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Custom configuration for nodes

The NodeGroupConfiguration resource lets you automate actions on group nodes. It supports running bash scripts on nodes (you can use the bashbooster command set) and the Go Template templating engine. It’s a great way to automate the following operations:

NodeGroupConfiguration settings

The NodeGroupConfiguration resource lets you assign priority to running scripts or limit them to running on specific node groups and OS types.

The script code is stored in the content parameter of the resource. When a script is created on a node, the contents of the content parameter are fed into the Go Template templating engine. The latter embeds an extra layer of logic when generating a script. When parsed by the templating engine, a context with a set of dynamic variables becomes available.

The following variables are supported by the templating engine:

  • .cloudProvider (for node groups of nodeType CloudEphemeral or CloudPermanent): Cloud provider dataset.

    Example of data...

      instanceClassKind: OpenStackInstanceClass
      machineClassKind: OpenStackMachineClass
          domainName: Default
          password: p@ssw0rd
          region: region2
          tenantName: mytenantname
          username: mytenantusername
        - public
          imageName: ubuntu-22-04-cloud-amd64
          mainNetwork: kube
          - kube
          sshKeyPairName: kube
        - kube
        podNetworkMode: DirectRoutingWithPortSecurityEnabled
      region: region2
      type: openstack
      - nova
  • .cri: The CRI in use (starting with Deckhouse 1.49, only containerd is supported).
  • .kubernetesVersion: The Kubernetes version in use.
  • .nodeUsers: The dataset with information about node users added via the NodeUser.

    Example of data...

    - name: user1
        isSudoer: true
        - '*'
        passwordHash: PASSWORD_HASH
        sshPublicKey: SSH_PUBLIC_KEY
        uid: 1050
  • .nodeGroup: Node group dataset.

    Example of data...

        type: Containerd
        approvalMode: Automatic
        containerLogMaxFiles: 4
        containerLogMaxSize: 50Mi
          mode: "Off"
      kubernetesVersion: "1.28"
      manualRolloutID: ""
      name: master
        - effect: NoSchedule
      nodeType: CloudPermanent
      updateEpoch: "1699879470"

Example of using variables in a template:

{{- range .nodeUsers }}
echo 'Tuning environment for user {{ .name }}'
# Some code for tuning user environment.
{{- end }}

Example of using bashbooster commands:

bb-event-on 'bb-package-installed' 'post-install'
post-install() {
  bb-log-info "Setting reboot flag due to kernel was updated"
  bb-flag-set reboot

To see the progress of running script, refer to the bashible service log on the node using the following command:

journalctl -u bashible.service

The scripts are located in the /var/lib/bashible/bundle_steps/ directory on the node.

The service decides to re-run the scripts by comparing the single checksum of all files located at /var/lib/bashible/configuration_checksum with the checksum located in the configuration-checksums secret of the d8-cloud-instance-manager namespace in the Kubernetes cluster.

You can see the checksum using the following command:

kubectl -n d8-cloud-instance-manager get secret configuration-checksums -o yaml

The service compares checksums every minute.

The checksum in the cluster changes every 4 hours, thereby re-running the scripts on all nodes. To force the execution of bashible on a node, delete the file with the script checksum using the following command:

rm /var/lib/bashible/configuration_checksum

Things to note when writing scripts

When writing your own scripts, it’s important to consider the following details of their use in Deckhouse:

  1. Scripts in Deckhouse are executed once every 4 hours or based on external triggers. Therefore, it’s important to write scripts in such a way that they check the need for their changes in the system before performing actions, thereby not making changes every time they are launched.
  2. There are built-in scripts for various actions, including installing and configuring services. This is important to consider when choosing the priority of custom scripts. For example, if a user script intends to restart a service, which is installed by a built-in script with a priority N, then this user script should have a priority of at least N+1. Otherwise, the user script will return an error when deploying a new node.