This module installs the prometheus operator for creating Prometheus installations and managing them in an automated manner.

The prometheus operator:

  • defines the following custom resources:
    • Prometheus — defines the Prometheus installation (cluster);
    • ServiceMonitor — defines the method for collecting services’ metrics;
    • Alertmanager — defines the Alertmanager cluster;
    • PrometheusRule — defines a list of Prometheus rules;
  • follows these resources and:
    • generates a Prometheus StatefulSet, all the necessary config files, and saves them to a Secret;
    • monitors the ServiceMonitor and PrometheusRule resources and updates the Prometheus configuration files based on them by making changes to a Secret.


What does Prometheus do?

Generally, the Prometheus server does two key things: it collects metrics and evaluates rules:

  • For each monitoring target, after each scrape_interval, it sends an HTTP request to this target. In response, it gets custom-formatted metrics and saves them to a database.
  • At each evaluation_interval, it evaluates rules and either:
    • sends alerts, or
    • saves (to its own database) new metrics (the result of executing the rule).

How do I configure Prometheus?

  • The Prometheus server has a config and rule files (files containing rules).
  • The config file includes the following sections:
    • scrape_configs — settings that define the method for discovering monitoring targets (see the next section for more details);
    • rule_files — a list of directories where rule files are located:

      - /etc/prometheus/rules/rules-0/*
      - /etc/prometheus/rules/rules-1/*
    • alerting — settings to locate Alert Managers to which alerts are sent. This section is similar to scrape_configs, except that it defines a list of endpoints to which Prometheus sends alerts.

How does Prometheus get the list of targets?

  • The Prometheus workflow looks as follows:

    The Prometheus workflow

    • (1) Prometheus reads the scrape_configs section and uses it to configure its internal Service Discovery mechanism;
    • (2) The Service Discovery mechanism interacts with the Kubernetes API (mostly, it gets endpoints);
    • (3) Based on Kubernetes information, the Service Discovery mechanism updates Targets (the list of targets);
  • scrape_configs contains a list of scrape jobs (the internal Prometheus concept), and each job is defined as follows:

       # General Settings
     - job_name: d8-monitoring/custom/0    # the name of a scrape job as displayed in the Service Discovery section
       scrape_interval: 30s                  # an interval at which data are collected
       scrape_timeout: 10s                   # request timeout
       metrics_path: /metrics                # path to send the requests to
       scheme: http                          # http or https
       # Service discovery settings
       kubernetes_sd_configs:                # means that Kubernetes supplies targets
       - api_server: null                    # use environment variables (which are present in every Pod) to get the API server address
         role: endpoints                     # endpoints supply targets
           names:                            # search for endpoints in these namespaces only
           - foo
           - baz
       # Filtering (which endpoints to use) and re-labeling (which labels attach to all the metrics collected or delete from them) settings
       # Filtering by the prometheus_custom_target label (obtained from the service associated with the endpoint)
       - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_label_prometheus_custom_target]
         regex: .+                           # any NON-empty label would suffice
         action: keep
       # Filtering by the port name
       - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_port_name]
         regex: http-metrics                 # only works if the port is called http-metrics
         action: keep
       # Adding the job label, using the value of the prometheus_custom_target label in the service while adding the " custom-" prefix
       # The job label is the Prometheus's service label:
       #    * it defines the name of the group in which target will be displayed on the targets page
       #    * every metric collected from these targets will have it; thus, you can conveniently use it when filtering in rules and dashboards
       - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_label_prometheus_custom_target]
         regex: (.*)
         target_label: job
         replacement: custom-$1
         action: replace
       # Add the namespace label
       - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
         regex: (.*)
         target_label: namespace
         replacement: $1
         action: replace
       # Add the service label
       - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
         regex: (.*)
         target_label: service
         replacement: $1
         action: replace
       # Add the instance label (contains the Pod's name)
       - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
         regex: (.*)
         target_label: instance
         replacement: $1
         action: replace
  • This way, Prometheus tracks:
    • the addition of Pods and deletion of them (Kubernetes changes the endpoints when adding/deleting Pods; Prometheus notices this and adds/deletes targets);
    • the addition of services (or rather endpoints) and deletion of them in the specified namespaces.
  • The change of the configuration is necessary in the following cases:
    • if you need to add a new scrape config (usually, it is due to adding a new type of services that need to be monitored);
    • if you need to modify the list of namespaces.

