The functionality of the module might significantly change. Compatibility with future versions is not guaranteed.

Commander is a web app that lets one create uniform clusters based on Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform, and control the lifecycle of those clusters.

Main features

  • Creation, updating and deletion of clusters both on cloud platforms and on static resources
  • Unification and updating of clusters using configuration templates
  • Tracking changes, bringing clusters to the configuration specified in Commander
  • Management of operational needs using the built-in administrator interface
  • Management of lists of resources used in clusters
  • API for external integration
  • Importing existing Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform clusters

Coming soon:

  • Access management: users and roles
  • Project management
  • Overview of cloud resources created with the cluster
  • Multi-tenancy and self-service
  • Federated cluster capabilities
  • Integration with other products of the Deckhouse ecosystem: Observability Platform, Stronghold, Registry, and others.