This feature is available in Enterprise Edition only.
The functionality of the module might significantly change. Compatibility with future versions is not guaranteed.


Scope: Cluster
Version: v1

Parameters of a group of VCD VirtualMachines used by cluster-api-controller-manager (the cloud-provider-vcd module).

  • specobject

    Required value

    • spec.mainNetworkstring

      Path to the network that VirtualMachines’ primary NICs will connect to (default gateway).


      mainNetwork: internal
    • spec.placementPolicystring

      PlacementPolicy is the placement policy to be used on this machine. If no placement policy is specified, default placement policy will be used to create the nodes.


      placementPolicy: Hypervisor1
    • spec.rootDiskSizeGbinteger

      root disk size in gigabytes.

      Default: 20


      rootDiskSizeGb: 20
    • spec.sizingPolicystring

      SizingPolicy is the sizing policy to be used on this machine. If no sizing policy is specified, default sizing policy will be used to create the nodes.


      sizingPolicy: 4Cpu8Memory
    • spec.storageProfilestring

      Required value

      StorageProfile is the storage profile to be used on this machine.


      storageProfile: ssd
    • spec.templatestring

      Required value

      Path of the template OVA that is to be used. Consists of catalog and template path.


      template: Linux/ubuntu2204-cloud-ova