

Describes the configuration of a cloud cluster in Yandex Cloud.

Used by the cloud provider if a cluster’s control plane is hosted in the cloud.

Run the following command to change the configuration in a running cluster:

kubectl -n d8-system exec -ti deploy/deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller edit provider-cluster-configuration


kind: YandexClusterConfiguration
layout: Standard
  label-2: b
sshPublicKey: "<SSH_PUBLIC_KEY>"
  replicas: 1
    cores: 4
    memory: 8192
    imageID: fd8nb7ecsbvj76dfaa8b
- name: worker
  replicas: 1
  - ru-central1-a
    cores: 4
    memory: 8192
    imageID: fd8nb7ecsbvj76dfaa8b
    coreFraction: 50
    - Auto
  cloudID: "<CLOUD_ID>"
  folderID: "<FOLDER_ID>"
  serviceAccountJSON: |
    "id": "id",
    "service_account_id": "service_account_id",
    "key_algorithm": "RSA_2048",
    "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIwID....AQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
    "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIE....1ZPJeBLt+\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
  • apiVersionstring

    Required value

    Allowed values:,

  • dhcpOptionsobject

    A list of DHCP parameters to use for all subnets.

    Note that setting dhcpOptions may lead to problems.

    • dhcpOptions.domainNamestring

      The name of the search domain.

    • dhcpOptions.domainNameServersarray of strings

      A list of recursive DNS addresses.

      • Element of the arraystring

        Pattern: ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$

  • existingNetworkIDstring

    The ID of the existing VPC Network.

  • existingZoneToSubnetIDMapobject

    One or more pre-existing subnets mapped to respective zone.

    Warning! Deckhouse will create a route table that must be manually attached to these subnets.

    Pattern: ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/[0-9]{1,2}$


      ru-central1-a: e2lu8r1tbbtryhdpa9ro
      ru-central1-b: e2lu8r1tbbtryhdpa9ro
      ru-central1-c: e2lu8r1tbbtryhdpa9ro
      ru-central1-d: e2lu8r1tbbtryhdpa9ro
  • kindstring

    Required value

    Allowed values: YandexClusterConfiguration

  • labelsobject

    Labels to attach to resources created in the Yandex Cloud.

    Note that you have to re-create all the machines to add new labels if labels were modified in the running cluster.

  • layoutstring

    Required value

    The way resources are located in the cloud.

    Read more about possible provider layouts.

    Allowed values: Standard, WithoutNAT, WithNATInstance

  • masterNodeGroupobject

    Required value

    The definition of the master’s NodeGroup.

    Caution! After changing the parameters of the section, you need to run dhctl converge for the changes to take effect.

    • masterNodeGroup.instanceClassobject

      Required value

      Partial contents of the fields of the YandexInstanceClass.

      • masterNodeGroup.instanceClass.additionalLabelsobject

        Additional labels.


        project: cms-production
        severity: critical
      • masterNodeGroup.instanceClass.coresinteger

        Required value

        Amount of CPU cores to provision on a Yandex Compute Instance.

      • masterNodeGroup.instanceClass.diskSizeGBinteger

        Yandex Compute Instance disk size in gibibytes.

        Default: 50


        diskSizeGB: 0
      • masterNodeGroup.instanceClass.diskTypestring

        Yandex Compute Instance disk type.

        Default: "network-ssd"

        Allowed values: network-ssd, network-ssd-io-m3, network-ssd-nonreplicated


        diskType: network-ssd-io-m3
      • masterNodeGroup.instanceClass.etcdDiskSizeGbinteger

        etcd disk size in gibibytes.

        If this parameter is changed, each etcd disk must be manually expanded in the Yandex Cloud interface (the reason for this behavior is in the issue).

        Default: 10


        etcdDiskSizeGb: 10
      • masterNodeGroup.instanceClass.externalIPAddressesarray of strings

        A list of external addresses.

        If externalSubnetID is not set, you have to use either reserved public IP addresses or the Auto constant.

        If externalSubnetID is set, you must select specific unallocated IP addresses from the specified subnet.

