
Scope: Cluster

  • spec

    Required value

    • spec.acceptRequestsFrom
      array of strings

      IP or CIDR that is allowed to access the Ingress controller.

      Regardless of the inlet type, the source IP address gets always verified (the original_address field in logs) (the address that the connection was established from) and not the “address of the client” that can be passed in some inlets via headers or using the proxy protocol.

      This parameter is implemented using the map module. If the source address is not in the list of allowed addresses, nginx closes the connection immediately using HTTP code 444.

      By default, the connection to the controller can be made from any address.

      • Element of the array

        Pattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(3[0-2]|[1-2][0-9]|[0-9]))$

    • spec.additionalHeaders

      Additional headers to add to all request. (map: key (string)).

    • spec.additionalLogFields

      Additional fields to add to nginx logs. (map: key (string)).

    • spec.annotationValidationEnabled

      Enables the annotation validation feature.

      Requires a controller of 1.9 version or higher.

      Default: false

    • spec.chaosMonkey

      The instrument for unexpected and random termination of ingress controller Pods in a systemic manner. Chaos Monkey tests the resilience of ingress controller.

      Default: false

    • spec.config

      The section with the Ingress controller parameters.

      You can specify any supported parameter in it in the key: value (string) format.

      Caution! An erroneous option may lead to the failure of the ingress controller;

      Caution! The usage of this parameter is not recommended; the backward compatibility or operability of the ingress controller that uses this option is not guaranteed

    • spec.controllerVersion

      One of the supported NGINX Ingress controller versions.

      By default: the version in the module settings is used.

      Allowed values: 1.6, 1.9, 1.10

    • spec.customErrors

      The section with parameters of custom HTTP errors.

      All parameters in this section are mandatory if it is defined. Changing any parameter leads to the restart of all NGINX Ingress controllers.

        array of strings

        Required value

        Error codes which should be redirected to custom errors backend.

        • Element of the array

          Pattern: ^[1-5][0-9][0-9]$

      • spec.customErrors.namespace

        Required value

        Namespace of custom errors backend.


        namespace: default
      • spec.customErrors.serviceName

        Required value

        Name of kubernetes service that leads to custom errors backend.


        serviceName: custom-errors-backend-service
    • spec.defaultSSLCertificate

      This certificate is used:

      • for catch-all server requests (here, “catch-all server” refers to the nginx server directive). Requests for which there is no corresponding Ingress resource end up on the catch-all server.
      • for Ingress resources that do not have a secretName specified in the tls section.

      By default, a self-signed certificate is used.

      Caution! This parameter does not affect certificates used in the Ingress resources of the Deckhouse modules. You can specify the certificate to be used in the Ingress resources of the Deckhouse modules with the modules.https.customCertificate global parameter.

      • spec.defaultSSLCertificate.secretRef

        The Secret reference to pass to the Ingress Controller.


          Name of Secret containing SSL—certificate.

          Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$

        • spec.defaultSSLCertificate.secretRef.namespace

          Namespace, where the Secret is located.

          Default: "d8-ingress-nginx"

          Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?$

    • spec.disableHTTP2

      Switch off HTTP2 support.

      Default: false

    • spec.enableHTTP3

      Switch on HTTP3 support.

      HTTP3 is only available in ingress-nginx version 1.10.

      Default: false

    • spec.enableIstioSidecar

      Attach annotations to the controller pods to automatically inject Istio sidecar containers.

      After setting this parameter, the "true" and "<Service CIDR>" annotations will be attached to the ingress-controller pods. During pod creation, the Istio’s mutating webhook will add the sidecar to it. After that, the sidecar will catch the network traffic to Service CIDR.

      To use this feature in your application, you must add these annotations to your Ingress resources:

      • "true" — using this annotation, the ingress-controller sends requests to a single ClusterIP (from Service CIDR) while envoy load balances them. Istio sidecar containers only catching traffic directed to Service CIDR.
      • myservice.myns.svc — using this annotation, the sidecar can identify the application service that serves requests.
    • spec.geoIP2

      Enable GeoIP2 databases.

      • spec.geoIP2.maxmindEditionIDs
        array of strings

        A list of database editions to download at startup.

