Available in:  EE

Deprecated version. Development and support have been terminated.

Use the sds-replicated-volume module instead.

The module is guaranteed to work only in the following cases:

As for any other configurations, the module may work, but its smooth operation is not guaranteed.

What is difference between LVM and LVMThin?

In a nutshell::

  • LVM is simpler and has performance comparable to that of native disk drives;
  • LVMThin allows for snapshots and overprovisioning; however, it is significantly slower.

How do I get info about the space used?

There are two options:

  • Using the Grafana dashboard: navigate to Dashboards –> Storage –> LINSTOR/DRBD
    In the upper right corner, you’ll see the amount of space used in the cluster.

    Caution! Raw space usage in the cluster is displayed. Suppose you create a volume with two replicas. In this case, these values must be divided by two to see how many such volumes can be in your cluster.

  • Using the LINSTOR command line:

    kubectl exec -n d8-sds-drbd deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor storage-pool list

    Caution! Raw space usage for each node in the cluster is displayed. Suppose you create a volume with two replicas. In this case, those two replicas must fully fit on two nodes in your cluster.

How do I set the default StorageClass?

Set the spec.IsDefault field to true in the corresponding DRBDStorageClass custom resource.

How do I add the existing LVM Volume Group or LVMThin pool?

  1. Manually add the storage.deckhouse.io/enabled=true tag to the Volume Group:

    vgchange myvg-0 --add-tag storage.deckhouse.io/enabled=true
  2. This VG will be automatically discovered and a corresponding LVMVolumeGroup resource will be created in the cluster for it.

  3. You can specify this resource in the DRBDStoragePool parameters in the spec.lvmVolumeGroups[].name field (note that for the LVMThin pool, you must additionally specify its name in spec.lvmVolumeGroups[].thinPoolName).

How do I evict resources from a node?

  • Download the evict.sh script on the host that has administrative access to the Kubernetes API server (for the script to work, you need to have kubectl and jq installed):

    kubectl -n d8-sds-drbd cp -c sds-drbd-controller $(kubectl -n d8-sds-drbd get po -l app=sds-drbd-controller -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}'):/tools/evict.sh ./evict.sh
    chmod 700 evict.sh
  • Fix all faulty LINSTOR resources in the cluster. Run the following command to detect them:

    kubectl -n d8-sds-drbd exec -ti deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor resource list --faulty
  • Check that all the pods in the d8-sds-drbd namespace are in the Running state:

    kubectl -n d8-sds-drbd get pods | grep -v Running

How do I evict resources from a node without deleting it from LINSTOR and Kubernetes

Run the evict.sh script in interactive mode (--delete-resources-only):

./evict.sh --delete-resources-only

To run the evict.sh script in non-interactive mode, add the --non-interactive flag followed by the name of the node to evict the resources from. In this mode, the script will perform all the necessary actions automatically (no user confirmation is required). Example:

./evict.sh --non-interactive --delete-resources-only --node-name "worker-1"

Caution! After the script finishes its job, the node will still be in the Kubernetes cluster albeit in SchedulingDisabled status. In LINSTOR, the AutoplaceTarget=false property will be set for this node, preventing the LINSTOR scheduler from creating resources on this node.

Run the following command to allow resources and pods to be scheduled on the node again:

alias linstor='kubectl -n d8-sds-drbd exec -ti deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor'
linstor node set-property "worker-1" AutoplaceTarget
kubectl uncordon "worker-1"

Run the following command to check the AutoplaceTarget property for all nodes (the AutoplaceTarget field will be empty for nodes that are allowed to host LINSTOR resources):

alias linstor='kubectl -n d8-sds-drbd exec -ti deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor'
linstor node list -s AutoplaceTarget


Problems can occur at different levels of component operation. This simple cheat sheet will help you quickly navigate through the diagnosis of various problems with the LINSTOR-created volumes:

LINSTOR cheatsheet

Some common problems are described below.

linstor-node fail to start because the drbd module cannot be loaded

Check the status of the linstor-node Pods:

kubectl get pod -n d8-sds-drbd -l app=linstor-node

If you see that some of them got stuck in Init state, check the DRBD version aw well as the bashible logs on the node:

cat /proc/drbd
journalctl -fu bashible

The most likely reasons why loading the kernel module fails:

  • You have the in-tree version of the DRBDv8 module preloaded, whereas LINSTOR requires DRBDv9. Check the preloaded module version: cat /proc/drbd. If the file is missing, then the module is not preloaded and this is not your case.