        The number of array elements must correspond to the number of nodes in the group (the value of the replicas parameter). If the value Auto is used (automatic public IP address reservation), then in the list, you still need to specify as many elements with the value Auto as there are nodes in the group.

        • Element of the arraystring

          Pattern: ^([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})|(Auto)$

      • masterNodeGroup.instanceClass.externalSubnetIDDeprecatedstring

        If specified, an additional network interface will be added to the node (the latter will use it as a default route).

      • masterNodeGroup.instanceClass.externalSubnetIDsarray of strings

        If specified, an additional network interface will be added to the node (the latter will use it as a default route).

        Also, a route for the node’s internal interface will be added (it will cover the entire nodeNetworkCIDR subnet).

      • masterNodeGroup.instanceClass.imageIDstring

        Required value

        Image ID to use while provisioning Yandex Compute Instances.


        imageID: fd8nb7ecsbvj76dfaa8b
      • masterNodeGroup.instanceClass.memoryinteger

        Required value

        Amount of primary memory in MB provision on a Yandex Compute Instance.


        memory: 8192
      • masterNodeGroup.instanceClass.networkTypestring

        Network type.

        Default: "Standard"

        Allowed values: Standard, SoftwareAccelerated

      • masterNodeGroup.instanceClass.platformstring

        The type of virtual machine to create.

        Default: "standard-v2"

    • masterNodeGroup.replicasinteger

      Required value

      The number of master nodes to create. It is important to have an odd number of masters to ensure a quorum.

      Allowed values: 1 <= X

    • masterNodeGroup.zonesarray

      Not required value.

      A limited set of zones in which nodes can be created.

      • Element of the array

        Allowed values: ru-central1-a, ru-central1-b, ru-central1-c, ru-central1-d

  • nodeGroupsarray of objects

    An array of additional NodeGroups for creating static nodes (e.g., for dedicated front nodes or gateways).

    • nodeGroups.instanceClassobject

      Required value

      Partial contents of the fields of the YandexInstanceClass.

      • nodeGroups.instanceClass.additionalLabelsobject

        Additional labels.


        project: cms-production
        severity: critical
      • nodeGroups.instanceClass.coreFractioninteger

        Percent of reserved CPU capacity on a Yandex Compute Instance. Details…

        Default: 100

        Allowed values: 5, 20, 50, 100


        coreFraction: 20
      • nodeGroups.instanceClass.coresinteger

        Required value

        Amount of CPU cores to provision on a Yandex Compute Instance.

      • nodeGroups.instanceClass.diskSizeGBinteger

        Yandex Compute Instance disk size in gibibytes.

        Default: 50


        diskSizeGB: 0
      • nodeGroups.instanceClass.diskTypestring

        Yandex Compute Instance disk type.

        Default: "network-ssd"

        Allowed values: network-ssd, network-ssd-io-m3, network-ssd-nonreplicated


        diskType: network-ssd-io-m3
      • nodeGroups.instanceClass.externalIPAddressesarray of strings

        A list of external addresses.

        If externalSubnetID is not set, you have to use either reserved public IP addresses or the Auto constant.

        If externalSubnetID is set, you must select specific unallocated IP addresses from the specified subnet.

        The number of array elements must correspond to the number of nodes in the group (the value of the replicas parameter). If the value Auto is used (automatic public IP address reservation), then in the list, you still need to specify as many elements with the value Auto as there are nodes in the group.

        • Element of the arraystring

          Pattern: ^([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})|(Auto)$

      • nodeGroups.instanceClass.externalSubnetIDDeprecatedstring

        If specified, an additional network interface will be added to the node (the latter will use it as a default route).

      • nodeGroups.instanceClass.externalSubnetIDsarray of strings

        If specified, an additional network interface will be added to the node (the latter will use it as a default route).

        Also, a route for the node’s internal interface will be added (it will cover the entire nodeNetworkCIDR subnet).

      • nodeGroups.instanceClass.imageIDstring

        Required value

        Image ID to use while provisioning Yandex Compute Instances.


        imageID: fd8nb7ecsbvj76dfaa8b
      • nodeGroups.instanceClass.memoryinteger

        Required value

        Amount of primary memory in MB provision on a Yandex Compute Instance.


        memory: 8192
      • nodeGroups.instanceClass.networkTypestring

        Network type.