        More info…

        Default: ["GeoLite2-City","GeoLite2-ASN"]

        • Element of the array

          Allowed values: GeoIP2-Anonymous-IP, GeoIP2-Country, GeoIP2-City, GeoIP2-Connection-Type, GeoIP2-Domain, GeoIP2-ISP, GeoIP2-ASN, GeoLite2-ASN, GeoLite2-Country, GeoLite2-City

      • spec.geoIP2.maxmindLicenseKey

        A license key to download the GeoIP2 database.

        If the key is set, the module downloads the GeoIP2 database every time the controller is started. Click here to learn more about obtaining a license key.

    • spec.hostPort

      HostPort inlet settings.

      • spec.hostPort.behindL7Proxy

        Accepts all the incoming X-Forwarded-* headers and passes them to upstreams.

        Caution! Make sure that requests to the ingress are sent from trusted sources when using this option. The acceptRequestsFrom parameter can help you with defining trusted sources.

      • spec.hostPort.httpPort

        Port for insecure HTTP connections.

        If the parameter is not set, the connection over HTTP cannot be established.

        This parameter is mandatory if httpsPort is not set.


        httpPort: '80'
      • spec.hostPort.httpsPort

        Port for secure HTTPS connections.

        If the parameter is not set, the connection over HTTPS cannot be established.

        This parameter is mandatory if httpPort is not set.


        httpsPort: '443'
      • spec.hostPort.realIPHeader

        Sets the header field for identifying the originating IP address of a client.

        This option works only if behindL7Proxy is enabled.

        Default: "X-Forwarded-For"


        realIPHeader: CF-Connecting-IP
    • spec.hostPortWithProxyProtocol

      A section of parameters of the HostPortWithProxyProtocol inlet.

      • spec.hostPortWithProxyProtocol.httpPort

        Port for insecure HTTP connections.

        If the parameter is not set, the connection over HTTP cannot be established.

        This parameter is mandatory if httpsPort is not set.


        httpPort: '80'
      • spec.hostPortWithProxyProtocol.httpsPort

        Port for secure HTTPS connections.

        If the parameter is not set, the connection over HTTPS cannot be established.

        This parameter is mandatory if httpPort is not set.


        httpsPort: '443'
    • spec.hostPortWithSSLPassthrough

      A section of parameters of the HostPortWithSSLPassthrough inlet.

      • spec.hostPortWithSSLPassthrough.httpPort

        Port for insecure HTTP connections.

        If the parameter is not set, the connection over HTTP cannot be established.

        This parameter is mandatory if httpsPort is not set.


        httpPort: '80'
      • spec.hostPortWithSSLPassthrough.httpsPort

        Port for secure HTTPS connections.

        If the parameter is not set, the connection over HTTPS cannot be established.

        This parameter is mandatory if httpPort is not set.


        httpsPort: '443'
    • spec.hsts

      Determines whether hsts is enabled (

      Default: false

    • spec.hstsOptions

      Options for HTTP Strict Transport Security.

      • spec.hstsOptions.includeSubDomains

        If this optional parameter is specified, this rule applies to all of subdomains as well.

        Default: false

      • spec.hstsOptions.maxAge

        The time, in seconds, that the browser should remember that a site is only to be accessed using HTTPS.

        Default: "31536000"

        Pattern: ^[1-9][0-9]*$


        maxAge: '31536000'
      • spec.hstsOptions.preload

        Add your site to preload list to enforce to use SSL/TLS connections on your site.

        Default: false

    • spec.ingressClass

      The name of the Ingress class to use with the NGINX Ingress controller.

      Using this option, you can create several controllers to use with a single ingress

      Caution! If you set it to “nginx”, then Ingress resources lacking the annotation or spec.ingressClassName field will also be handled.

      Default: "nginx"

      Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$


      ingressClass: nginx
    • spec.inlet

      Required value

      The way traffic goes to cluster from the outer network.

      • LoadBalancer — Ingress controller is deployed and the service of LoadBalancer type is provisioned.
      • LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol — Ingress controller is deployed and the service of LoadBalancer type is provisioned. Ingress controller uses proxy-protocol to get a real IP of the client.
      • LoadBalancerWithSSLPasstrough — Ingress controller is deployed and the service of LoadBalancer type is provisioned. It enables SSL Passthrough feature, allowing backends to be configured to accept SSL traffic directly, without terminating it at the Ingress controller.

