Primary functions

The node-manager module is responsible for managing nodes and has the following primary functions:

  1. Managing multiple nodes as a related group (NodeGroup):
    • The ability to define metadata that are inherited by all nodes in the group.
    • Monitoring of a group as a single entity (grouping nodes on graphs by groups, grouping alerts about node unavailability, alerts about the unavailability of N or N% of nodes in a group).
  2. Chaos monkey — the systemic termination of nodes. This feature tests the resilience of cluster elements and running applications.
  3. Installing, updating, and configuring the node software (containerd, kubelet, etc.), connecting the node to the cluster:
    • Installing operating system (see the list of supported OS) regardless of the infrastructure used (any cloud/any hardware).
    • The operating system’s basic setup (disabling auto-update, installing the necessary packages, configuring logging parameters, etc.).
    • Configuring nginx (and the system for automatically updating the lsit of upstreams) to balance node (kubelet) requests over API servers.
    • Installing and configuring CRI containerd and Kubernetes, adding the node to the cluster.
    • Managing node updates and their downtime (disruptions):
      • Automatic determination of a valid minor Kubernetes version for a node group based on its settings (the kubernetesVersion parameter specified for a group), the default version for the whole cluster, and the current control-plane version (no nodes can be updated ahead of the control-plane update).
      • Only one node of a group can be updated at a time, and only if all the nodes in the group are available.
      • There are two types of node updates:
        • regular updates – always performed automatically;
        • disruption-involving updates (such as updating the kernel, switching docker versions, major change of the kubelet versions, etc.) – you can choose manual or automatic mode. If automatic disruptive updates are enabled, the node is drained before the update (this functionality can be disabled).
    • Monitoring the status and progress of the update.
  4. Cluster scaling.
    • Autoscaling.

      Available with supported cloud providers (learn more); not available for static nodes. Cloud providers support automatic creation or deletion of virtual machines, joining them to or disjoining them from the cluster.

    • Maintaining the desired number of nodes in a group.

      Available for both cloud providers and static nodes (when using Cluster API Provider Static).

  5. Managing Linux users on nodes.

Nodes are managed through the NodeGroup resource, and each node group performs specific tasks. Below are examples of node groups pooled by their tasks performed:

  • a group of master nodes;
  • a group of nodes for routing HTTP(s) traffic (front nodes);
  • a group of monitoring-related nodes;
  • a group of application nodes (the so-called worker nodes), etc.

The nodes belonging to the group have common parameters and are configured automatically according to the group’s parameters. Deckhouse scales groups by adding, excluding, and updating their nodes. Both cloud and static (bare metal or virtual machine) nodes can be combined into a single group. It paves the way for the hybrid clusters, in which you can scale nodes on physical servers via cloud nodes.

Operations on the cloud infrastructure are performed by means provided by supported cloud providers. If there is no support for the desired cloud platform, you can use its resources as static nodes.

The static nodes (e.g., bare metal servers) are handled by the Cluster API Provider Static (CAPS).

The following Managed Kubernetes services are supported (note that some service functionality may be unavailable):

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE);
  • Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

Node types

The following node types that can be worked with within a node group (resource NodeGroup) are supported:

  • CloudEphemeral — such nodes are automatically ordered, created, and deleted in the configured cloud provider.
  • CloudPermanent — they differ in that their configuration is not taken from the custom resource nodeGroup, but from a special resource <PROVIDER>ClusterConfiguration (for example, AWSClusterConfiguration for AWS). Also, an important difference is that to apply node configuration, you need to run dhctl converge (by running Deckhouse installer). An example of a CloudPermanent node of a cloud cluster is a cluster master node.
  • CloudStatic — a static node (created manually) hosted in the cloud integrated with one of the cloud providers. This node has the CSI running, and it is managed by the cloud-controller-manager. The Node object automatically gets the information about the cloud zone and region. Also, if a node gets deleted from the cloud, its corresponding Node object will be deleted in a cluster.
  • Static — a static node hosted on a bare metal or virtual machine. In the case of a cloud environment, the cloud-controller-manager does not manage the node even if one of the cloud providers is enabled. Learn more about working with static nodes…

Node grouping and group management

Grouping and managing nodes as a related group mean that all nodes in the group will have the same metadata derived from the NodeGroup custom resource.

The following monitoring patterns are available for node groups:

  • with grouping of node parameters on the graphs for the group;
  • with grouping of alerts about node unavailability;
  • with alerts about unavailability of N nodes or N% of nodes in the group, etc.

Automatic deploying, configuring and updating Kubernetes nodes

Automatic deployment (partially supported for static/hybrid nodes/clusters), configuration, and continuing software updates are supported for all cluster types (cloud or bare metal based).

