
DVP projects (the Project resource) provide isolated environments for creating user resources.

Project settings let you set resource quotas and restrict network communication both within and outside DVP.

You can create a project using a template (the ProjectTemplate resource).

If you modify a project template, all projects created from it will be updated to match the modified template.

Default project templates

DVP provides the following set of project templates:

  • empty: A blank template without predefined resources.

  • default: A template for main project use cases:
    • Resource restrictions
    • Network isolation
    • Automated alerts and logging
    • Security profile selection
    • Project administration setup
  • secure: Includes all features of the default template and some additional features:
    • Audit rules for project Linux users accessing the kernel

To get a list of all available project template parameters, run the following command:

d8 k get projecttemplates <PROJECT_TEMPLATE_NAME> -o jsonpath='{.spec.parametersSchema.openAPIV3Schema}' | jq

Create a project

  1. For a new project, create a Project resource, specifying the project template name in the .spec.projectTemplateName field.
  2. In the .spec.parameters parameter of the Project resource, specify values for parameters from the .spec.parametersSchema.openAPIV3Schema section of the ProjectTemplate resource.

    Example of creating a project using the Project resource based on the default project template:

     kind: Project
       name: my-project
       description: This is an example from the Deckhouse documentation.
       projectTemplateName: default
             cpu: 5
             memory: 5Gi
             storage: 1Gi
             cpu: 5
             memory: 5Gi
         networkPolicy: Isolated
         podSecurityProfile: Restricted
         extendedMonitoringEnabled: true
         - subject: Group
           name: k8s-admins
  3. To check the project status, run the following command:

     d8 k get projects my-project

    A properly created project has the Deployed (synchronized) status. If the displayed status is Error and you want to see error details, add the -o yaml argument to the command:

     d8 k get projects my-project -o yaml

Create a custom project template

The default project templates cover main project use cases and demonstrate template capabilities.

To create a project template of your own, follow these steps:

  1. Select one of the default templates, such as default.
  2. Make a copy to a separate file (for example, to my-project-template.yaml) using the following command:

     d8 k get projecttemplates default -o yaml > my-project-template.yaml
  3. Open and edit my-project-template.yaml to customize the template.

    Make sure to modify not only the template, but also the corresponding parameter schema.

    Project templates support all Helm template functions.

  4. Change template name in the field.
  5. Apply the customized template using the following command:

     d8 k apply -f my-project-template.yaml
  6. To ensure the modified template is available, run the following command:

     d8 k get projecttemplates <NEW_TEMPLATE_NAME>