Preparing the Configuration

To install the platform, you need to create an installation YAML configuration file.

Installation Configuration File

The YAML installation configuration file includes parameters for several resources (manifests):

  • ClusterConfiguration — general cluster settings such as control plane version, networking parameters, CRI settings, and more.

    The ClusterConfiguration resource should only be included in the configuration if the platform installation involves deploying a new Kubernetes cluster. It is not required when installing the platform into an existing Kubernetes cluster.

  • StaticClusterConfiguration — settings for a Kubernetes cluster deployed on bare-metal servers.

    Similar to ClusterConfiguration, the StaticClusterConfiguration resource is not required if the platform is being installed in an existing Kubernetes cluster.

  • ModuleConfig — a set of resources containing configuration parameters for the platform’s built-in modules.

For example, when planning the cluster parameters, the following values were chosen:

  • Pod and service subnets: and;
  • Nodes are connected via the subnet;
  • Public wildcard domain for the cluster:;
  • Update channel: early-access.

Example config.yaml for installing the basic platform…

kind: ClusterConfiguration
clusterType: Static
kubernetesVersion: "Automatic"
clusterDomain: "cluster.local"
kind: StaticClusterConfiguration
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: global
  version: 1
      publicDomainTemplate: ""
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: deckhouse
  enabled: true
  version: 1
    bundle: Default
    releaseChannel: EarlyAccess
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: user-authn
  enabled: true
  version: 2
      dexCAMode: DoNotNeed
    # Enabling access to the Kubernetes API through Ingress.
      enabled: true
        mode: Global
          kubeconfigGeneratorMasterCA: ""
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: cni-cilium
  enabled: true
  version: 1
    tunnelMode: VXLAN

Authentication in the container registry

Depending on the chosen edition, authentication in the container registry may be required:

  • Authentication is not required for the Community Edition installation.

  • For the Enterprise Edition and higher, authentication must be performed on the installation machine using the license key:

    docker login -u license-token

Choosing the installer image

The installer runs as a Docker container. The container image is selected based on the edition and update channel:<REVISION>/install:<RELEASE_CHANNEL>


  • <REVISION> — the edition of the platform (e.g., ee for Enterprise Edition, ce for Community Edition, etc.)

  • <RELEASE_CHANNEL> — the update channel of the platform in kebab-case:

    • alpha — for the Alpha update channel;
    • beta — for the Beta update channel;
    • early-access — for the EarlyAccess update channel;
    • stable — for the Stable update channel;
    • rock-solid — for the RockSolid update channel.

Installation with cluster creation

  1. Run the container, in which the configuration file and SSH keys for node access will be mounted.

    For example, to install the CE edition from the Stable update channel, use the image In this case, the container can be started with the following command:

    docker run -it --pull=always \
      -v "$PWD/config.yaml:/config.yaml" \
      -v "$HOME/.ssh/:/tmp/.ssh/" bash
  2. Run the platform installer inside the container using the dhctl bootstrap command.

    For example, if the dvpinstall user was created during node preparation and the master node has the address, the platform installation can be started with the following command:

    dhctl bootstrap \
      --ssh-host= \
      --ssh-user=dvpinstall --ssh-agent-private-keys=/tmp/.ssh/id_rsa \
      --config=/config.yaml --ask-become-pass

If a password is required to run sudo on the server, provide it in response to the [sudo] Password: prompt. The --ask-become-pass parameter can be omitted if sudo was configured to run without a password during node preparation.

Mounting the $HOME/.ssh directory gives the installer access to the SSH configuration, so in the --ssh-host parameter, you can specify the Host sections from the SSH configuration file.

Installation in an existing cluster

  1. Run the container, where the configuration file, keys for node access, and the file for connecting to the Kubernetes API will be mounted.

    For example, to install the CE edition from the Stable update channel, the image will be used, and the connection to the Kubernetes API will use the configuration file in $HOME/.kube/config.

