
Scope: Cluster

Parameters of a group of zVirt VirtualMachines used by machine-controller-manager (the node-manager module).

The CloudInstanceClass resource of the node-manager module refers to this resource.

  • specobject

    Required value

    • spec.memoryinteger

      Required value

      Memory in MiB to allocate to zVirt VirtualMachines.


      memory: 8192
    • spec.numCPUsinteger

      Required value

      Count of vCPUs to allocate to zVirt VirtualMachines.


      numCPUs: 2
    • spec.rootDiskSizeGbinteger

      Root disk size in GiB to use in zVirt VirtualMachines.

      The disk will be automatically resized if its size in the template differs from specified.

      Default: 30


      rootDiskSizeGb: 30
    • spec.templatestring

      Required value

      Template name to be cloned.


      template: debian-bookworm
    • spec.vnicProfileIDstring

      Required value

      Virtual NIC profile ID on the basis of which the virtual NIC will be created.

      Pattern: ^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$


      vnicProfileID: 49bb4594-0cd4-4eb7-8288-8594eafd5a86

Parameters of a group of zVirt VirtualMachines used by machine-controller-manager (the node-manager module).

The CloudInstanceClass resource of the node-manager module refers to this resource.

  • specobject

    Required value

    • spec.memoryinteger

      Required value

      Memory in MiB to allocate to zVirt VirtualMachines.


      memory: 8192
    • spec.numCPUsinteger

      Required value

      Count of vCPUs to allocate to zVirt VirtualMachines.


      numCPUs: 2
    • spec.rootDiskSizeGbinteger

      Root disk size in GiB to use in zVirt VirtualMachines.

      The disk will be automatically resized if its size in the template differs from specified.

      Default: 30


      rootDiskSizeGb: 30
    • spec.templatestring

      Required value

      Template name to be cloned.


      template: debian-bookworm
    • spec.vnicProfileIDstring

      Required value

      Virtual NIC profile ID on the basis of which the virtual NIC will be created.

      Pattern: ^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$


      vnicProfileID: 49bb4594-0cd4-4eb7-8288-8594eafd5a86