  • You have Secure Boot enabled. Since the DRBD module we provide is compiled dynamically for your kernel (similar to dkms), it is not digitally signed. We do not currently support running the DRBD module with a Secure Boot enabled.

The Pod cannot start due to the FailedMount error

The Pod is stuck at the ContainerCreating phase

If the Pod is stuck at the ContainerCreating phase, and the following errors are displayed when the kubectl describe pod command is invoked:

rpc error: code = Internal desc = NodePublishVolume failed for pvc-b3e51b8a-9733-4d9a-bf34-84e0fee3168d: checking
for exclusive open failed: wrong medium type, check device health

… it means that the device is still mounted on one ot the nodes.

Use the command below to see if this is the case:

alias linstor='kubectl -n d8-sds-drbd exec -ti deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor'
linstor resource list -r pvc-b3e51b8a-9733-4d9a-bf34-84e0fee3168d

The InUse flag will point to the node on which the device is being used. You will need to manually unmount the disk on that node.

Errors of the Input/output error type

These errors usually occur during the file system (mkfs) creation.

Check dmesg on the node where the pod is being run:

dmesg | grep 'Remote failed to finish a request within'

If the command output is not empty (the dmesg output contains lines like “Remote failed to finish a request within … “), most likely your disk subsystem is too slow for DRBD to run properly.

I have deleted the DRBDStoragePool resource, yet its associated Storage Pool in the LINSTOR backend is still there. Is it supposed to be like this?

Yes, this is the expected behavior. Currently, the sds-drbd module does not process operations when deleting the DRBDStoragePool resource.

I am unable to update the fields in the DRBDStorageClass resource spec. Is this the expected behavior?

Yes, this is the expected behavior. Only the isDefault field is editable in the spec. All the other fields in the resource spec are made immutable.

When you delete a DRBDStorageClass resource, its child StorageClass in Kubernetes is not deleted. What can I do in this case?

The child StorageClass is only deleted if the status of the DRBDStorageClass resource is Created. Otherwise, you will need to either restore the DRBDStorageClass resource to a working state or delete the StorageClass yourself.

I noticed that an error occurred when trying to create a Storage Pool / Storage Class, but in the end the necessary entity was successfully created. Is this behavior acceptable?```

This is the expected behavior. The module will automatically retry the unsuccessful operation if the error was caused by circumstances beyond the module’s control (for example, a momentary disruption in the Kubernetes API).

When running commands in the LINSTOR CLI, I get the “You’re not allowed to change state of linstor cluster manually. Please contact tech support” error. What to do?

In the sds-drbd module, we have restricted the list of commands that are allowed to be run in LINSTOR, because we plan to automate all manual operations. Some of them are already automated, e.g., creating a Tie-Breaker in cases when LINSTOR doesn’t create them for resources with 2 replicas. Use the command below to see the list of allowed commands:

alias linstor='kubectl -n d8-sds-drbd exec -ti deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor'
linstor --help

I have not found an answer to my question and am having trouble getting the module to work. What do I do?

Information about the reasons for the failure is saved to the Status.Reason field of the DRBDStoragePool and DRBDStorageClass resources. If the information provided is not enough to identify the problem, refer to the sds-drbd-controller logs.

Migrating from the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform linstor built-in module to sds-drbd

Note that the LINSTOR control-plane and its CSI will be unavailable during the migration process. This will make it impossible to create/expand/delete PVs and create/delete pods using the LINSTOR PV during the migration.

Please note! User data will not be affected by the migration. Basically, the migration to a new namespace will take place. Also, new components will be added (in the future, they will take over all LINSTOR volume management functionality).

Migration steps

  • Make sure there are no faulty LINSTOR resources in the cluster. The command below should return an empty list:
alias linstor='kubectl -n d8-linstor exec -ti deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor'
linstor resource list --faulty

Caution! You should fix all LINSTOR resources before migrating.

