The module is not enabled by default in any bundles.

How to explicitly enable the module…

Set the spec.enabled module parameter to true or false in the ModuleConfig/istio resource (create it, if necessary) to explicitly enable or disable the module, or use the deckhouse-controller module command in the d8-system/deckhouse pod.

Example of enabling the module:

  • by using the ModuleConfig resource:

    kind: ModuleConfig
      name: istio
      enabled: true
  • by using the deckhouse-controller command (you need a kubectl, configured to work with the cluster):

    kubectl -ti -n d8-system exec deploy/deckhouse -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller module enable istio

Example of disabling the module:

  • by using the ModuleConfig resource:

    kind: ModuleConfig
      name: istio
      enabled: false
  • by using the deckhouse-controller command (you need a kubectl, configured to work with the cluster):

    kubectl -ti -n d8-system exec deploy/deckhouse -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller module disable istio

The module is configured using the ModuleConfig custom resource named istio (learn more about setting up Deckhouse…).

Example of the ModuleConfig/istio resource for configuring the module:

kind: ModuleConfig
  name: istio
  version: 2
  enabled: true
  settings: # <-- Module parameters from the "Parameters" section below.


Schema version: 2

  • additionalVersionsarray of strings

    Additional versions of Istio control plane to install. You can use specific namespace labels ( to switch between installed revisions.

    Default: []

    • Element of the arraystring

      Pattern: ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$

  • allianceobject

    Common options both for federation and multicluster.

    This feature is available in enterprise edition only.

    • alliance.ingressGatewayobject

      ingressgateway settings.

      This feature is available in enterprise edition only.

      • alliance.ingressGateway.inletstring

        The method for exposing ingressgateway.

        • LoadBalancer — is a recommended method if you have a cloud-based cluster and it supports Load Balancing.
        • NodePort — for installations that do not have the LB.

        Default: "LoadBalancer"

        This feature is available in enterprise edition only.

        Allowed values: LoadBalancer, NodePort


        inlet: LoadBalancer
      • alliance.ingressGateway.nodePortobject

        Special settings for NodePort inlet.

        This feature is available in enterprise edition only.


        nodePort: {}
          port: 30001
        • alliance.ingressGateway.nodePort.portinteger

          Static port number for NodePort-type Service. Must be in range, set by kube-apiserver –service-node-port-range argument (default is 30000-32767).

          Allowed values: 1024 <= X <= 65535

      • alliance.ingressGateway.nodeSelectorobject

        ingressgateway DaemonSet nodeSelector.

        The same as the spec.nodeSelector pod parameter in Kubernetes.

        This feature is available in enterprise edition only.


          type: ingress
      • alliance.ingressGateway.serviceAnnotationsobject

        Additional service annotations. They can be used, e.g., for configuring a local LB in the Yandex Cloud (using the annotation).

        This feature is available in enterprise edition only.


      • alliance.ingressGateway.tolerationsarray of objects

        ingressgateway DaemonSet tolerations.

        The same as spec.tolerations for the Kubernetes pod.

        This feature is available in enterprise edition only.


        - operator: Exists
        • alliance.ingressGateway.tolerations.effectstring
        • alliance.ingressGateway.tolerations.keystring
        • alliance.ingressGateway.tolerations.operatorstring
        • alliance.ingressGateway.tolerations.tolerationSecondsinteger
        • alliance.ingressGateway.tolerations.valuestring
  • authobject

    Options related to authentication or authorization in the application.


        authURL: https://dex.d8.svc.cluster.local/dex/auth
      - admins
    • auth.allowedUserGroupsarray of strings

      An array of user groups that can access module’s public web interfaces.

      This parameter is used if the user-authn module is enabled or the externalAuthentication parameter is set.

      Caution! Note that you must add those groups to the appropriate field in the DexProvider config if this module is used together with the user-authn one.

    • auth.externalAuthenticationobject

      Parameters to enable external authentication based on the NGINX Ingress external-auth mechanism that uses the Nginx auth_request module.

      External authentication is enabled automatically if the user-authn module is enabled.