        SSL Passthrough leverages SNI and reads the virtual domain from the TLS negotiation, which requires compatible clients. After a connection has been accepted by the TLS listener, it is handled by the controller itself and piped back and forth between the backend and the client.

        If there is no hostname matching the requested host name, the request is handed over to NGINX on the configured SSL Passthrough proxy port (default: 442), which proxies the request to the default backend.

        Caution! SSL Passthrough feature is implemented by intercepting all traffic on the configured HTTPS port (default: 443) and handing it over to a local TCP proxy. This bypasses NGINX completely and introduces a non-negligible performance penalty.

        Caution! Unlike HTTP backends, traffic to SSL Passthrough backends is sent to the ClusterIP of the backing Service instead of individual Endpoints.

        Caution! Because SSL Passthrough works on layer 4 of the OSI model (TCP) and not on the layer 7 (HTTP), using SSL Passthrough invalidates all the other annotations set on an Ingress object.

      • HostPort — Ingress controller is deployed and available through nodes’ ports via hostPort.
      • HostPortWithProxyProtocol — Ingress controller is deployed and available through nodes’ ports via `hostPort, it uses proxy-protocol to get a real IP of the client.

        Caution! Make sure that requests to the Ingress are sent from trusted sources when using this inlet. The acceptRequestsFrom parameter can help you with defining trusted sources.

      • HostPortWithSSLPassthrough - Ingress controller is deployed and available through nodes’ ports via `hostPort. It enables SSL Passthrough feature, allowing backends to be configured to accept SSL traffic directly, without terminating it at the Ingress controller.

        Settings are required in spec.HostPortWithSSLPassthrough.

        SSL Passthrough leverages SNI and reads the virtual domain from the TLS negotiation, which requires compatible clients. After a connection has been accepted by the TLS listener, it is handled by the controller itself and piped back and forth between the backend and the client.

        If there is no hostname matching the requested host name, the request is handed over to NGINX on the configured passthrough proxy port (default: 442), which proxies the request to the default backend.

        Caution! SSL Passthrough feature is implemented by intercepting all traffic on the configured HTTPS port (default: 443) and handing it over to a local TCP proxy. This bypasses NGINX completely and introduces a non-negligible performance penalty.

        Caution! Unlike HTTP backends, traffic to SSL Passthrough backends is sent to the ClusterIP of the backing Service instead of individual Endpoints.

        Caution! Because SSL Passthrough works on layer 4 of the OSI model (TCP) and not on the layer 7 (HTTP), using SSL Passthrough invalidates all the other annotations set on an Ingress object.

      • HostWithFailover — installs two ingress controllers, the primary and the backup one. The primary controller runs in a hostNetwork. If the pods of the primary controller are not available, the traffic is routed to the backup one;

        Caution! There can be only one controller with this inlet type on a host.

        Caution! The following ports must be available on the node: 80, 81, 443, 444, 4207, 4208.

      Allowed values: LoadBalancer, LoadBalancerWithSSLPassthrough, LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol, HostPort, HostPortWithSSLPassthrough, HostPortWithProxyProtocol, HostWithFailover

    • spec.legacySSL

      Enable old TLS protocol versions and legacy cipher suites.

      Also, this options enables legacy cipher suites to support legacy libraries and software: OWASP Cipher String ‘C’ . Learn more here.

      By default, only TLSv1.2 and the newest cipher suites are enabled.

    • spec.loadBalancer

      Not required value.

      A section of parameters of the LoadBalancer inlet.

      • spec.loadBalancer.annotations

        Annotations to assign to the service for flexible configuration of the load balancer.

        Caution! The module does not take into account the specifics of setting annotations in different clouds. Note that you will need to recreate IngressNginxController (or create a new controller and then delete the old one) if annotations to provision a load balancer are only used when creating the service.

      • spec.loadBalancer.behindL7Proxy

        Accepts all the incoming X-Forwarded-* headers and passes them to upstreams.

