We have renamed the module. Previously, it was called deckhouse-commander, but now it is simply commander. All updates will be provided to the module with the new name. This will not affect the user experience, as the interface will remain accessible at the same location, and the database will continue to be used as before. However, technically, users will need to disable the old module and enable the new one.

You can migrate from the old module to the new one without losing any data, but if you are currently using PostgreSQL, which comes with the module, there are three requirements that must be met. Let’s discuss the configuration with an external database separately. Everything is straightforward in this case.

If you are using your own PostgreSQL installation

If you are using your own PostgreSQL installation, then you need to do few steps:

  1. Create a backup of the database (recommended)

  2. Enable the commander module.

  3. Switch to new dependencies in existing clusters

Ensure you are using an external database

In the module configuration, the External mode should be selected under the postgres section.

kubectl get mc deckhouse-commander -oyaml

apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: deckhouse-commander
  enabled: true
      mode: External   # <------- database mode
  version: 1

Read the official documentation.

Step 2: enabling the commander module

Enable the commander module.

The migration will be performed automatically. The module settings will transfer themselves from the old ModuleConfig/deckhouse-commander. Upon completion of the migration, the deckhouse-commander module will be disabled. The new module will be available at the same address and deployed in the same d8-commander namespace as the old one.

cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: commander
  enabled: true

Step 3: switching to new dependencies in existing clusters

As a result, two modules will be replaced:

  • deckhouse-commander-agentcommander-agent
  • deckhouse-adminconsole

To do this, it is enough to enable the commander-agent module. What will happen as a result:

  • The commander-agent module will automatically turn off the deckhouse-commander-agent and deckhouse-admin modules, and turn on the console.
  • Administration tab in Commander will work again

This can be done either manually or using a template.

Option 1: through the template

In the templates used, add the commander-agent manifest to the Resources tab and update all clusters to this template.

apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: commander-agent
    heritage: deckhouse-commander
  enabled: true
  version: 1
    commanderUrl: "https://{{ .dc_domain }}/agent_api/{{ .dc_clusterUUID }}"

Option 2: manually

Enable the commander-agent module in application clusters. You need to transfer the settings from deckhouse-commander-agent to it without changes. The only difference with the previous option is that it will need to be done manually in all clusters.

apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: commander-agent
    heritage: deckhouse-commander
  enabled: true
  version: 1
    commanderUrl: "https://....from deckhouse-commander-agent ...."

Recovery in case of data loss

If the database was corrupted during the migration for some reason, it can be restored to the new commander module without rolling back to the old module.

To restore the data, use the backup from step 1.

If you use an internal PostgreSQL database

If you are using postgres from the operator-postgres module, then you need to do few steps:

  1. Update the deckhouse-commander module to at least version 1.4.3

  2. Create a backup of the database

  3. Enable the commander module

  4. Switch to new dependencies in existing clusters

Ensure you are using an internal database

In the module configuration, the Internal mode should be selected under the postgres section.

kubectl get mc deckhouse-commander -oyaml

apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: deckhouse-commander
  enabled: true
      mode: Internal   # <------- database mode
  version: 1

Step 1: updating the module

Update the deckhouse-commander module to version 1.4.3 or higher. In this release, the annotation helm.sh/resource-policy: keep has been added for PostgreSQL resources.

If module update policy is set to manual, use the command:

kubectl annotate modulerelease deckhouse-commander-v1.4.8 modules.deckhouse.io/approved=true

Step 2: creating backup

To back up the internal database, use the command:

kubectl -n d8-commander exec -t commander-postgres-0 -- su - postgres -c "pg_dump -v -Fc -b -d commander" > commander.dump

Step 3: enabling the commander module

Enable the commander module.

The migration will be performed automatically. The module settings will transfer themselves from the old ModuleConfig/deckhouse-commander. Upon completion of the migration, the deckhouse-commander module will be disabled. The new module will be available at the same address and deployed in the same d8-commander namespace as the old one.

cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: commander
  enabled: true

Step 4: switching to new dependencies in existing clusters

As a result, two modules will be replaced:

  • deckhouse-commander-agentcommander-agent
  • deckhouse-adminconsole

To do this, it is enough to enable the commander-agent module. What will happen as a result:

  • The commander-agent module will automatically turn off the deckhouse-commander-agent and deckhouse-admin modules, and turn on the console.
  • Administration tab in Commander will work again

This can be done either manually or using a template.

Option 1: through the template

In the templates used, add the commander-agent manifest to the Resources tab and update all clusters to this template.

apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: commander-agent
    heritage: deckhouse-commander
  enabled: true
  version: 1
    commanderUrl: "https://{{ .dc_domain }}/agent_api/{{ .dc_clusterUUID }}"

Option 2: manually

Enable the commander-agent module in application clusters. You need to transfer the settings from deckhouse-commander-agent to it without changes. The only difference with the previous option is that it will need to be done manually in all clusters.

apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: commander-agent
    heritage: deckhouse-commander
  enabled: true
  version: 1
    commanderUrl: "https://....from deckhouse-commander-agent ...."

Recovery in case of data loss

If the database was corrupted during the migration for some reason, it can be restored to the new commander module without rolling back to the old module.

To restore the data, use the backup from step 2 and the command:

kubectl -n d8-commander exec -it commander-postgres-0 -- su - postgres -c "pg_restore -v -c --if-exists -Fc -d commander" < commander.dump