      • auth.externalAuthentication.authSignInURLstring

        The URL to redirect the user for authentication (if the authentication service returned a non-200 HTTP response code).


      • auth.externalAuthentication.authURLstring

        The URL of the authentication service.

        If the user is authenticated, the service should return an HTTP 200 response code.


    • auth.satisfyAnyboolean

      Enables single authentication.

      If used together with the whitelistSourceRanges parameter, it authorizes all the users from above networks (no need to enter a username and password).

      Default: false


      satisfyAny: true
    • auth.whitelistSourceRangesarray of strings

      An array if CIDRs that are allowed to authenticate in module’s public web interfaces.


  • caobject

    Explicitly specified root certificate. It signs individual service certificates to use in mutual TLS connections.

    • ca.certstring

      The root or intermediate certificate in PEM format.

    • ca.chainstring

      A certificate chain in PEM format if cert is an intermediate certificate.

    • ca.keystring

      The key to the root certificate in PEM format.

    • ca.rootstring

      The root certificate in PEM format if cert is an intermediate certificate.

  • controlPlaneobject

    istiod specific settings.

    • controlPlane.nodeSelectorobject

      Optional nodeSelector for istiod. The same as the spec.nodeSelector pod parameter in Kubernetes.

      If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

    • controlPlane.replicasManagementobject

      Replication management settings and scaling of istiod.


        mode: Standard
        mode: Static
          replicas: 3
        mode: HPA
          minReplicas: 2
          maxReplicas: 5
          - type: CPU
            targetAverageUtilization: 80
      • controlPlane.replicasManagement.hpaobject

        Options for replicas management for the HPA mode.

        • controlPlane.replicasManagement.hpa.maxReplicasnumber

          Required value

          The upper limit for the number of replicas to which the HPA can scale up. It cannot be less that minReplicas.

          Allowed values: 1 <= X

        • controlPlane.replicasManagement.hpa.metricsarray of objects

          Required value

          The HPA will use these metrics to decide whether to increase or decrease the number of replicates.

          • controlPlane.replicasManagement.hpa.metrics.targetAverageUtilizationnumber

            Required value

            The target value of the average of the resource metric across all relevant pods, represented as a percentage of the requested value of the resource for the pods.

            Allowed values: 1 <= X <= 100

          • controlPlane.replicasManagement.hpa.metrics.typestring

            Required value

            Metric type.

            Allowed values: CPU

        • controlPlane.replicasManagement.hpa.minReplicasnumber

          Required value

          The lower limit for the number of replicas to which the HPA can scale down.

          Allowed values: 1 <= X

      • controlPlane.replicasManagement.modestring

        Replicas management mode:

        • Standard — replicas management and scaling mode according to the global fault tolerance mode (the highAvailability parameter);
        • Static — the mode, where the number of replicas is specified explicitly (the static.replicas parameter);
        • HPA — the mode, where the number of replicas is calculated automatically using HPA based on CPU usage. You can configure this mode by modifying parameters in the hpa parameter section.

        Default: "Standard"

        Allowed values: Standard, Static, HPA

      • controlPlane.replicasManagement.staticobject

        Options for replicas management for the Static mode.

        • controlPlane.replicasManagement.static.replicasnumber

          Required value

          Desired number of replicas.

          Allowed values: 1 <= X

    • controlPlane.resourcesManagementobject

      Settings for CPU and memory requests and limits by istiod pods.


        mode: VPA
          mode: Auto
            min: 50m
            max: 2
            limitRatio: 1.5
            min: 256Mi
            max: 2Gi
            limitRatio: 1.5
        mode: Static
            cpu: 55m
            memory: 256Mi
            cpu: '2'
            memory: 2Gi
      • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.modestring

        Resource management mode:

        • Static — allows you to specify requests/limits. The parameters of this mode are defined in the static parameter section;
        • VPA — uses VPA. You can configure this mode by modifying parameters in the vpa parameter section.

        Default: "VPA"

        Allowed values: VPA, Static

      • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.staticobject

        Resource management options for the Static mode.

        • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.static.limitsobject

          Configuring CPU and memory limits.

          • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.static.limits.cpu

            Configuring CPU limits.

          • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.static.limits.memory

            Configuring memory limits.

        • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.static.requestsobject

          Resource requests settings for pods.

          • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.static.requests.cpu

            Configuring CPU requests.

          • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.static.requests.memory

            Configuring memory requests.

      • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.vpaobject

        Resource management options for the VPA mode.

        • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.vpa.cpuobject

          CPU-related VPA settings.

          • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.vpa.cpu.limitRationumber

            The CPU limits/requests ratio.

            This ratio is used for calculating the initial CPU limits for a pod.

            If this parameter is set, the VPA will recalculate the CPU limits while maintaining the specified limits/requests ratio.

          • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.vpa.cpu.max

            The maximum value that the VPA can set for the CPU requests.

            Default: 2

          • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.vpa.cpu.min

            The minimum value that the VPA can set for the CPU requests.

            Default: 50m

        • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.vpa.memoryobject

          Memory-related VPA settings.

          • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.vpa.memory.limitRationumber

            The memory limits/requests ratio.

            This ratio is used for calculating the initial memory limits for a pod.

            If this parameter is set, the VPA will recalculate the memory limits while maintaining the specified limits/requests ratio.

          • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.vpa.memory.max

            The maximum memory requests the VPA can set.

            Default: 2Gi

          • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.vpa.memory.min

            The minimum memory requests the VPA can set.

            Default: 256Mi

        • controlPlane.resourcesManagement.vpa.modestring

          VPA operating mode.

          Default: "Auto"

          Allowed values: Initial, Auto

    • controlPlane.tolerationsarray of objects

      Optional tolerations for istiod. The same as spec.tolerations for the Kubernetes pod.

      If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

      • controlPlane.tolerations.effectstring
      • controlPlane.tolerations.keystring
      • controlPlane.tolerations.operatorstring
      • controlPlane.tolerations.tolerationSecondsinteger
      • controlPlane.tolerations.valuestring
  • dataPlaneobject
    • dataPlane.trafficRedirectionSetupModestring

      Managing the redirection mode of application traffic to be forwarded under Istio control in the Pod’s network namespace.

      • CNIPlugin — in this mode, the configuration is performed by a CNI plugin when creating a Pod on a node. This mode does not require additional permissions for Pods and is recommended. This mode has limitations when using application init-containers that perform network communication with other services.
      • InitContainer — classic mode, each application Pod is automatically injected with a special init-container that configures the network environment of the Pod. In order to perform this configuration, the init-container is given additional permissions, which may not meet the security requirements of individual installations.

      Default: "InitContainer"

      Allowed values: CNIPlugin, InitContainer


      trafficRedirectionSetupMode: CNIPlugin
      trafficRedirectionSetupMode: InitContainer
  • enableHTTP10boolean

    Whether to handle HTTP/1.0 requests in istio-sidecars or deny them with 426 Upgrade Required response.

    Default: false


    enableHTTP10: true
  • federationobject

    Parameters for federating with other clusters.

    This feature is available in enterprise edition only.

    • federation.enabledboolean

      Designate this cluster as a federation member (see Enabling federation).

      Default: false


      enabled: true
  • globalVersionstring

    Specific version of Istio control-plane which handles unspecific versions of data plane (namespaces with istio-injection=enabled label, not

    Default: "1.19"

    Pattern: ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$

  • highAvailabilityboolean

    Manually enable the high availability mode.

    By default, Deckhouse automatically decides whether to enable the HA mode. Click here to learn more about the HA mode for modules.


    highAvailability: true
  • httpsobject

    What certificate type to use with module’s public web interfaces.

    This parameter completely overrides the global.modules.https settings.


      mode: CustomCertificate
        secretName: foobar
      mode: CertManager
        clusterIssuerName: letsencrypt
    • https.certManagerobject
      • https.certManager.clusterIssuerNamestring

        What ClusterIssuer to use for Kiali/metadata-exporter (including SPIFFE endpoint)/api-proxy.

        Currently, letsencrypt, letsencrypt-staging, selfsigned are available. Also, you can define your own.