        Caution! Make sure that requests to the Ingress are sent from trusted sources when using this option.

      • spec.loadBalancer.loadBalancerClass

        The LoadBalancer class (it is passed to the spec.loadBalancerClass parameter of the provisioned service of the LoadBalancer type).

      • spec.loadBalancer.realIPHeader

        Sets the header field for identifying the originating IP address of a client.

        This option works only if behindL7Proxy is enabled.

        Default: "X-Forwarded-For"


        realIPHeader: CF-Connecting-IP
      • spec.loadBalancer.sourceRanges
        array of strings

        IP ranges (CIDR) that are allowed to access the load balancer.

        Caution! The cloud provider may not support this option or ignore it. Providers supporting the option: AWS, GCP, Azure. Providers ignoring the option: YandexCloud. For other cloud providers, the behavior may depend on the specifics of the cloud implementation. Testing is recommended before use of the option in production.

        • Element of the array

          Pattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(3[0-2]|[1-2][0-9]|[0-9]))$

    • spec.loadBalancerWithProxyProtocol

      Not required value.

      A section of parameters of the LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol inlet.

      • spec.loadBalancerWithProxyProtocol.annotations

        Annotations that will be passed to service with type load balancer to configure it.

        Caution! The module does not take into account the specifics of setting annotations in different clouds. Note that you will need to recreate IngressNginxController (or create a new controller and then delete the old one) if annotations to provision a load balancer are only used when creating the service.

      • spec.loadBalancerWithProxyProtocol.loadBalancerClass

        The LoadBalancer class (it is passed to the spec.loadBalancerClass parameter of the provisioned service of the LoadBalancer type).

      • spec.loadBalancerWithProxyProtocol.sourceRanges
        array of strings

        IP ranges (CIDR) that are allowed to access the load balancer.

        Caution! The cloud provider may not support this option or ignore it. Providers supporting the option: AWS, GCP, Azure. Providers ignoring the option: YandexCloud. For other cloud providers, the behavior may depend on the specifics of the cloud implementation. Testing is recommended before use of the option in production.

        • Element of the array

          Pattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(3[0-2]|[1-2][0-9]|[0-9]))$

    • spec.loadBalancerWithSSLPassthrough

      Not required value.

      A section of parameters of the LoadBalancerWithSSLPassthrough inlet.

      • spec.loadBalancerWithSSLPassthrough.annotations

        Annotations that will be passed to service with type load balancer to configure it.

        Caution! The module does not take into account the specifics of setting annotations in different clouds. Note that you will need to recreate IngressNginxController (or create a new controller and then delete the old one) if annotations to provision a load balancer are only used when creating the service.

      • spec.loadBalancerWithSSLPassthrough.loadBalancerClass

        The LoadBalancer class (it is passed to the spec.loadBalancerClass parameter of the provisioned service of the LoadBalancer type).

      • spec.loadBalancerWithSSLPassthrough.sourceRanges
        array of strings

        IP ranges (CIDR) that are allowed to access the load balancer.

        Caution! The cloud provider may not support this option or ignore it. Providers supporting the option: AWS, GCP, Azure. Providers ignoring the option: Yandex Cloud. For other cloud providers, the behavior may depend on the specifics of the cloud implementation. Testing is recommended before use of the option in production.

        • Element of the array

          Pattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(3[0-2]|[1-2][0-9]|[0-9]))$

    • spec.maxReplicas

      LoadBalancer, LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol and LoadBalancerWithSSLPassthrough controller’s Horizontal Pod Autoscaler maximum replicas count.

      Default: 1

      Allowed values: 1 <= X

    • spec.minReplicas

      LoadBalancer, LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol and LoadBalancerWithSSLPassthrough controller’s Horizontal Pod Autoscaler minimum replicas count.

      Default: 1

      Allowed values: 1 <= X

    • spec.nodeSelector

      The same as in the pods’ spec.nodeSelector parameter in Kubernetes.

      If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

      Format: the standard nodeSelector list. Instance pods inherit this field as is.

    • spec.resourcesRequests

      Max amounts of CPU and memory resources that the pod can request when selecting a node (if the VPA is disabled, then these values become the default ones).