        Default: "Standard"

        Allowed values: Standard, SoftwareAccelerated

      • nodeGroups.instanceClass.platformstring

        The type of virtual machine to create.

        Default: "standard-v2"

    • nodeGroups.namestring

      Required value

      The name of the NodeGroup to use for generating node names.

    • nodeGroups.nodeTemplate

      Parameters of Node objects in Kubernetes to add after registering the node.

      • nodeGroups.nodeTemplate.annotationsobject

        The same as the metadata.annotations standard field.


      • nodeGroups.nodeTemplate.labelsobject

        A list of labels to attach to cluster resources.

        The same as the metadata.labels standard field.

        Note that you have to re-create all the machines to add new tags if tags were modified in the running cluster.


          environment: production
          app: warp-drive-ai
      • nodeGroups.nodeTemplate.taintsarray of objects

        The same as the .spec.taints field of the Node object.

        Caution! Only the effect, key, values fields are available.


        - effect: NoExecute
          key: ship-class
          value: frigate
        • nodeGroups.nodeTemplate.taints.effectstring

          Allowed values: NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule, NoExecute

        • nodeGroups.nodeTemplate.taints.keystring
        • nodeGroups.nodeTemplate.taints.valuestring
    • nodeGroups.replicasinteger

      Required value

      The number of nodes to create.

    • nodeGroups.zonesarray

      A limited set of zones in which nodes can be created.

      • Element of the array

        Allowed values: ru-central1-a, ru-central1-b, ru-central1-c, ru-central1-d

  • nodeNetworkCIDRstring

    Required value

    This subnet will be split into three equal parts.

    They will serve as a basis for subnets in three Yandex Cloud zones.

  • providerobject

    Required value

    Contains settings to connect to the Yandex Cloud API.

    • provider.cloudIDstring

      Required value

      The cloud ID.

    • provider.folderIDstring

      Required value

      ID of the directory.

    • provider.serviceAccountJSONstring

      Required value

      A key to the Service Account in the JSON format.

      You can get it by using [yc iam key create](environment.html) command.

      Pattern: ^[ \t\n]*\{(.|\n)*\}[ \t\n]*$


      serviceAccountJSON: |
           "id": "...",
           "service_account_id": "...",
           "created_at": "2022-08-04T05:38:34.756137618Z",
           "key_algorithm": "RSA_2048",
           "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----...-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
           "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----...-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
  • sshPublicKeystring

    Required value

    A public key for accessing nodes.

  • withNATInstanceobject

    Settings for the WithNATInstance layout.

    • withNATInstance.exporterAPIKeystring

      API-key for cloud metrics exporter.

      • If parameter is empty, cloud metrics exporter will not be deployed in the cluster.
      • If parameter is Auto, Deckhouse will create service account with the monitoring.viewer role and create API-key manually. Provider service account should have the admin role.
      • Any other value is considered a valid API-key. See this instruction for creating API-key. Service account should have monitoring.viewer role.

      Default: ""

    • withNATInstance.externalSubnetIDstring

      If specified, an additional network interface will be added to the node (the node will use it as a default route).

    • withNATInstance.internalSubnetIDstring

      ID of a subnet for the internal interface.

    • withNATInstance.natInstanceExternalAddressstring

      A reserved external IP address (or externalSubnetID address if specified).

      Pattern: ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$

    • withNATInstance.natInstanceInternalAddressDeprecatedstring

      Consider using automatically generated address instead.

      Pattern: ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$

    • withNATInstance.natInstanceResourcesobject

      Computing resources that are allocated to the NAT instance. If not specified, the default values will be used.

      • withNATInstance.natInstanceResources.coresinteger

        Amount of CPU cores to provision on the NAT instance.

        Default: 2

      • withNATInstance.natInstanceResources.memoryinteger

        Amount of primary memory in MB provision on the NAT instance.

        Default: 2048

  • zonesarray

    The globally restricted set of zones that this cloud provider works with.

    • Element of the array

      Allowed values: ru-central1-a, ru-central1-b, ru-central1-c, ru-central1-d