in a cluster change the kubernetesVersion parameter in the ClusterConfiguration structure by making the following steps:

  1. Run the command:

    kubectl -n d8-system exec -ti svc/deckhouse-leader -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller edit cluster-configuration
  2. Change the kubernetesVersion field.
  3. Save the changes. Cluster nodes will start updating sequentially.
  4. Wait for the update to finish. You can track the progress of the update using the kubectl get no command. The update is completed when the new version appears in the command’s output for each cluster node in the VERSION column.

How do I run Deckhouse on a particular node?

Set the nodeSelector parameter of the deckhouse module and avoid setting tolerations. The necessary values will be assigned to the tolerations parameter automatically.

Use only nodes with the CloudStatic or Static type to run Deckhouse. Also, avoid using a NodeGroup containing only one node to run Deckhouse.

Here is an example of the module configuration:

kind: ModuleConfig
  name: deckhouse
  version: 1
    nodeSelector: ""