Deploying Kubernetes nodes

Deckhouse automatically deploys cluster nodes by performing the following idempotent operations:

  • Configuring the OS and optimizing it for containerd and Kubernetes:
    • Installing the needed packages from the distribution’s repository.
    • Configuring kernel parameters, logging, log rotation, and other system parameters.
  • Installing the appropriate versions of containerd and kubelet; adding the node to the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Configuring Nginx and updating the list of upstream resources for balancing node requests to the Kubernetes API.

Keeping nodes up-to-date

Two types of updates can be applied to keep cluster nodes up to date:

  • Regular. These updates are always applied automatically and do not cause the node to stop or reboot.
  • Disruptive. An example of such updates is a kernel or containerd version update, a major kubelet version change, etc. For this type of updates you can choose manual or automatic mode (disruptions parameter section). In automatic mode, the node is gracefully drained before the update.

Only one node of the group is updated at a time, and only if all the nodes in the group are available.

The node-manager module has a set of built-in metrics for monitoring the update process, alerting about issues with the update, or when a decision to proceed needs to be made by an administrator.

Working with nodes on supported cloud platforms

Each supported cloud provider can provision nodes in an automated manner. For this, you have to specify the required parameters for each node or a group of nodes.

Depending on the provider, these parameters can include:

  • type of a node, the number of processor cores, the amount of RAM;
  • disk size;
  • security settings;
  • connected networks;
  • other parameters.

Creating, starting, and connecting virtual machines to the cluster are performed automatically.

Scaling nodes in the cloud

Two methods of scaling nodes in a group are supported:

  • Automatic scaling

    If there is a resource shortage or pods in the Pending state are present, nodes will be added to the group. If there is no load on one or more nodes, they will be removed from the cluster. Autoscaling takes into account the group priority (the group with the highest priority will be scaled first).

    To enable automatic node scaling, specify different non-zero values for the minimum and maximum number of nodes in the group.

  • Fixed number of nodes

    In this case, Deckhouse will maintain the specified number of nodes (e.g., by provisioning new nodes when nodes fail).

    To set a fixed number of nodes in a group and disable automatic scaling, specify the same values for minPerZone and maxPerZone.

Working with static nodes

When working with static nodes, some features of the node-manager module are limited:

  • No node provisioning. Resources (bare metal servers, virtual machines, linked resources) are provisioned manually. Subsequent configuration of resources (connecting a node to the cluster, setting up monitoring, etc.) is performed either fully (similar to nodes in the cloud) or partly automatically.
  • No node autoscaling. Maintaining the specified number of nodes in a group is supported when using Cluster API Provider Static (parameter staticInstances.count). That is, Deckhouse will attempt to maintain the specified number of nodes in the group, cleaning up unnecessary nodes and setting up new ones as needed ( by picking them from StaticInstance resources that are in Pending state).

Configuring/clearing up a node, joining it to a cluster, and disjoining it can be done in the following ways:

  • Manually using the pre-made scripts.

    To configure the server (VM) and join a node to the cluster, a special bootstrap script must be downloaded and run. This script is generated for each group of static nodes (each NodeGroup resource). It is located in the d8-cloud-instance-manager/manual-bootstrap-for-<NAME-NODEGROUP> secret. See an example of how to add a static node to a cluster.

    To disjoin a cluster node and clean up the server (virtual machine), you need to run the /var/lib/bashible/ script (it is present on each static node). An example of decommissioning a cluster node and cleaning up the server can be found in FAQ.

  • Automatically using Cluster API Provider Static.

    This feature is available as of Deckhouse version 1.54 and is currently under active development and testing.

    Cluster API Provider Static (CAPS) connects to the server (VM) using StaticInstance and SSHCredentials resources, configures, and joins the node into the cluster.

    If necessary (for example, if the StaticInstance resource associated with the server is deleted or the number of group nodes is reduced), the Cluster API Provider Static connects to the cluster node, clears it, and disconnects it from the cluster.

  • Manually with subsequent transfer of the Node under automatic control of Cluster API Provider Static.

    This feature is available starting with Deckhouse 1.63.

    To transfer an existing cluster node under CAPS management, it is necessary to prepare the StaticInstance and SSHCredentials resources for this node, as with automatic management in the point above, however the StaticInstance resource must additionally be annotated as "".

Cluster API Provider Static

Cluster API Provider Static is available starting from Deckhouse version 1.54. The features described are under testing and active development. Functionality and resource specifications are subject to change. Keep this in mind when using it in production clusters.