    In this case, the container can be started with the following command:

    docker run -it --pull=always \
      -v "$PWD/config.yaml:/config.yaml" \
      -v "$HOME/.kube/config:/kubeconfig" bash
  2. Run the platform installer inside the container using the command dhctl bootstrap-phase install-deckhouse.

    If access to the existing cluster is configured on the installation machine, you can start the platform installation with the following command:

    dhctl bootstrap-phase install-deckhouse \
      --config=/config.yaml \

Installation completion

The installation time may range from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the connection quality between the master node and the container registry.

Example output upon successful completion of the installation:


┌ Create deckhouse release for version v1.65.6
│ 🎉 Succeeded!
└ Create deckhouse release for version v1.65.6 (0.23 seconds)

┌ ⛵ ~ Bootstrap: Clear cache
│ ❗ ~ Next run of "dhctl bootstrap" will create a new Kubernetes cluster.
└ ⛵ ~ Bootstrap: Clear cache (0.00 seconds)

🎉 Deckhouse cluster was created successfully!

After the installation is complete, you can exit the running container and check the status of the master node with the following command:

sudo -i d8 k get no

Example output:

NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
master-0       Ready    control-plane,master   5m      v1.29.10

Pre-Installation Checks

List of checks performed by the installer before starting platform installation:

  1. General checks:
    • The values of the parameters PublicDomainTemplate and clusterDomain do not match.
    • The authentication data for the container image registry specified in the installation configuration is correct.
    • The host name meets the following requirements:
      • The length does not exceed 63 characters;
      • It consists only of lowercase letters;
      • It does not contain special characters (hyphens - and periods . are allowed, but they cannot be at the beginning or end of the name).
    • The server (VM) does not have a CRI (containerd) installed.
    • The host name must be unique within the cluster.
  2. Checks for static and hybrid cluster installation:
    • Only one --ssh-host parameter is specified. For static cluster configuration, only one IP address can be provided for configuring the first master node.
    • SSH connection is possible using the specified authentication data.
    • SSH tunneling to the master node server (or VM) is possible.
    • The server (VM) meets the minimum requirements for setting up the master node.
    • Python and required libraries are installed on the master node server (VM).
    • The container image registry is accessible through a proxy (if proxy settings are specified in the installation configuration).
    • Required installation ports are free on the master node server (VM) and the installer host.
    • DNS must resolve localhost to IP address
    • The user has sudo privileges on the server (VM).
  3. Checks for cloud cluster installation:
    • The configuration of the virtual machine for the master node meets the minimum requirements.

List of preflight skip flags…

  • --preflight-skip-all-checks — skip all preflight checks.
  • --preflight-skip-ssh-forward-check — skip the SSH forwarding check.
  • --preflight-skip-availability-ports-check — skip the check for the availability of required ports.
  • --preflight-skip-resolving-localhost-check — skip the localhost resolution check.
  • --preflight-skip-deckhouse-version-check — skip the Deckhouse version check.
  • --preflight-skip-registry-through-proxy — skip the check for access to the registry through a proxy server.
  • --preflight-skip-public-domain-template-check — skip the check for the publicDomain template.
  • --preflight-skip-ssh-credentials-check — skip the check for SSH user credentials.
  • --preflight-skip-registry-credential — skip the check for registry access credentials.
  • --preflight-skip-containerd-exist — skip the check for the existence of containerd.
  • --preflight-skip-python-checks — skip the check for Python installation.
  • --preflight-skip-sudo-allowed — skip the check for sudo privileges.
  • --preflight-skip-system-requirements-check — skip the system requirements check.
  • --preflight-skip-one-ssh-host — skip the check for the number of specified SSH hosts.

Example of using the preflight skip flag:

      dhctl bootstrap \
      --ssh-user=<SSH_USER> --ssh-agent-private-keys=/tmp/.ssh/id_rsa \
      --config=/config.yml \