Scope: Cluster
Version: v1alpha1
SCSITarget is a Kubernetes Custom Resource that defines a configuration for a SCSI target.
- spec
Required value
Spec defines the desired state of the target.
- spec.deviceTemplate
DeviceTemplate defines the metadata for dynamically created. devices.
- spec.deviceTemplate.metadata
Metadata specifies the metadata to be applied to devices.
- spec.deviceTemplate.metadata.labels
Labels are key-value pairs that may be used to select devices.
- spec.fibreChannel
FibreChannel defines the configuration for a Fibre Channel target.
- spec.fibreChannel.WWNs
Required value
WWNs is a list of World Wide Names for the Fibre Channel target.
- spec.iSCSI
iSCSI defines the configuration for an iSCSI target.
- spec.iSCSI.auth
Auth specifies authentication details for accessing the iSCSI target.
- spec.iSCSI.auth.login
Required value
Login is the username used for authentication with the iSCSI target.
- spec.iSCSI.auth.password
Required value
Password is the password used for authentication with the iSCSI target.
- spec.iSCSI.iqn
Required value
IQN is the iSCSI Qualified Name of the target.
- spec.iSCSI.portals
Required value
Portals is a list of portal addresses (IP:port) for accessing the iSCSI target.