        Default: "letsencrypt"

    • https.customCertificateobject
      • https.customCertificate.secretNamestring

        The name of the secret in the d8-system namespace to use with Kiali/metadata-exporter (including SPIFFE endpoint)/api-proxy.

        This secret must have the format.

        Default: "false"

    • https.modestring

      The HTTPS usage mode:

      • CertManager — Kiali/metadata-exporter (including SPIFFE endpoint)/api-proxy will use HTTPS and get a certificate from the clusterissuer defined in the certManager.clusterIssuerName parameter.
      • CustomCertificate — Kiali/metadata-exporter (including SPIFFE endpoint)/api-proxy will use HTTPS using the certificate from the d8-system namespace.
      • OnlyInURI — Kiali/metadata-exporter (including SPIFFE endpoint)/api-proxy will work over HTTP (thinking that there is an external HTTPS load balancer in front that terminates HTTPS traffic). All the links in the user-authn will be generated using the HTTPS scheme. Load balancer should provide a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.

      Caution! Unlike other modules, Istio doesn’t support non-secured HTTP (mode: Disabled).

      Default: "CertManager"

      Allowed values: CertManager, CustomCertificate, OnlyInURI

  • ingressClassstring

    The class of the Ingress controller used for Kiali, metadata-exporter and proxy-api.

    Optional. By default, the modules.ingressClass global value is used.

    Pattern: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$

  • multiclusterobject

    Multicluster parameters.

    This feature is available in enterprise edition only.

    • multicluster.enabledboolean

      Designate this cluster as a multicluster member (see Enabling multicluster).

      Default: false


      enabled: true
  • nodeSelectorobject

    Optional nodeSelector for istio-operator, metadata-exporter and Kiali. The same as the spec.nodeSelector pod parameter in Kubernetes.

    If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

  • outboundTrafficPolicyModestring

    How to handle requests directed to external services which aren’t registered in service mesh.

    • AllowAny — allow.
    • RegistryOnly — deny. In this case to work with external services you need to register them with ServiceEntry custom resource or to organize egressgateway.

    Default: "AllowAny"

    Allowed values: AllowAny, RegistryOnly


    outboundTrafficPolicyMode: AllowAny
  • proxyConfigobject

    Mesh-wide defaults for ProxyConfig configurations.

    • proxyConfig.holdApplicationUntilProxyStartsboolean

      With this feature, the sidecar-injector injects the sidecar at the first place of Pod’s container list and adds a postStart hook to be sure if the Envoy proxy is initialized before the application. So the Envoy is able to handle requests without application network errors.

      This global flag can be overriden per Pod by an annotation — '{ "holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts": true }'.

      Default: false


      holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts: true
    • proxyConfig.idleTimeoutstring

      Timeout for connections without application activity established between the client’s istio-sidecar and the service. When the timeout expires, the connection between the sidecar and the service is closed, but the connection between the application and the sidecar is not closed. If set to 0s, the timeout is disabled.

      This global flag can be overriden per Pod by an annotation:

              ISTIO_META_IDLE_TIMEOUT: "12h"

      Warning! Disabling this timeout (setting the value to 0s) is very likely to result in leaky connections due to TCP FIN packet loss, etc. Warning! After changing this setting, a restart of the client pods is required.

      Default: "1h"

      Pattern: ^[0-9]+(s|m|h)$


      idleTimeout: 24h
  • sidecarobject

    Network settings for traffic capture by istio sidecar.

    • sidecar.excludeInboundPortsarray of strings

      The range of inbound ports whose traffic is guaranteed not to flow through Istio.

      You can redefine this parameter for single Pod using the annotation.

      Default: []


      - '8080'
      - '8443'
      • Element of the arraystring

        Pattern: ^[0-9]{1,5}$

    • sidecar.excludeOutboundIPRangesarray of strings

      Traffic to these IP ranges is guaranteed not to flow through Istio.

      You can redefine this parameter for single Pod using the annotation.

      Default: []


      • Element of the arraystring

        Pattern: ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/[0-9]{1,2}$

    • sidecar.excludeOutboundPortsarray of strings

      The range of outbound ports whose traffic is guaranteed not to flow through Istio.