      • spec.resourcesRequests.mode

        Required value

        The mode for managing resource requests.

        Default: "VPA"

        Allowed values: VPA, Static

      • spec.resourcesRequests.static

        Static mode settings.

        • spec.resourcesRequests.static.cpu

          CPU requests.

          Default: "350m"

        • spec.resourcesRequests.static.memory

          Memory requests.

          Default: "500Mi"

      • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa

        Parameters of the vpa mode.

        • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.cpu

          CPU-related parameters.

          • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.cpu.max

            Maximum allowed CPU requests.

            Default: "50m"

          • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.cpu.min

            Minimum allowed CPU requests.

            Default: "10m"

        • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.memory

          The amount of memory requested.

          • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.memory.max

            Maximum allowed memory requests.

            Default: "200Mi"

          • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.memory.min

            Minimum allowed memory requests.

            Default: "50Mi"

        • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.mode

          The VPA usage mode.

          Default: "Initial"

          Allowed values: Initial, Auto

    • spec.tolerations
      array of objects

      The same as in the pods’ spec.tolerations parameter in Kubernetes;

      If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

      Format: the standard toleration list. Instance pods inherit this field as is.

      • spec.tolerations.effect

        Allowed values: NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule, NoExecute

      • spec.tolerations.key
      • spec.tolerations.operator

        Default: "Equal"

        Allowed values: Exists, Equal

      • spec.tolerations.tolerationSeconds
      • spec.tolerations.value
    • spec.underscoresInHeaders

      Determines whether underscores are allowed in headers. Learn more….

      This tutorial sheds light on why you should not enable it without careful consideration.

      Default: false

    • spec.validationEnabled

      Enable ingress validation admission.

      Default: true

    • spec.waitLoadBalancerOnTerminating

      The number of seconds before the /healthz location will start to return a 500 code when the pod enters the Terminating state. This parameter has default values:

      • 0s - for HostWithFailover
      • 60s - for HostPort, HostPortWithProxyProtocol and HostPortWithSSLPassthrough
      • 120s - for LoadBalancer, LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol and LoadBalancerWithSSLPassthrough

Deprecated resource. Support for the resource might be removed in a later release.

  • spec

    Required value

    • spec.acceptRequestsFrom
      array of strings

      IP or CIDR that is allowed to access the Ingress controller.

      Regardless of the inlet type, the source IP address gets always verified (the original_address field in logs) (the address that the connection was established from) and not the “address of the client” that can be passed in some inlets via headers or using the proxy protocol.

      This parameter is implemented using the map module. If the source address is not in the list of allowed addresses, nginx closes the connection immediately using HTTP code 444.

      By default, the connection to the controller can be made from any address.

      • Element of the array

        Pattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(3[0-2]|[1-2][0-9]|[0-9]))$

    • spec.additionalHeaders

      Additional headers to add to all request. (map: key (string)).

    • spec.additionalLogFields

      Additional fields to add to nginx logs. (map: key (string)).

    • spec.annotationValidationEnabled

      Enables the annotation validation feature.

      Requires a controller of 1.9 version.

      Default: false

    • spec.chaosMonkey

      The instrument for unexpected and random termination of ingress controller Pods in a systemic manner. Chaos Monkey tests the resilience of ingress controller.

      Default: false

    • spec.config

      The section with the Ingress controller parameters.

      You can specify any supported parameter in it in the key: value (string) format.

      Caution! An erroneous option may lead to the failure of the ingress controller;

      Caution! The usage of this parameter is not recommended; the backward compatibility or operability of the ingress controller that uses this option is not guaranteed

    • spec.controllerVersion

      One of the supported NGINX Ingress controller versions.

      By default: the version in the module settings is used.

      Allowed values: 1.6, 1.9, 1.10

    • spec.customErrors

      The section with parameters of custom HTTP errors.

      All parameters in this section are mandatory if it is defined. Changing any parameter leads to the restart of all NGINX Ingress controllers.

        array of strings

        Required value

        Error codes which should be redirected to custom errors backend.

