The module is enabled by default in the following bundles: Default, Managed, Minimal.

How to explicitly enable the module…

Set the spec.enabled module parameter to true or false in the ModuleConfig/deckhouse resource (create it, if necessary) to explicitly enable or disable the module, or use the deckhouse-controller module command in the d8-system/deckhouse pod.

Example of enabling the module:

  • by using the ModuleConfig resource:

    kind: ModuleConfig
      name: deckhouse
      enabled: true
  • by using the deckhouse-controller command (you need a kubectl, configured to work with the cluster):

    kubectl -ti -n d8-system exec deploy/deckhouse -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller module enable deckhouse

Example of disabling the module:

  • by using the ModuleConfig resource:

    kind: ModuleConfig
      name: deckhouse
      enabled: false
  • by using the deckhouse-controller command (you need a kubectl, configured to work with the cluster):

    kubectl -ti -n d8-system exec deploy/deckhouse -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller module disable deckhouse

The module is configured using the ModuleConfig custom resource named deckhouse (learn more about setting up Deckhouse…).

Example of the ModuleConfig/deckhouse resource for configuring the module:

kind: ModuleConfig
  name: deckhouse
  version: 1
  enabled: true
  settings: # <-- Module parameters from the "Parameters" section below.


Schema version: 1

  • bundlestring

    The Deckhouse bundle defines a set of modules enabled by default.

    • Default — the recommended set of modules for cluster operation: monitoring, authorization control, networking and other needs.
    • Managed — the bundle aimed at clusters managed by cloud providers (e.g., Google Kubernetes Engine).
    • Minimal — the minimum possible bundle option (includes a single module — this one). Note that several basic modules are not included in the set of modules Minimal (for example, the CNI module). Deckhouse with the set of modules Minimal without the basic modules will be able to work only in an already deployed cluster.

    Default: "Default"

    Allowed values: Default, Minimal, Managed


    bundle: Default
  • highAvailabilityboolean

    Manually enable the high availability mode.

    By default, Deckhouse automatically decides whether to enable the HA mode. Click here to learn more about the HA mode for modules.


    highAvailability: true
  • logLevelstring

    Deckhouse logging level.

    Default: "Info"

    Allowed values: Debug, Info, Error


    logLevel: Info
  • nodeSelectorobject

    The same as in the Pods’ spec.nodeSelector parameter in Kubernetes.

    If the parameter is omitted or false, nodeSelector will be determined automatically.

    Cation! Deckhouse will stop working if there is a nonexistent label in nodeSelector. You need to change the values to the correct ones in ModuleConfig/deckhouse and deployment/deckhouse to get Deckhouse back on track.

  • releaseChannelstring

    Desirable Deckhouse release channel (Deckhouse will switch to it when such an opportunity appears).

    The order in which the stability of the release channel increases (from less stable to more stable): Alpha, Beta, EarlyAccess, Stable, RockSolid.

    Allowed values: Alpha, Beta, EarlyAccess, Stable, RockSolid


    releaseChannel: Stable
  • tolerationsarray of objects

    The same as in the Pods’ spec.tolerations parameter in Kubernetes;

    If the parameter is omitted or false, tolerations will be determined automatically.

    Cation! Deckhouse will stop working if tolerations specified are incorrect. You need to change the values to the correct ones in ModuleConfig/deckhouse and deployment/deckhouse to get Deckhouse back on track.

    • tolerations.effectstring
    • tolerations.keystring
    • tolerations.operatorstring
    • tolerations.tolerationSecondsinteger
    • tolerations.valuestring
  • updateobject

    Settings of the Deckhouse update mode and windows.


      - from: '8:00'
        to: '15:00'
        - Tue
        - Sat
      disruptionApprovalMode: Manual
        minimalNotificationTime: 6h
            username: user
            password: password
    • update.disruptionApprovalModestring

      Deckhouse release update disruption mode:

      • Auto — approves release with disruptions (potentially dangerous changes) automatically.
      • Manual — requires manual release confirmation (set the annotation on the appropriate DeckhouseRelease resource to apply the update).

