
Scope: Namespaced
Version: v1beta1

MachineDeployment is the Schema for the machinedeployments API.

  • apiVersion

    APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:

  • kind

    Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:

  • metadata
  • spec

    MachineDeploymentSpec defines the desired state of MachineDeployment.

    • spec.clusterName

      Required value

      ClusterName is the name of the Cluster this object belongs to.

    • spec.minReadySeconds

      Minimum number of seconds for which a newly created machine should be ready. Defaults to 0 (machine will be considered available as soon as it is ready)

    • spec.paused

      Indicates that the deployment is paused.

    • spec.progressDeadlineSeconds

      The maximum time in seconds for a deployment to make progress before it is considered to be failed. The deployment controller will continue to process failed deployments and a condition with a ProgressDeadlineExceeded reason will be surfaced in the deployment status. Note that progress will not be estimated during the time a deployment is paused. Defaults to 600s.

    • spec.replicas

      Number of desired machines. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Defaults to: * if the Kubernetes autoscaler min size and max size annotations are set: - if it’s a new MachineDeployment, use min size - if the replicas field of the old MachineDeployment is < min size, use min size - if the replicas field of the old MachineDeployment is > max size, use max size - if the replicas field of the old MachineDeployment is in the (min size, max size) range, keep the value from the oldMD * otherwise use 1 Note: Defaulting will be run whenever the replicas field is not set: * A new MachineDeployment is created with replicas not set. * On an existing MachineDeployment the replicas field was first set and is now unset. Those cases are especially relevant for the following Kubernetes autoscaler use cases: * A new MachineDeployment is created and replicas should be managed by the autoscaler * An existing MachineDeployment which initially wasn’t controlled by the autoscaler should be later controlled by the autoscaler

    • spec.revisionHistoryLimit

      The number of old MachineSets to retain to allow rollback. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Defaults to 1.

    • spec.rolloutAfter

      RolloutAfter is a field to indicate a rollout should be performed after the specified time even if no changes have been made to the MachineDeployment. Example: In the YAML the time can be specified in the RFC3339 format. To specify the rolloutAfter target as March 9, 2023, at 9 am UTC use “2023-03-09T09:00:00Z”.

    • spec.selector

      Required value

      Label selector for machines. Existing MachineSets whose machines are selected by this will be the ones affected by this deployment. It must match the machine template’s labels.

      • spec.selector.matchExpressions
        array of objects

        matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed.

        A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

        • spec.selector.matchExpressions.key

          Required value

          key is the label key that the selector applies to.

        • spec.selector.matchExpressions.operator

          Required value

          operator represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.

        • spec.selector.matchExpressions.values
          array of strings

          values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.

      • spec.selector.matchLabels

        matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is “key”, the operator is “In”, and the values array contains only “value”. The requirements are ANDed.

    • spec.strategy

      The deployment strategy to use to replace existing machines with new ones.

      • spec.strategy.rollingUpdate

        Rolling update config params. Present only if MachineDeploymentStrategyType = RollingUpdate.

        • spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.deletePolicy

          DeletePolicy defines the policy used by the MachineDeployment to identify nodes to delete when downscaling. Valid values are “Random, “Newest”, “Oldest” When no value is supplied, the default DeletePolicy of MachineSet is used

          Allowed values: Random, Newest, Oldest

        • spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge
          integer or string

          The maximum number of machines that can be scheduled above the desired number of machines. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of desired machines (ex: 10%). This can not be 0 if MaxUnavailable is 0. Absolute number is calculated from percentage by rounding up. Defaults to 1. Example: when this is set to 30%, the new MachineSet can be scaled up immediately when the rolling update starts, such that the total number of old and new machines do not exceed 130% of desired machines. Once old machines have been killed, new MachineSet can be scaled up further, ensuring that total number of machines running at any time during the update is at most 130% of desired machines.

        • spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable
          integer or string

          The maximum number of machines that can be unavailable during the update. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of desired machines (ex: 10%). Absolute number is calculated from percentage by rounding down. This can not be 0 if MaxSurge is 0. Defaults to 0. Example: when this is set to 30%, the old MachineSet can be scaled down to 70% of desired machines immediately when the rolling update starts. Once new machines are ready, old MachineSet can be scaled down further, followed by scaling up the new MachineSet, ensuring that the total number of machines available at all times during the update is at least 70% of desired machines.

      • spec.strategy.type

        Type of deployment. Default is RollingUpdate.

        Allowed values: RollingUpdate, OnDelete

    • spec.template

      Required value

      Template describes the machines that will be created.