        • Element of the array

          Pattern: ^[1-5][0-9][0-9]$

      • spec.customErrors.namespace

        Required value

        Namespace of custom errors backend.


        namespace: default
      • spec.customErrors.serviceName

        Required value

        Name of kubernetes service that leads to custom errors backend.


        serviceName: custom-errors-backend-service
    • spec.defaultSSLCertificate

      This certificate is used:

      • for catch-all server requests (here, “catch-all server” refers to the nginx server directive). Requests for which there is no corresponding Ingress resource end up on the catch-all server.
      • for Ingress resources that do not have a secretName specified in the tls section.

      By default, a self-signed certificate is used.

      Caution! This parameter does not affect certificates used in the Ingress resources of the Deckhouse modules. You can specify the certificate to be used in the Ingress resources of the Deckhouse modules with the modules.https.customCertificate global parameter.

      • spec.defaultSSLCertificate.secretRef

        The Secret reference to pass to the Ingress Controller.


          Name of Secret containing SSL—certificate.

          Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$

        • spec.defaultSSLCertificate.secretRef.namespace

          Namespace, where the Secret is located.

          Default: "d8-ingress-nginx"

          Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?$

    • spec.disableHTTP2

      Switch off HTTP2 support.

      Default: false

    • spec.enableIstioSidecar

      Attach annotations to the controller pods to automatically inject Istio sidecar containers.

      After setting this parameter, the "true" and "<Service CIDR>" annotations will be attached to the ingress-controller pods. During pod creation, the Istio’s mutating webhook will add the sidecar to it. After that, the sidecar will catch the network traffic to Service CIDR.

      To use this feature in your application, you must add these annotations to your Ingress resources:

      • "true" — using this annotation, the ingress-controller sends requests to a single ClusterIP (from Service CIDR) while envoy load balances them. Istio sidecar containers only catching traffic directed to Service CIDR.
      • myservice.myns.svc — using this annotation, the sidecar can identify the application service that serves requests.
    • spec.geoIP2

      Enable GeoIP2 databases.

      • spec.geoIP2.maxmindEditionIDs
        array of strings

        A list of database editions to download at startup.

        More info…

        Default: ["GeoLite2-City","GeoLite2-ASN"]

        • Element of the array

          Allowed values: GeoIP2-Anonymous-IP, GeoIP2-Country, GeoIP2-City, GeoIP2-Connection-Type, GeoIP2-Domain, GeoIP2-ISP, GeoIP2-ASN, GeoLite2-ASN, GeoLite2-Country, GeoLite2-City

      • spec.geoIP2.maxmindLicenseKey

        A license key to download the GeoIP2 database.

        If the key is set, the module downloads the GeoIP2 database every time the controller is started. Click here to learn more about obtaining a license key.

    • spec.hostPort

      HostPort inlet settings.

      • spec.hostPort.behindL7Proxy

        Accepts all the incoming X-Forwarded-* headers and passes them to upstreams.

        Caution! Make sure that requests to the ingress are sent from trusted sources when using this option. The acceptRequestsFrom parameter can help you with defining trusted sources.

      • spec.hostPort.httpPort

        Port for insecure HTTP connections.

        If the parameter is not set, the connection over HTTP cannot be established.

        This parameter is mandatory if httpsPort is not set.


        httpPort: '80'
      • spec.hostPort.httpsPort

        Port for secure HTTPS connections.

        If the parameter is not set, the connection over HTTPS cannot be established.

        This parameter is mandatory if httpPort is not set.


        httpsPort: '443'
      • spec.hostPort.realIPHeader

        Sets the header field for identifying the originating IP address of a client.

        This option works only if behindL7Proxy is enabled.

        Default: "X-Forwarded-For"


        realIPHeader: CF-Connecting-IP
    • spec.hostPortWithProxyProtocol

      A section of parameters of the HostPortWithProxyProtocol inlet.

      • spec.hostPortWithProxyProtocol.httpPort

        Port for insecure HTTP connections.

        If the parameter is not set, the connection over HTTP cannot be established.

        This parameter is mandatory if httpsPort is not set.


        httpPort: '80'
      • spec.hostPortWithProxyProtocol.httpsPort

        Port for secure HTTPS connections.

        If the parameter is not set, the connection over HTTPS cannot be established.