      Default: "Auto"

      Allowed values: Auto, Manual

    • update.modestring

      Deckhouse minor version update mode (release change). Does not affect patch version updates.

      • Auto — all updates are applied automatically.

        Deckhouse minor version updates (release updates, for example, from v1.26.* to v1.27.*), are applied according to the update windows or (if no update windows are set) as they appear on the corresponding release channel;

      • Manual — to change a minor version of Deckhouse (for example, from v1.26.* to v1.27.*), manual confirmation is required.

        To confirm the update, edit custom resource ‘DeckhouseRelease’, which corresponds to the version by setting the `approved’ field to ‘true’.

      Default: "Auto"

      Allowed values: Auto, Manual

    • update.notificationobject

      Settings for notifications of scheduled Deckhouse updates.

      Has the effect only when the automatic update mode is set and only for Deckhouse minor version changes (for patch version changes the notifications parameter settings are ignored).


        minimalNotificationTime: 8h
      • update.notification.authobject

        Authentication settings for the webhook.

        If the parameter is omitted, the webhook will be called without authentication.

        • update.notification.auth.basicobject

          Basic authentication settings for the webhook.

          If the parameter is omitted, the webhook will be called without authentication.

          • update.notification.auth.basic.passwordstring

            Required value

            The password for the webhook.

            The username and password will be sent in the Authorization header in the format Basic <base64(username:password)>.

          • update.notification.auth.basic.usernamestring

            Required value

            The username for the webhook.

            The username and password will be sent in the Authorization header in the format Basic <base64(username:password)>.

        • update.notification.auth.bearerTokenstring

          The token for the webhook.

          The token will be sent in the Authorization header in the format Bearer <token>.

      • update.notification.minimalNotificationTimestring

        The minimum time that must pass before updating from the moment a new minor version appears on the release channel used.

        It is specified as a string containing the time unit in hours and minutes: 30m, 1h, 2h30m, 24h.

        The update mechanism ensures that Deckhouse will not be updated until a specified period of time has passed.

        When using update windows, the Deckhouse update will happen at the nearest possible update window but not before the time specified in minimalNotificationTime expires.

        Pattern: ^([0-9]+h([0-9]+m)?|[0-9]+m)$


        minimalNotificationTime: 6h
      • update.notification.tlsSkipVerifyboolean

        Skip TLS certificate verification while webhook request.

        Default: false

      • update.notification.webhookstring

        URL for an external webhook handler.

        The POST request will be sent on the webhook URL after a new minor version of Deckhouse appears on the update channel before it is applied to the cluster.

        Use the minimalNotificationTime parameter if necessary to set the minimum time that must pass before updating from the moment a new minor version appears on the release channel used.

        Example of the POST request payload (Content-Type: application/json):

          "version": "1.36",
          "requirements":  {"k8s": "1.20.0"},
          "changelogLink": "",
          "applyTime": "2023-01-01T14:30:00Z00:00",
          "message": "New Deckhouse Release 1.36 is available. Release will be applied at: Friday, 01-Jan-23 14:30:00 UTC"

        Description of POST request fields:

        • version - string, minor version number;
        • requirements - object, version requirements;
        • changelogLink - string, a URL to the minor version changelog;
        • applyTime - string, date and time of the scheduled update (taking into account the configured update windows) in RFC3339 format;
        • message - string, a text message about the availability of the new minor version and the scheduled update time.

        Pattern: ^https?://[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*$


    • update.windowsarray of objects

      List of update windows during the day.

      • of strings

        The days of the week on which the update window is applied.


        - Mon
        - Wed
        • Element of the arraystring

          Day of the week.

          Allowed values: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun



        Required value

        Start time of the update window (UTC timezone).

        Should be less than the end time of the update window.

        Pattern: ^(?:\d|[01]\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\d$


        from: '13:00'

        Required value

        End time of the update window (UTC timezone).

        Should be more than the start time of the update window.

        Pattern: ^(?:\d|[01]\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\d$


        to: '18:30'