      You can redefine this parameter for single Pod using the annotation.

      Default: []


      - '8080'
      - '8443'
      • Element of the arraystring

        Pattern: ^[0-9]{1,5}$

    • sidecar.includeOutboundIPRangesarray of strings

      Traffic to these IP ranges is forcibly routed through Istio.

      You can redefine this parameter for single Pod using the annotation.

      Default: [""]


      • Element of the arraystring

        Pattern: ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/[0-9]{1,2}$

    • sidecar.resourcesManagement

      Manages Istio sidecar container resources.

      Caution! The setting only applies to new Pods with istio-proxy.


            cpu: 100m
            memory: 128Mi
            memory: 1Gi
      • sidecar.resourcesManagement.modestring

        The mode for managing resource requests. Classical Static requests/limit.

        Default: "Static"

        Allowed values: Static

      • sidecar.resourcesManagement.staticobject

        Static resource management settings.

        • sidecar.resourcesManagement.static.limitsobject

          Limits configuration.

          • sidecar.resourcesManagement.static.limits.cpu

            CPU limits.

          • sidecar.resourcesManagement.static.limits.memory

            Memory limits.

            Default: 1Gi

        • sidecar.resourcesManagement.static.requestsobject

          Requests configuration.

          • sidecar.resourcesManagement.static.requests.cpu

            CPU requests.

            Default: 100m

          • sidecar.resourcesManagement.static.requests.memory

            Memory requests.

            Default: 128Mi

  • tolerationsarray of objects

    Optional tolerations for istio-operator, metadata-exporter and Kiali. The same as spec.tolerations for the Kubernetes pod.

    If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.

    • tolerations.effectstring
    • tolerations.keystring
    • tolerations.operatorstring
    • tolerations.tolerationSecondsinteger
    • tolerations.valuestring
  • tracingobject

    Tracing parameters.

    • tracing.collectorobject

      Tracing collection settings.

      • tracing.collector.zipkinobject

        Zipkin protocol parameters used by Istio for sending traces. Jaeger supports this protocol.

        If tracing is enabled, this settings section is mandatory.

        • tracing.collector.zipkin.addressstring

          Network address of zipkin collector in <IP of FQDN>:<port> format.

          Pattern: [0-9a-zA-Z\.-]+


          address: zipkin.myjaeger.svc:9411
    • tracing.enabledboolean

      Turn on or off tracing collection and displaying in Kiali.

      Default: false


      enabled: true
    • tracing.kialiobject

      Span displaying settings for Kiali.

      When not configured, Kiali won’t show any tracing dashboards.


      kiali: {}
        jaegerURLForUsers: https://tracing-service:4443/jaeger
        jaegerGRPCEndpoint: http://tracing.myjaeger.svc:16685/
      • tracing.kiali.jaegerGRPCEndpointstring

        Accessible from cluster address of jaeger GRPC interface for system queries by Kiali.

        When not configured, Kiali will only show external links using the jaegerURLForUsers config without interpretationing.


        jaegerGRPCEndpoint: http://tracing.myjaeger.svc:16685/
      • tracing.kiali.jaegerURLForUsersstring

        Jaeger UI address for users. Mandatory parameter if Kiali is enabled.


        jaegerURLForUsers: https://tracing-service:4443/jaeger
    • tracing.samplingnumber

      The sampling rate option can be used to control what percentage of requests get reported to your tracing system.

      This should be configured depending upon your traffic in the mesh and the amount of tracing data you want to collect.

      It is possible to override this option with the following Pod annotation: |
          sampling: 100.0

      Default: 1.0

      Allowed values: 0.01 <= X <= 100.0


      sampling: 50.05


user-authn module provides authentication by default. Also, externalAuthentication can be configured (see below). If these options are disabled, the module will use basic auth with the auto-generated password.

Use kubectl to see password:

kubectl -n d8-system exec deploy/deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller module values istio -o json | jq '.istio.internal.auth.password'

Delete the Secret to re-generate password:

kubectl -n d8-istio delete secret/kiali-basic-auth

Note! The auth.password parameter is deprecated.