This feature is available in Enterprise Edition only.
The module is deprecated.

The module is not enabled by default in any bundles.

How to explicitly enable the module…

Set the spec.enabled module parameter to true or false in the ModuleConfig/delivery resource (create it, if necessary) to explicitly enable or disable the module, or use the deckhouse-controller module command in the d8-system/deckhouse pod.

Example of enabling the module:

  • by using the ModuleConfig resource:

    kind: ModuleConfig
      name: delivery
      enabled: true
  • by using the deckhouse-controller command (you need a kubectl, configured to work with the cluster):

    kubectl -ti -n d8-system exec deploy/deckhouse -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller module enable delivery

Example of disabling the module:

  • by using the ModuleConfig resource:

    kind: ModuleConfig
      name: delivery
      enabled: false
  • by using the deckhouse-controller command (you need a kubectl, configured to work with the cluster):

    kubectl -ti -n d8-system exec deploy/deckhouse -c deckhouse -- deckhouse-controller module disable delivery

The module is configured using the ModuleConfig custom resource named delivery (learn more about setting up Deckhouse…).

Example of the ModuleConfig/delivery resource for configuring the module:

kind: ModuleConfig
  name: delivery
  version: 1
  enabled: true
  settings: # <-- Module parameters from the "Parameters" section below.


Schema version: 1

  • argocdobject

    Argo CD configuration.

    • argocd.adminobject
      • argocd.admin.enabledboolean

        Enables Argo CD admin user.

        Might be helpful when Dex is not used or for argocd CLI access (read the Usage article for more information).

        Default: false

  • httpsobject

    What certificate type to use with Argo CD web-interface.

    This parameter completely overrides the global.modules.https settings.


      mode: CustomCertificate
        secretName: foobar
      mode: CertManager
        clusterIssuerName: letsencrypt
    • https.certManagerobject
      • https.certManager.clusterIssuerNamestring

        What ClusterIssuer to use for Argo CD web-interface.

        Currently, letsencrypt, letsencrypt-staging, selfsigned are available. Also, you can define your own.

        Default: "letsencrypt"

    • https.customCertificateobject
      • https.customCertificate.secretNamestring

        The name of the secret in the d8-system namespace to use with Argo CD web-interface.

        This secret must have the format.

        Default: "false"

    • https.modestring

      The HTTPS usage mode:

      • Disabled — Argo CD web-interface will work over HTTP only;
      • CertManager — Argo CD web-interface will use HTTPS and get a certificate from the clusterissuer defined in the certManager.clusterIssuerName parameter.
      • CustomCertificate — Argo CD web-interface will use HTTPS using the certificate from the d8-system namespace.
      • OnlyInURI — Argo CD web-interface will work over HTTP (thinking that there is an external HTTPS load balancer in front that terminates HTTPS traffic). All the links in the user-authn will be generated using the HTTPS scheme. Load balancer should provide a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.

      Default: "Disabled"

      Allowed values: Disabled, CertManager, CustomCertificate, OnlyInURI

  • nodeSelectorobject

    Node selector for the Argo CD server. The same as in the Pods’ spec.nodeSelector parameter in Kubernetes.

    If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.


      disktype: ssd
  • storageClass

    The name of the StorageClass to use.

    If omitted, the StorageClass of the existing PVC is used. If there is no PVC yet, either the global StorageClass or global.discovery.defaultStorageClass is used, and if those are undefined, the emptyDir volume is used to store the data.

    global.discovery.defaultStorageClass is applied during module activation, changing default StorageClass in cluster won’t result in disk re-provisioning.

    CAUTION! Setting this value to one that differs from the current one (in the existing PVC) will result in disk re-provisioning and data loss.

    Setting it to false forces the use of an emptyDir volume.


    storageClass: false
    storageClass: default
  • tolerationsarray of objects

    Node tolerations for the Argo CD server. The same as in the Pods’ spec.tolerations parameter in Kubernetes;

    If the parameter is omitted or false, it will be determined automatically.


    - key: key1
      operator: Equal
      value: value1
      effect: NoSchedule
    • tolerations.effectstring
    • tolerations.keystring
    • tolerations.operatorstring
    • tolerations.tolerationSecondsinteger
    • tolerations.valuestring