        This parameter is mandatory if httpPort is not set.


        httpsPort: '443'
    • spec.hsts

      Determines whether hsts is enabled (

      Default: false

    • spec.hstsOptions

      Options for HTTP Strict Transport Security.

      • spec.hstsOptions.includeSubDomains

        If this optional parameter is specified, this rule applies to all of subdomains as well.

        Default: false

      • spec.hstsOptions.maxAge

        The time, in seconds, that the browser should remember that a site is only to be accessed using HTTPS.

        Default: "31536000"

        Pattern: ^[1-9][0-9]*$


        maxAge: '31536000'
      • spec.hstsOptions.preload

        Add your site to preload list to enforce to use SSL/TLS connections on your site.

        Default: false

    • spec.ingressClass

      The name of the Ingress class to use with the NGINX Ingress controller.

      Using this option, you can create several controllers to use with a single ingress

      Caution! If you set it to “nginx”, then Ingress resources lacking the annotation or spec.ingressClassName field will also be handled.

      Default: "nginx"

      Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$


      ingressClass: nginx
    • spec.inlet

      Required value

      The way traffic from the external network is routed to the cluster. Once you have set the method, you cannot change it later.

      • LoadBalancer — Ingress controller is deployed and the service of LoadBalancer type is provisioned.
      • LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol — Ingress controller is deployed and the service of LoadBalancer type is provisioned. Ingress controller uses proxy-protocol to get a real IP of the client.
      • HostPort — Ingress controller is deployed and available through nodes’ ports via hostPort;

        Settings are required in spec.HostPort.

      • HostPortWithProxyProtocol — Ingress controller is deployed and available through nodes’ ports via `hostPort, it uses proxy-protocol to get a real IP of the client;

        Settings are required in spec.HostPortWithProxyProtocol.

        Caution! Make sure that requests to the Ingress are sent from trusted sources when using this inlet. The acceptRequestsFrom parameter can help you with defining trusted sources.

      • HostWithFailover — installs two ingress controllers, the primary and the backup one. The primary controller runs in a hostNetwork. If the pods of the primary controller are not available, the traffic is routed to the backup one;

        Caution! There can be only one controller with this inlet type on a host.

        Caution! The following ports must be available on the node: 80, 81, 443, 444, 4207, 4208.

        Caution! To change inlet, remove the iptables rules and restart the kube-proxy pods or reboot the nodes hosting Ingress controllers.

      Allowed values: LoadBalancer, LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol, HostPort, HostPortWithProxyProtocol, HostWithFailover

    • spec.legacySSL

      Enable old TLS protocol versions and legacy cipher suites.

      Also, this options enables legacy cipher suites to support legacy libraries and software: OWASP Cipher String ‘C’ . Learn more here.

      By default, only TLSv1.2 and the newest cipher suites are enabled.

    • spec.loadBalancer

      Not required value.

      A section of parameters of the LoadBalancer inlet.

      • spec.loadBalancer.annotations

        Annotations to assign to the service for flexible configuration of the load balancer.

        Caution! The module does not take into account the specifics of setting annotations in different clouds. Note that you will need to recreate IngressNginxController (or create a new controller and then delete the old one) if annotations to provision a load balancer are only used when creating the service.

      • spec.loadBalancer.behindL7Proxy

        Accepts all the incoming X-Forwarded-* headers and passes them to upstreams.

        Caution! Make sure that requests to the Ingress controller are sent from trusted sources when using this option.

      • spec.loadBalancer.loadBalancerClass

        The LoadBalancer class (it is passed to the spec.loadBalancerClass parameter of the provisioned service of the LoadBalancer type).

      • spec.loadBalancer.realIPHeader

        Sets the header field for identifying the originating IP address of a client.

        This option works only if behindL7Proxy is enabled.

        Default: "X-Forwarded-For"


        realIPHeader: CF-Connecting-IP
      • spec.loadBalancer.sourceRanges
        array of strings

        IP ranges (CIDR) that are allowed to access the load balancer.

        Caution! The cloud provider may not support this option or ignore it. Providers supporting the option: AWS, GCP, Azure. Providers ignoring the option: YandexCloud. For other cloud providers, the behavior may depend on the specifics of the cloud implementation. Testing is recommended before use of the option in production.

