Experimental version. The functionality may undergo significant changes. Compatibility with future versions is not guaranteed.
How to view all resources that have not passed CIS compliance checks?
kubectl get clustercompliancereports.aquasecurity.github.io cis -ojson |
jq '.status.detailReport.results | map(select(.checks | map(.success) | all | not))'
How to view resources that have not passed a specific CIS compliance check?
By check id
kubectl get clustercompliancereports.aquasecurity.github.io cis -ojson |
jq --arg check_id "$check_id" '.status.detailReport.results | map(select(.id == $check_id))'
By check description:
check_desc="Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers"
kubectl get clustercompliancereports.aquasecurity.github.io cis -ojson |
jq --arg check_desc "$check_desc" '.status.detailReport.results | map(select(.description == $check_desc))'