Adding nodes

After the initial installation, the cluster consists of only one node — the master node. To run virtual machines on the prepared worker nodes, they need to be added to the cluster.

Next, we’ll cover the process of adding two worker nodes. For more detailed information about adding static nodes to the cluster, refer to the documentation.

Ensure that all preparation steps have been completed (see preparation of worker nodes).

Create the NodeGroup resource worker. To do this, execute the following command on the master node:

sudo -i d8 k create -f - << EOF
kind: NodeGroup
 name: worker
 nodeType: Static
   count: 2
       role: worker

Generate an SSH key with an empty passphrase. To do this, execute the following command on the master node:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /dev/shm/caps-id -C "" -N ""

Create an SSHCredentials resource in the cluster. To do this, execute the following command on the master node:

sudo -i d8 k create -f - <<EOF
kind: SSHCredentials
  name: caps
  user: caps
  privateSSHKey: "`cat /dev/shm/caps-id | base64 -w0`"

Retrieve the public part of the previously generated SSH key (it will be needed in the next step). To do this, execute the following command on the master node:

cat /dev/shm/

On the worker node, create the user caps. To do this, execute the following commands, replacing <SSH-PUBLIC-KEY> with the public part of the SSH key obtained in the previous step:

export KEY='<SSH-PUBLIC-KEY>' # Specify the public part of the SSH key.
useradd -m -s /bin/bash caps
usermod -aG sudo caps
echo 'caps ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo
mkdir /home/caps/.ssh
echo $KEY >> /home/caps/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown -R caps:caps /home/caps
chmod 700 /home/caps/.ssh
chmod 600 /home/caps/.ssh/authorized_keys

In Astra Linux operating systems, when using the mandatory integrity control module Parsec, configure the maximum integrity level for the user caps:

pdpl-user -i 63 caps

Create the StaticInstance resources. Execute the following commands on the master node, specifying the IP address and unique name of each node:

export NODE_IP=<NODE-IP-ADDRESS> # Specify the IP address of the node to be added to the cluster.
export NODE_NAME=<NODE-NAME> # Specify the unique name of the node, for example, dvp-worker-1.
sudo -i d8 k create -f - <<EOF
kind: StaticInstance
  name: "$NODE_NAME"
    role: worker
  address: "$NODE_IP"
    kind: SSHCredentials
    name: caps

Ensure that all nodes in the cluster are in the Ready status.

Execute the following command on the master node to get the list of cluster nodes:

sudo -i d8 k get no

Example output:

NAME            STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
master-0        Ready    control-plane,master   40m    v1.29.10
dvp-worker-1    Ready    worker                 3m     v1.29.10
dvp-worker-2    Ready    worker                 3m     v1.29.10