        • Element of the array

          Pattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(3[0-2]|[1-2][0-9]|[0-9]))$

    • spec.loadBalancerWithProxyProtocol

      Not required value.

      A section of parameters of the LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol inlet.

      • spec.loadBalancerWithProxyProtocol.annotations

        Annotations that will be passed to service with type load balancer to configure it.

        Caution! The module does not take into account the specifics of setting annotations in different clouds. Note that you will need to recreate IngressNginxController (or create a new controller and then delete the old one) if annotations to provision a load balancer are only used when creating the service.

      • spec.loadBalancerWithProxyProtocol.loadBalancerClass

        The LoadBalancer class (it is passed to the spec.loadBalancerClass parameter of the provisioned service of the LoadBalancer type).

      • spec.loadBalancerWithProxyProtocol.sourceRanges
        array of strings

        IP ranges (CIDR) that are allowed to access the load balancer.

        Caution! The cloud provider may not support this option or ignore it. Providers supporting the option: AWS, GCP, Azure. Providers ignoring the option: YandexCloud. For other cloud providers, the behavior may depend on the specifics of the cloud implementation. Testing is recommended before use of the option in production.

        • Element of the array

          Pattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(3[0-2]|[1-2][0-9]|[0-9]))$

    • spec.maxReplicas

      LoadBalancer and LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol controller’s Horizontal Pod Autoscaler maximum replicas count.

      Default: 1

      Allowed values: 1 <= X

    • spec.minReplicas

      LoadBalancer and LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol controller’s Horizontal Pod Autoscaler minimum replicas count.

      Default: 1

      Allowed values: 1 <= X

    • spec.nodeSelector

      The same as in the pods’ spec.nodeSelector parameter in Kubernetes.

      If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

      Format: the standard nodeSelector list. Instance pods inherit this field as is.

    • spec.resourcesRequests

      Max amounts of CPU and memory resources that the pod can request when selecting a node (if the VPA is disabled, then these values become the default ones).

      • spec.resourcesRequests.mode

        Required value

        The mode for managing resource requests.

        Default: "VPA"

        Allowed values: VPA, Static

      • spec.resourcesRequests.static

        Static mode settings.

        • spec.resourcesRequests.static.cpu

          CPU requests.

          Default: "350m"

        • spec.resourcesRequests.static.memory

          Memory requests.

          Default: "500Mi"

      • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa

        Parameters of the vpa mode.

        • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.cpu

          CPU-related parameters.

          • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.cpu.max

            Maximum allowed CPU requests.

            Default: "50m"

          • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.cpu.min

            Minimum allowed CPU requests.

            Default: "10m"

        • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.memory

          The amount of memory requested.

          • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.memory.max

            Maximum allowed memory requests.

            Default: "200Mi"

          • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.memory.min

            Minimum allowed memory requests.

            Default: "50Mi"

        • spec.resourcesRequests.vpa.mode

          The VPA usage mode.

          Default: "Initial"

          Allowed values: Initial, Auto

    • spec.tolerations
      array of objects

      The same as in the pods’ spec.tolerations parameter in Kubernetes;

      If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

      Format: the standard toleration list. Instance pods inherit this field as is.

      • spec.tolerations.effect

        Allowed values: NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule, NoExecute

      • spec.tolerations.key
      • spec.tolerations.operator

        Default: "Equal"

        Allowed values: Exists, Equal

      • spec.tolerations.tolerationSeconds
      • spec.tolerations.value
    • spec.underscoresInHeaders

      Determines whether underscores are allowed in headers. Learn more….

      This tutorial sheds light on why you should not enable it without careful consideration.

      Default: false

    • spec.validationEnabled

      Enable ingress validation admission.

      Default: true

    • spec.waitLoadBalancerOnTerminating

      The number of seconds before the /healthz location will start to return a 500 code when the pod enters the Terminating state. This parameter has default values:

      • 0s - for HostWithFailover
      • 60s - for HostPort and HostPortWithProxyProtocol
      • 120s - for LoadBalancer and LoadBalancerWithProxyProtocol