Prometheus Operator

What does Prometheus Operator do?

  • Prometheus Operator defines four custom resources using the CRD (Custom Resource Definitions) mechanism:
    • prometheus — defines the Prometheus installation (cluster);
    • servicemonitor — defines the method for monitoring (collecting metrics) a set of services;
    • alertmanager — defines the Alertmanager cluster;
    • prometheusrule — defines a list of Prometheus rules;
  • Monitors prometheus resources and generates for each resource:
    • StatefulSet (with Prometheus);
    • Secret containing prometheus.yaml (the Prometheus config) and configmaps.json (the prometheus-config-reloader config);
  • Monitors servicemonitor and prometheusrule resources and updates the config files (prometheus.yaml and configmaps.json stored in the secret) based on them.

What does the Prometheus Pod contain?

What does the Prometheus Pod contain

  • The Prometheus Pod has two containers inside:
    • prometheus — the container with the Prometheus itself;
    • prometheus-config-reloader — a wrapping that:
      • monitors prometheus.yaml for changes and, if necessary, reloads the Prometheus configuration (via a dedicated HTTP request, see more below);
      • monitors PrometheusRules (see more below) and, if necessary, pulls them and restarts Prometheus.
  • The Pod uses three volumes:
    • config — the secret (it contains prometheus.yaml and configmaps.json). It is mounted to both containers.
    • rules — an emptyDir volume that reads the prometheus container and supplies data to the prometheus-config-reloader container. It is mounted to both containers (in read-only mode in the case of the Prometheus container).
    • data — a Prometheus data volume. This one mounted to prometheus only.

How are Service Monitors handled?

How are Service Monitors handled

  • (1) Prometheus Operator reads Service Monitors (and tracks their addition/removal/modification). The list of Service Monitors to follow is specified in the prometheus; see the official documentation) for more details.
  • (2) For each Service Monitor (if it doesn’t have a specific list of namespaces, i.e., any: true is set), Prometheus Operator determines (using the Kubernetes API) a list of namespaces where Services matching the Service Monitor’s labels are running.
  • (3) Based on the servicemonitor resources read (see the official documentation)) and a list of namespaces determined, Prometheus Operator generates the scrape_configs config section and saves it to the corresponding Secret.
  • (4) The Secret’s data then passed to the Pod using standard Kubernetes mechanisms (the prometheus.yaml file gets updated).
  • (5) prometheus-config-reloader notices the change and sends an HTTP request to Prometheus to reload.
  • (6) Prometheus rereads the config and notices changes in the scrape_configs section, which it processes according to internal logic (you can find more details above).

How are Custom Resources with rules processed?

How are Custom Resources with rules processed

  • (1) Prometheus Operator monitors PrometheusRules that match the ruleSelector defined in the prometheus resource.
  • (2) If a new PrometheusRule is created (or the existing one is deleted), Prometheus Operator updates prometheus.yaml (and then the logic for Service Monitors described above comes into play).
  • (3) Prometheus Operator updates the prometheus-main-rulefiles-0 ConfigMap in response to the addition/deletion/modification of the PrometheusRule.
  • (4) The ConfigMap data are passed to the Pod using standard Kubernetes mechanisms.
  • prometheus-config-reloader notices that the file is changed and:
    • (5) pulls the modified ConfigMaps to the rules directory (of an emptyDir type);
    • (6) sends a reboot request to Prometheus over HTTP;
  • (7) Prometheus rereads the config and notices the modified rules.