Available with limitations in:   CE

Available without limitations in:  SE, EE

This module manages local block storage based on LVM. The module allows you to create a StorageClass in Kubernetes by creating Kubernetes custom resources LocalStorageClass (see example below). To create a Storage Class, you will need the LVMVolumeGroup configured on the cluster nodes. The LVM configuration is done by the sds-node-configurator module.

Caution! Before enabling the sds-local-volume module, you must enable the sds-node-configurator module.

After you enable the sds-local-volume module in the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform configuration, you have to create StorageClasses.

Caution! The user is not allowed to create a StorageClass for the local.csi.storage.deckhouse.io CSI driver.

Two modes are supported: LVM and LVMThin. Each mode has its advantages and disadvantages. Read FAQ to learn more and compare them.

Quickstart guide

Note that all commands must be run on a machine that has administrator access to the Kubernetes API.

Enabling modules

  • Enable the sds-node-configurator module
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: sds-node-configurator
  enabled: true
  version: 1
  • Wait for it to become Ready. At this stage, you do NOT need to check the pods in the d8-sds-node-configurator namespace.
kubectl get modules sds-node-configurator -w
  • Enable the sds-local-volume module. Refer to the configuration to learn more about module settings. In the example below, the module is launched with the default settings. This will result This will cause the service pads of the sds-local-volume components to be launched on all nodes of the cluster.
  • This will cause the service pods of the sds-local-volume components to be launched on all nodes of the cluster.
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: sds-local-volume
  enabled: true
  version: 1
  • Wait for the module to become Ready.
kubectl get mc sds-local-volume -w
  • Make sure that all pods in d8-sds-local-volume and d8-sds-node-configurator namespaces are Running or Completed and are running on all nodes where LVM resources are intended to be used.
kubectl -n d8-sds-local-volume get pod -owide -w
kubectl -n d8-sds-node-configurator get pod -o wide -w

Preparing nodes for storage provisioning

To create storage on nodes, it’s necessary for the sds-local-volume-csi-node pods to be running on the selected nodes.

By default, the pods will be scheduled on all nodes in the cluster. You can verify their presence using the command:

 kubectl -n d8-sds-local-volume get pod -owide

The location of the pod data is determined by special labels (nodeSelector) specified in the spec.settings.dataNodes.nodeSelector field in the module settings. For more detailed information on the configuration, please follow the link.

Configuring storage on nodes

You need to create LVM volume groups on the nodes using LVMVolumeGroup custom resources. As part of this quickstart guide, we will create a regular Thick storage.

Please ensure that the sds-local-volume-csi-node pod is running on the node before creating the LVMVolumeGroup. You can do this using the command:

kubectl -n d8-sds-local-volume get pod -owide

To configure the storage:

  • List all the BlockDevice resources available in your cluster:
kubectl get bd

NAME                                           NODE       CONSUMABLE   SIZE           PATH
dev-ef4fb06b63d2c05fb6ee83008b55e486aa1161aa   worker-0   false        976762584Ki    /dev/nvme1n1
dev-0cfc0d07f353598e329d34f3821bed992c1ffbcd   worker-0   false        894006140416   /dev/nvme0n1p6
dev-7e4df1ddf2a1b05a79f9481cdf56d29891a9f9d0   worker-1   false        976762584Ki    /dev/nvme1n1
dev-b103062f879a2349a9c5f054e0366594568de68d   worker-1   false        894006140416   /dev/nvme0n1p6
dev-53d904f18b912187ac82de29af06a34d9ae23199   worker-2   false        976762584Ki    /dev/nvme1n1
dev-6c5abbd549100834c6b1668c8f89fb97872ee2b1   worker-2   false        894006140416   /dev/nvme0n1p6
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: storage.deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: LVMVolumeGroup
  name: "vg-1-on-worker-0" # The name can be any fully qualified resource name in Kubernetes. This LVMVolumeGroup resource name will be used to create LocalStorageClass in the future
  type: Local
    nodeName: "worker-0"
      - key: kubernetes.io/metadata.name
        operator: In
          - dev-ef4fb06b63d2c05fb6ee83008b55e486aa1161aa
          - dev-0cfc0d07f353598e329d34f3821bed992c1ffbcd
  actualVGNameOnTheNode: "vg-1" # the name of the LVM VG to be created from the above block devices on the node 
  • Wait for the created LVMVolumeGroup resource to become Operational:
kubectl get lvg vg-1-on-worker-0 -w
  • The resource becoming Operational means that an LVM VG named vg-1 made up of the /dev/nvme1n1 and /dev/nvme0n1p6 block devices has been created on the worker-0 node.

  • Next, create an LVMVolumeGroup resource for worker-1:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: storage.deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: LVMVolumeGroup
  name: "vg-1-on-worker-1"
  type: Local
    nodeName: "worker-1"
      - key: kubernetes.io/metadata.name
        operator: In
          - dev-7e4df1ddf2a1b05a79f9481cdf56d29891a9f9d0
          - dev-b103062f879a2349a9c5f054e0366594568de68d
  actualVGNameOnTheNode: "vg-1"
  • Wait for the created LVMVolumeGroup resource to become Operational:
kubectl get lvg vg-1-on-worker-1 -w
  • The resource becoming Operational means that an LVM VG named vg-1 made up of the /dev/nvme1n1 and /dev/nvme0n1p6 block device has been created on the worker-1 node.

  • Create an LVMVolumeGroup resource for worker-2:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: storage.deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: LVMVolumeGroup
  name: "vg-1-on-worker-2"
  type: Local
    nodeName: "worker-2"
      - key: kubernetes.io/metadata.name
        operator: In
          - dev-53d904f18b912187ac82de29af06a34d9ae23199
          - dev-6c5abbd549100834c6b1668c8f89fb97872ee2b1
  actualVGNameOnTheNode: "vg-1"
  • Wait for the created LVMVolumeGroup resource to become Operational:
kubectl get lvg vg-1-on-worker-2 -w
  • The resource becoming Operational means that an LVM VG named vg-1 made up of the /dev/nvme1n1 and /dev/nvme0n1p6 block device has been created on the worker-2 node.

  • Create a LocalStorageClass resource:

kubectl apply -f -<<EOF
apiVersion: storage.deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: LocalStorageClass
  name: local-storage-class
      - name: vg-1-on-worker-0
      - name: vg-1-on-worker-1
      - name: vg-1-on-worker-2
    type: Thick
  reclaimPolicy: Delete
  volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
  • Wait for the created LocalStorageClass resource to become Created:
kubectl get lsc local-storage-class -w
  • Confirm that the corresponding StorageClass has been created:
kubectl get sc local-storage-class
  • If StorageClass with the name local-storage-class is shown, then the configuration of the sds-local-volume module is complete. Now users can create PVs by specifying StorageClass with the name local-storage-class.

System requirements and recommendations


  • Stock kernels shipped with the supported distributions.
  • Do not use another SDS (Software defined storage) to provide disks to our SDS.