The functionality of the module might significantly change. Compatibility with future versions is not guaranteed.


Scope: Cluster
Version: v1alpha1

NFSStorageClass is a Kubernetes Custom Resource that defines a configuration for a Kubernetes Storage class.
  • spec object
    Defines a Kubernetes Storage class configuration.
    • spec.chmodPermissions string
      chmod rights for PVs subdirectory

      Pattern: ^[0-7]{3,4}$

    • spec.connection object

      Required value

      Defines a Kubernetes Storage class configuration.
      • string

        Required value

        NFS server host

        Minimal length: 1

      • spec.connection.nfsVersion string

        Required value

        NFS server version

        Allowed values: 3, 4.1, 4.2

      • spec.connection.share string

        Required value

        NFS server share path

        Minimal length: 1

    • spec.mountOptions object
      Storage class mount options
      • spec.mountOptions.mountMode string
        NFS share mount mode

        Allowed values: hard, soft

      • spec.mountOptions.readOnly boolean
        Share read-only flag
      • spec.mountOptions.retransmissions integer
        NFS retries before fail

        Allowed values: 1 <= X

      • spec.mountOptions.timeout integer
        NFS server timeout

        Allowed values: 1 <= X

    • spec.reclaimPolicy string

      Required value

      The storage class’s reclaim policy. Might be:

      • Delete (If the Persistent Volume Claim is deleted, deletes the Persistent Volume and its associated storage as well)
      • Retain (If the Persistent Volume Claim is deleted, remains the Persistent Volume and its associated storage)

      Allowed values: Delete, Retain

    • spec.volumeBindingMode string

      Required value

      The storage class’s volume binding mode. Might be Immediate or WaitForFirstConsumer

      Allowed values: Immediate, WaitForFirstConsumer