  • Disable the linstor module:
kubectl patch moduleconfig linstor --type=merge -p '{"spec": {"enabled": false}}'
  • Wait for the d8-linstor namespace to be deleted.
kubectl get namespace d8-linstor
  • Create a ModuleConfig resource for sds-node-configurator.
kubectl apply -f -<<EOF
apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: sds-node-configurator
  enabled: true
  version: 1
  • Wait for the sds-node-configurator module to become Ready.
kubectl get moduleconfig sds-node-configurator
  • Create a ModuleConfig resource for sds-drbd.

Caution! If you fail to specify the settings.dataNodes.nodeSelector parameter in the sds-drbd module settings, the value for this parameter will be derived from the linstor module when installing the sds-drbd module. If this parameter is not defined there as well, it will remain empty.

k apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: sds-drbd
  enabled: true
  version: 1
  • Wait for the sds-drbd module to become Ready.
kubectl get moduleconfig sds-drbd
  • Check the sds-drbd module settings
kubectl get moduleconfig sds-drbd -oyaml
  • Wait for all pods in the d8-sds-drbd and d8-sds-node-configurator namespaces to become Ready or Completed.
kubectl get po -n d8-sds-node-configurator
kubectl get po -n d8-sds-drbd
  • Override the alias for the linstor command and check the LINSTOR resources:
alias linstor='kubectl -n d8-sds-drbd exec -ti deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor'
linstor resource list --faulty

{% alert level=“warning” %} This version of the module is deprecated and is no longer supported. Use the sds-replicated-volume module instead. {% endalert %}

If there are no faulty resources, then the migration was successful.

Migrating to DRBDStorageClass

Note that StorageClasses in this module are managed via the DRBDStorageClass resource. StorageClasses should not be created manually.

When migrating from the linstor module, you must delete old StorageClasses and create new ones via the DRBDStorageClass resource (refer to the table below).

Note that in the old StorageClasses, you should pick up the option from the parameter section of the StorageClass itself, while for the new StorageClass, you should specify the corresponding option in DRBDStorageClass.

StorageClass parameter DRBDStorageClass Default parameter Notes
linstor.csi.linbit.com/placementCount: “1” replication: “None” A single volume replica with data will be created
linstor.csi.linbit.com/placementCount: “2” replication: “Availability” Two volume replicas with data will be created
linstor.csi.linbit.com/placementCount: “3” replication: “ConsistencyAndAvailability” Yes Three volume replicas with data will be created
linstor.csi.linbit.com/storagePool: “name” storagePool: “name” Name of the storage pool to use for storage
linstor.csi.linbit.com/allowRemoteVolumeAccess: “false” volumeAccess: “Local” Pods are not allowed to access data volumes remotely (only local access to the disk within the Node is allowed)

On top of these, the following parameters are available:

  • reclaimPolicy (Delete, Retain) - corresponds to the reclaimPolicy parameter of the old StorageClass
  • zones - list of zones to be used for hosting resources ( the actual names of the zones in the cloud). Please note that remote access to a volume with data is only possible within a single zone!
  • volumeAccess can be “Local” (access is strictly within the node), “EventuallyLocal” (the data replica will be synchronized on the node with the running pod a while after the start), “PreferablyLocal” (remote access to the volume with data is allowed, volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer), “Any” (remote access to the volume with data is allowed, volumeBindingMode: Immediate).
  • If you need to use volumeBindingMode: Immediate, set the volumeAccess parameter of the DRBDStorageClass to Any.

You can read more about working with DRBDStorageClass resources here.

Migrating to DRBDStoragePool

The DRBDStoragePool resource allows you to create a Storage Pool in LINSTOR. It is recommended to create this resource for the Storage Pools that already exist in LINSTOR and specify the existing LVMVolumeGroups in this resource. In this case, the controller will see that the corresponding Storage Pool has been created and leave it unchanged, while the status.phase field of the created resource will be set to Created. Refer to the sds-node-configurator documentation to learn more about LVMVolumeGroup resources. To learn more about working with DRBDStoragePool resources, click here.