Available in some commercial editions: EE

Deckhouse provides support for HPE 3PAR storage systems, enabling volume management in Kubernetes using a CSI driver. This ensures a reliable, scalable, and high-performance storage solution suitable for mission-critical workloads. To support HPE 3PAR storage systems, the csi-hpe module is used, allowing the creation of StorageClass in Kubernetes through the HPEStorageClass resource.

User-created StorageClass for the csi.hpe.com CSI driver is not allowed.
Only HPE 3PAR** storage systems are supported. For other HPE storage systems, please contact technical support.

This page provides instructions on connecting HPE 3PAR to Deckhouse, configuring the connection, creating StorageClass, and verifying storage functionality.

System requirements

  • A deployed and configured HPE storage system;
  • Unique IQNs in /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi on each Kubernetes node.

Setup and Configuration

Note that all commands must be run on a machine that has administrator access to the Kubernetes API.

Enabling the module

Enable the csi-hpe module. This will result in the following actions across all cluster nodes:

  • registration of the CSI driver;
  • launch of service pods for the csi-hpe components.
d8 k apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: ModuleConfig
  name: csi-hpe
  enabled: true
  version: 1

Wait for the module to become Ready.

kubectl get module csi-hpe -w

Creating a StorageClass

To create a StorageClass, you need to use the HPEStorageClass and HPEStorageConnection resource. Here is an example command to create such a resource:

d8 k apply -f -<<EOF
apiVersion: storage.deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: HPEStorageConnection
  name: hpe
    backendAddress: "" # mutable, SAN API address
    username: "3paradm" # mutable, API username
    password: "3pardata" # mutable, API password
    serviceName: "primera3par-csp-svc"
    servicePort: "8080"
d8 k apply -f -<<EOF
apiVersion: storage.deckhouse.io/v1alpha1
kind: HPEStorageClass
  name: hpe
  pool: "test-cpg"
  accessProtocol: "iscsi" # fc or iscsi (default iscsi), immutable
  fsType: "xfs" # xfs, ext3, ext4, btrfs (default ext4), mutable
  storageConnectionName: "hpe" # immutable
  reclaimPolicy: Delete # Delete of Retain
  cpg: "test-cpg"

You can check objects creation (Phase must be Created):

d8 k get hpestorageconnections.storage.deckhouse.io <hpestorageconnection name>
d8 k get hpestorageclasses.storage.deckhouse.io <hpestorageclass name>

How to check module health?

To do this, you need to check the status of the pods in the d8-csi-hpe namespace. All pods should be in the Running or Completed state and should be running on all nodes.

d8 k -n d8-csi-hpe get pod -owide -w