Cluster API Provider Static (CAPS) is an implementation of a declarative management provider for static nodes (bare metal servers or virtual machines) for the Kubernetes Cluster API. Essentially, CAPS is an additional layer of abstraction to the existing Deckhouse functionality that provides automatic static node configuration and cleanup using scripts generated for each node group (see Working with Static Nodes).

CAPS features are as follows:

  • configuring a bare metal server (or virtual machine) to join a Kubernetes cluster;
  • joining a node to the Kubernetes cluster;
  • disjoining the node from the Kubernetes cluster;
  • cleaning the bare metal server (or virtual machine) after disjoining the node from the Kubernetes cluster.

CAPS uses the following CustomResource when operating:

  • StaticInstance. Each StaticInstance resource details a specific host (server, VM) that is managed using CAPS.
  • SSHCredentials. Contains the SSH credentials required to connect to the host (SSHCredentials data is specified in the credentialsRef parameter of the StaticInstance resource).
  • NodeGroup. The staticInstances parameter section defines the required number of nodes in the group and the filter for the StaticInstance resources that can be used in the group.

CAPS is enabled automatically if the NodeGroup has the staticInstances parameter section filled in. If the staticInstances parameter section in the NodeGroup is empty, then setting up and cleaning up nodes for that group is done manually rather than using CAPS (see adding a static node to a cluster and cleaning up a node).

The workflow for dealing with static nodes when using Cluster API Provider Static (CAPS) (see the adding a node example) is as follows:

  1. Preparing resources.

    Before bringing a bare metal server or virtual machine under CAPS control, some preliminary steps may be necessary:

    • Preparing the storage system, adding mount points, and so on;
    • Installing the OS-specific packages. For example, installing the ceph-common package if the server uses CEPH volumes;
    • Configuring the network. For example, configuring the network between the server and the cluster nodes;
    • Configuring SSH access to the server, creating a user that is a member of sudoers group. A good practice is to create a separate user and unique keys for each server.
  2. Creating a SSHCredentials resource.

    The SSHCredentials resource contains the parameters required by CAPS to connect to a server via SSH. A single SSHCredentials resource can be used to connect to multiple servers, but it is a good practice to create unique users and access keys to connect to each server. In this case, the SSHCredentials resource will also be unique for each server.

  3. Creating a StaticInstance resource.

    For every server (VM) in the cluster, an individual StaticInstance resource is created. It contains the IP address for connecting and a link to the SSHCredentials resource with the data to be used for connecting.

    The following is a list of possible StaticInstance states and its associated servers (VMs) and cluster nodes:

    • Pending. The server is not configured and there is no associated node in the cluster.
    • Bootstraping. The procedure for configuring the server (VM) and connecting the node to the cluster is in progress.
    • Running. The server is configured and the associated node is added to the cluster.
    • Cleaning. The procedure of cleaning up the server and disconnecting the node from the cluster is in progress.

    You can transfer the existing manually-bootstrapped cluster node under CAPS management by annotating its StaticInstance with "".

  4. Creating a NodeGroup resource.

    When using CAPS, you have to focus on the nodeType parameter (must be Static) of the NodeGroup resource as well as the staticInstances parameter section.

    The staticInstances.labelSelector parameter section defines a filter that CAPS applies to select the StaticInstance resources to be used for a group. The filter allows only certain StaticInstance to be used for specific node groups, and also allows a single StaticInstance to be used in different node groups. You can choose not to define a filter to use any available StaticInstance for a node group.

    The staticInstances.count parameter specifies the desired number of nodes in the group. When the parameter changes, CAPS starts adding or removing the desired number of nodes (this process runs in parallel).

Using the data in the staticInstances parameter section, CAPS attempts to maintain the specified number of nodes in the group (count parameter). If a node needs to be added to the group, CAPS selects the resource StaticInstance that matches the filter and is in the Pending state, configures the server (VM), and joins the node to the cluster. If a node needs to be removed from the group, CAPS selects the StaticInstance that is in the Running state, cleans up the server (VM) and disconnects the node from the cluster (the corresponding StaticInstance then goes to the Pending state and can be reused).

Custom node settings

The NodeGroupConfiguration resource allows you to automate actions on group nodes. It supports running bash scripts on nodes (you can use the bashbooster command set) as well as the Go Template templating engine, and is a great way to automate operations such as:

The NodeGroupConfiguration resource allows you to assign priority to scripts being run or limit them to running on specific node groups and OS types.

The script code is stored in the content of the resource. When a script is created on a node, the contents of the content parameter are fed into the Go Template templating engine. The latter embeds an extra layer of logic when generating a script. When parsed by the templating engine, a context with a set of dynamic variables becomes available.

