Available in:  CE, BE, SE, SE+, EE

Web interfaces associated with the module: grafana

This module installs and configures the Prometheus monitoring system. Also, it configures metrics scraping for many typical applications and provides the basic set of Prometheus alerts and Grafana dashboards.

If a StorageClass supports automatic volume expansion (allowVolumeExpansion: true), it can automatically expand the volume if there is not enough disk space for Prometheus data. Otherwise, you will receive an alert that the volume space in Prometheus is running out.

The Vertical Pod Autoscaler module makes it possible to automatically request CPU and memory resources based on the utilization history when the Pod is recreated. Also, the Prometheus memory consumption is minimized by caching requests to it via Trickster.

Both pulling and pushing of metrics are supported.

Monitoring hardware resources

Prometheus tracks hardware resources and displays the corresponding utilization graphs for:

  • CPU,
  • memory,
  • disk drive,
  • network.

The graphs can be grouped by:

  • Pods,
  • controllers,
  • namespaces,
  • nodes.

Kubernetes monitoring

Deckhouse enables monitoring of a large set of “health” parameters of Kubernetes and its components out-of-the-box, including:

  • overall cluster utilization;;
  • connectivity of Kubernetes nodes (by measuring RTT between nodes);
  • availability and operability of control plane components:
    • etcd
    • coredns and kube-dns
    • kube-apiserver, etc.
  • time synchronization on nodes, etc.

Ingress monitoring

The detailed description is available here.

Advanced monitoring mode

Deckhouse also provides the advanced monitoring mode that implements additional metrics-based alerts, such as: free space and inode-related, the node usage, the availability of Pods and container images, certificates expiration and other Kubernetes cluster events.

Alerting in advanced monitoring mode

Deckhouse allows you to flexibly configure alerting for each namespace and assign criticality depending on the threshold value. You can set thresholds in various namespaces for parameters such as: - empty space and inodes on a disk;

  • CPU usage for a node and a container;
  • percent of 5xx errors on nginx-ingress;
  • number of unavailable Pods in a Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet.


The Deckhouse monitoring also implements event notifications. The standard edition includes a large set of necessary alerts for monitoring the state of the cluster and its components. At the same time, you can add custom alerts.

Sending alerts to external systems

Deckhouse supports sending alerts using Alertmanager:

  • via the SMTP protocol;
  • to PagerDuty;
  • to Slack;
  • to Telegram;
  • via the Webhook mechanism;
  • by any other means supported in Alertmanager.

Included modules

The scheme of interaction

Components installed by Deckhouse

Name Description
prometheus-main The primary Prometheus instance that scrapes metrics every 30 seconds (you can change this value using the scrapeInterval parameter). It processes all the rules, sends alerts, and serves as the main data source.
prometheus-longterm The secondary Prometheus instance that scrapes the data of the primary Prometheus instance (prometheus-main) every 5 minutes (you can change this value using the longtermScrapeInterval parameter). It is used for long-term history storage and displaying data for large periods.
trickster The caching proxy that reduces the load on Prometheus.
aggregating-proxy An aggregating and caching proxy that reduces the load on Prometheus and aggregate both main and longterm in single datasource.
memcached Distributed memory caching system.
grafana The managed observability platform with ready-to-use dashboards for all Deckhouse modules and popular applications. Grafana instances are highly available, stateless, and configured by CRDs.
metrics-adapter The component connecting Prometheus and Kubernetes metrics API. It enables HPA support in a Kubernetes cluster.
vertical-pod-autoscaler An autoscaling tool to help size Pods for the optimal CPU and memory resources required by the Pods.
Various Exporters Precooked exporters connected to Prometheus. The list includes exporters for all necessary metrics: kube-state-metrics, node-exporter, oomkill-exporter, image-availability-exporter, and many more.

External components

Deckhouse has interfaces to integrate with various popular solutions in the following ways:

Name Description
Alertmanagers Alertmanagers could be connected to Prometheus and Grafana and deployed to the Deckhouse cluster or out of it.
Long-term metrics storages Utilizing remote write protocol, it is possible to send metrics from Deckhouse to plenty of storages, including Cortex, Thanos, VictoriaMetrics.