The module deploys FlowSchema and PriorityLevelConfiguration to prevent API overloading.

FlowSchema sets PriorityLevel for list requests from all service accounts in Deckhouse namespaces (having label heritage: deckhouse) to the following apiGroups:

  • v1 (Pods, Secrets, ConfigMaps, Nodes, etc.). This helps in the case of many core resources in the cluster (for example, Secrets or Pods).
  • apps/v1 (DaemonSets, Deployments, StatefulSets, ReplicaSets, etc.). This helps in the case of many deployed applications in the cluster (for example, Deployments).
  • (Deckhouse custom resources). This helps in the case of many various deckhouse CRs in the cluster.
  • (cilium custom resources). This helps in the case of many cilium policies in the cluster.

All API requests corresponding to FlowSchema are placed into the same queue.