The following variables are supported by the templating engine:

  • .cloudProvider (for node groups of nodeType CloudEphemeral or CloudPermanent) — cloud provider dataset.

    Example of data...

      instanceClassKind: OpenStackInstanceClass
      machineClassKind: OpenStackMachineClass
          domainName: Default
          password: p@ssw0rd
          region: region2
          tenantName: mytenantname
          username: mytenantusername
        - public
          imageName: ubuntu-22-04-cloud-amd64
          mainNetwork: kube
          - kube
          sshKeyPairName: kube
        - kube
        podNetworkMode: DirectRoutingWithPortSecurityEnabled
      region: region2
      type: openstack
      - nova
  • .cri — the CRI in use (starting with Deckhouse 1.49, only Containerd is supported).
  • .kubernetesVersion — the Kubernetes version in use.
  • .nodeUsers — the dataset with information about node users added via the NodeUser.

    Example of data...

    - name: user1
        isSudoer: true
        - '*'
        passwordHash: PASSWORD_HASH
        sshPublicKey: SSH_PUBLIC_KEY
        uid: 1050
  • .nodeGroup — node group dataset.

    Example of data...

        type: Containerd
        approvalMode: Automatic
        containerLogMaxFiles: 4
        containerLogMaxSize: 50Mi
          mode: "Off"
      kubernetesVersion: "1.27"
      manualRolloutID: ""
      name: master
        - effect: NoSchedule
      nodeType: CloudPermanent
      updateEpoch: "1699879470"

An example of using variables in a template:

{{- range .nodeUsers }}
echo 'Tuning environment for user {{ .name }}'
# Some code for tuning user environment
{{- end }}

An example of using bashbooster commands:

bb-event-on 'bb-package-installed' 'post-install'
post-install() {
  bb-log-info "Setting reboot flag due to kernel was updated"
  bb-flag-set reboot

The progress of script execution can be seen on the node in the bashible service log using the command:

journalctl -u bashible.service

The scripts themselves are located on the node in the directory /var/lib/bashible/bundle_steps/.

The service decides to re-run the scripts by comparing the single checksum of all files located at /var/lib/bashible/configuration_checksum with the checksum located in the kubernetes cluster in the configuration-checksums secret namespace d8-cloud-instance-manager. You can see the checksum using the following command:

kubectl -n d8-cloud-instance-manager get secret configuration-checksums -o yaml

The service compares checksums every minute.

The checksum in the cluster changes every 4 hours, thereby re-running the scripts on all nodes. Forcing the execution of bashible on a node can be done by deleting the file with the script checksum using the following command:

rm /var/lib/bashible/configuration_checksum

Features of writing scripts

When writing your own scripts, it is important to consider the following features of their use in Deckhouse:

  1. Scripts in deckhouse are executed once every 4 hours or more often based on external triggers. Therefore, it is important to write scripts in such a way that they check the need for their changes in the system before performing actions, thereby not making changes every time they are launched.
  2. There are built-in scripts that perform various actions, including installing and configuring services. This is important to consider when choosing the priority of custom scripts. For example, if a script is planned to restart a service, then this script should be called after the service installation script, since otherwise it will not be able to execute when deploying a new node.

Useful features of some scripts:

  • - merges all configuration files of the containerd service located at /etc/containerd/conf.d/*.toml, and also restarts the service. It is important to note that the /etc/containerd/conf.d/ directory is not created automatically, and that files in this directory should be created in scripts with a priority lower than 32

Chaos Monkey

The instrument (you can enable it for each NodeGroup individually) for unexpected and random termination of nodes in a systemic manner. Chaos Monkey tests the resilience of cluster elements, applications, and infrastructure components.


DKP exports the group availability Prometheus metrics for each NodeGroup.

What information does Prometheus collect and in what form?

Metrics have the d8_node_group_ prefix.

All the collected metrics have a label that allow you to identify the node group: node_group_name.

The following metrics are collected for each node group:

  • d8_node_group_ready — the number of Kubernetes nodes in the group that are Ready.
  • d8_node_group_nodes — the number of Kubernetes nodes (in any state) in the group.
  • d8_node_group_instances — the number of instances (in any state) in the group.
  • d8_node_group_desired — the number of desired Machines in the group.
  • d8_node_group_min — the minimum number of instances in the group.
  • d8_node_group_max — the maximum number of instances in the group.
  • d8_node_group_up_to_date — the number of up-to-date nodes in the group.
  • d8_node_group_standby — the number of over provisioned instances (see the standby parameter) in the group.
  • d8_node_group_has_errors — equals to 1 if there are errors in the group.