      • spec.template.metadata

        Standard object’s metadata. More info:

        • spec.template.metadata.annotations

          Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with a resource that may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata. They are not queryable and should be preserved when modifying objects. More info:

        • spec.template.metadata.labels

          Map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize (scope and select) objects. May match selectors of replication controllers and services. More info:

      • spec.template.spec

        Specification of the desired behavior of the machine. More info:

        • spec.template.spec.bootstrap

          Required value

          Bootstrap is a reference to a local struct which encapsulates fields to configure the Machine’s bootstrapping mechanism.

          • spec.template.spec.bootstrap.configRef

            ConfigRef is a reference to a bootstrap provider-specific resource that holds configuration details. The reference is optional to allow users/operators to specify Bootstrap.DataSecretName without the need of a controller.

            • spec.template.spec.bootstrap.configRef.apiVersion

              API version of the referent.

            • spec.template.spec.bootstrap.configRef.fieldPath

              If referring to a piece of an object instead of an entire object, this string should contain a valid JSON/Go field access statement, such as desiredState.manifest.containers[2]. For example, if the object reference is to a container within a pod, this would take on a value like: “spec.containers{name}” (where “name” refers to the name of the container that triggered the event) or if no container name is specified “spec.containers[2]” (container with index 2 in this pod). This syntax is chosen only to have some well-defined way of referencing a part of an object. TODO: this design is not final and this field is subject to change in the future.

            • spec.template.spec.bootstrap.configRef.kind

              Kind of the referent. More info:


              Name of the referent. More info:

            • spec.template.spec.bootstrap.configRef.namespace

              Namespace of the referent. More info:

            • spec.template.spec.bootstrap.configRef.resourceVersion

              Specific resourceVersion to which this reference is made, if any. More info:

            • spec.template.spec.bootstrap.configRef.uid

              UID of the referent. More info:

          • spec.template.spec.bootstrap.dataSecretName

            DataSecretName is the name of the secret that stores the bootstrap data script. If nil, the Machine should remain in the Pending state.

        • spec.template.spec.clusterName

          Required value

          ClusterName is the name of the Cluster this object belongs to.

        • spec.template.spec.failureDomain

          FailureDomain is the failure domain the machine will be created in. Must match a key in the FailureDomains map stored on the cluster object.

        • spec.template.spec.infrastructureRef

          Required value

          InfrastructureRef is a required reference to a custom resource offered by an infrastructure provider.

          • spec.template.spec.infrastructureRef.apiVersion

            API version of the referent.

          • spec.template.spec.infrastructureRef.fieldPath

            If referring to a piece of an object instead of an entire object, this string should contain a valid JSON/Go field access statement, such as desiredState.manifest.containers[2]. For example, if the object reference is to a container within a pod, this would take on a value like: “spec.containers{name}” (where “name” refers to the name of the container that triggered the event) or if no container name is specified “spec.containers[2]” (container with index 2 in this pod). This syntax is chosen only to have some well-defined way of referencing a part of an object. TODO: this design is not final and this field is subject to change in the future.

          • spec.template.spec.infrastructureRef.kind

            Kind of the referent. More info:


            Name of the referent. More info:

          • spec.template.spec.infrastructureRef.namespace

            Namespace of the referent. More info:

          • spec.template.spec.infrastructureRef.resourceVersion

            Specific resourceVersion to which this reference is made, if any. More info:

          • spec.template.spec.infrastructureRef.uid

            UID of the referent. More info:

        • spec.template.spec.nodeDeletionTimeout

          NodeDeletionTimeout defines how long the controller will attempt to delete the Node that the Machine hosts after the Machine is marked for deletion. A duration of 0 will retry deletion indefinitely. Defaults to 10 seconds.

        • spec.template.spec.nodeDrainTimeout

          NodeDrainTimeout is the total amount of time that the controller will spend on draining a node. The default value is 0, meaning that the node can be drained without any time limitations. NOTE: NodeDrainTimeout is different from kubectl drain --timeout

        • spec.template.spec.nodeVolumeDetachTimeout

          NodeVolumeDetachTimeout is the total amount of time that the controller will spend on waiting for all volumes to be detached. The default value is 0, meaning that the volumes can be detached without any time limitations.

        • spec.template.spec.providerID

          ProviderID is the identification ID of the machine provided by the provider. This field must match the provider ID as seen on the node object corresponding to this machine. This field is required by higher level consumers of cluster-api. Example use case is cluster autoscaler with cluster-api as provider. Clean-up logic in the autoscaler compares machines to nodes to find out machines at provider which could not get registered as Kubernetes nodes. With cluster-api as a generic out-of-tree provider for autoscaler, this field is required by autoscaler to be able to have a provider view of the list of machines. Another list of nodes is queried from the k8s apiserver and then a comparison is done to find out unregistered machines and are marked for delete. This field will be set by the actuators and consumed by higher level entities like autoscaler that will be interfacing with cluster-api as generic provider.

        • spec.template.spec.version

          Version defines the desired Kubernetes version. This field is meant to be optionally used by bootstrap providers.