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In a deployed cluster, some nodes may be isolated from the external network for security reasons. In such cases, internet access is provided through designated nodes that have access to external resources.

Traffic is then routed through pre-configured Egress gateways (EgressGateway) according to the specified policy (EgressGatewayPolicy).

Egress gateway node groups

The EgressGateway resource describes a node group that functions as an Egress gateway. To add a node to this group, assign a corresponding label to it:

d8 k label node <node name>

PrimaryIPFromEgressGatewayNodeInterface mode

The primary IP address bound to the public network interface of the node will be used as the IP address. If the active node fails and a new node is assigned, the sender IP address in network packets will change.

To create an Egress gateway, apply the following EgressGateway resource:

d8 k apply -f - <<EOF
kind: EgressGateway
  name: egress-gw
  nodeSelector: ""
    # The primary IP address bound to the public network interface of the node will be used as the IP address
    mode: PrimaryIPFromEgressGatewayNodeInterface
      # Since the "public" interface must have the same name on all nodes in the group (for example, eth1),
      # make sure to configure the network subsystem first on all Egress nodes
      interfaceName: eth1

VirtualIPAddress mode

Alternatively, you can assign a virtual IP address to the node group.

This virtual address will be bound to the master node, providing traffic routing to external services. If the master node fails, all active connections will be terminated, and a new master node will be selected and assigned the same virtual address. The client IP address will remain unchanged for external services.

To create an Egress gateway with a virtual address, apply the following EgressGateway resource:

d8 k apply -f - <<EOF
kind: EgressGateway
  name: egress-gw
  nodeSelector: ""
    # The primary IP address bound to the public network interface of the node will be used as the IP address
    mode: VirtualIPAddress
      # All routes required to access external public services must be configured on every node
      # The "public" interface must be prepared to automatically configure the "virtual" IP address as a secondary IP address

Egress gateway node suitability

The nodes specified by spec.nodeSelector of the EgressGateway resource are evaluated and only the suitable ones are selected. A node is considered suitable if it meets the following conditions:

  1. The node’s status is Ready.
  2. The node isn’t under maintenance, meaning it isn’t cordoned.
  3. cilium-agent on the node is Ready.

To check whether a node is suitable for inclusion to the Egress gateway group, run the following commands:

# Display nodes specified by spec.nodeSelector:
d8 k get nodes -l"" -ojson | jq -r '.items[]'

# Display nodes in the Ready status:
d8 k get nodes -ojson | jq -r '.items[] | select(.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Ready" and .status == "True")) |'

# Display nodes that aren't under maintenance:
d8 k get nodes --field-selector spec.unschedulable=false -ojson | jq -r .items[]

# Display nodes with cilium-agent running:
d8 k get pods -n d8-cni-cilium -l app=agent -ojson | jq -r '.items[].spec.nodeName'

In a node group, one node is designated as the master node. External traffic is routed through this node. The other nodes remain in hot-standby mode. If the active node fails, the active connections will be terminated, and a new master node will be selected from the remaining nodes. Traffic will then be routed through this new node.

Different Egress gateways can use common nodes for operation. Master nodes are selected independently, helping to distribute the load across them.

Traffic redirection policy

The EgressGatewayPolicy resource describes the policy for redirecting application traffic from virtual machines to the specified Egress gateway. The policy and virtual machines are matched by labels.

To add a virtual machine to the policy, assign a label to it:

d8 k label vm <virtual machine name> app=backend

To set a traffic redirection policy, create an EgressGatewayPolicy resource by specifying criteria in the .spec.selectors field to select the virtual machines to which the policy will apply. Use the following example:

d8 k apply -f - <<EOF
kind: EgressGatewayPolicy
  name: egress-gw-policy
  egressGatewayName: egress-gw
    - podSelector:
          # This policy will be applied to all virtual machines with the app=backend label in the default namespace
          app: backend
          io.kubernetes.pod.namespace: default

To ensure the EgressGatewayPolicy policy has been properly applied to the virtual machine, run the following command on it to verify network connectivity and routing:


Upon verification, you will see the master node’s IP address if the Egress gateway is in PrimaryIPFromEgressGatewayNodeInterface mode, or the virtual IP address if the Egress gateway is in VirtualIPAddress mode.